| * | | | | Oversight - Community Care Plan | Oversight | | | |
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Int 1022-2024
| * | Jennifer GutiƩrrez | | | Requiring a study on naturally occurring retirement communities and the development of a plan to support aging in place. | Introduction | This bill would require the Commissioner for the Aging to conduct a three-year study on Naturally Occurring Retirement Communities (NORCs) and Neighborhood Naturally Occurring Retirement Communities (N-NORCs) in New York City. The study would identify potential NORCs and N-NORCs, assess the needs of older adults, evaluate necessary improvements, and collect data on demographic trends and health outcomes. Within two years of completing the study, the Commissioner would be required to develop and implement a plan to support aging in place within these communities. This plan would include recommendations for officially designating identified communities, resource estimates for supportive service programs, training for community-based organizations, infrastructure improvements, and the establishment of a grant program to subsidize aging-friendly home modifications such as grab bars, ramps, and other accessibility features. | | |
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Int 1025-2024
| * | Crystal Hudson | | | Provision of information regarding employment discrimination and older adult workforce programs. | Introduction | This bill would require the New York City (NYC) Department for the Aging (DFTA) to provide information regarding older adult workforce programs administered by DFTA to all contracted older adult centers and clients of all contracted providers. This bill would also require that DFTA develop, publish, and distribute a pamphlet to all older adult workforce program participants about programming and resources available to assist or otherwise support older adults seeking employment and volunteer opportunities. The pamphlet would include information to assist older adults in identifying and addressing employment discrimination, as well as the name, address, contact information, and website of relevant government agencies or community-based organizations that an older adult may contact to obtain additional information about issues regarding employment discrimination. | | |
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| * | Crystal Hudson | | Preconsidered | Creating older adult information and service centers. | Introduction | This bill would require the Department for the Aging (DFTA) to conduct a feasibility study regarding the creation of older adult information and service centers. Older adult information and service centers would serve as physical locations where older adults can sign-up for city based services and receive information concerning DFTA programming. In the feasibility study, DFTA would be required to identify at least five potential locations in each borough for the creation of older adult information and service centers. The feasibility study will also identify considerations for locating proposed sites and potential services that can be provided at centers. Additionally, the feasibility study would require DFTA to assess the potential benefits of establishing older adult information and service centers and potential constraints. Finally, this bill requires DFTA to submit a report to the Mayor and Speaker of the Council regarding the findings of the feasibility report. | | |
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Res 0452-2024
| * | Crystal Hudson | | | Lower the age of eligibility for Older Americans Act-supported social services and programs from 60 to 45 years for individuals living with HIV. | Resolution | | | |
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