Res 0004-2024
| * | Diana I. Ayala | | Preconsidered | Authorizing the Speaker to commence legal action on behalf of the Council of the City of New York to compel the Mayor and his Administration to implement Local Law 99 of 2023, Local Law 100 of 2023, Local Law 101 of 2023, and Local Law 102 of 2023, the Ci | Resolution | | Hearing on P-C Item by Comm | |
Action details
Not available
Res 0004-2024
| * | Diana I. Ayala | | | Authorizing the Speaker to commence legal action on behalf of the Council of the City of New York to compel the Mayor and his Administration to implement Local Law 99 of 2023, Local Law 100 of 2023, Local Law 101 of 2023, and Local Law 102 of 2023, the Ci | Resolution | | P-C Item Approved by Comm | Pass |
Action details
Not available