| * | | | | Oversight - Supportive Housing in New York City. | Oversight | | | |
Action details
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Int 1153-2023
| * | Sandy Nurse | | | Requiring reports on removals involving individuals experiencing homelessness and the outcomes for those individuals. | Introduction | This bill would require the Commissioner of Social Services to produce two quarterly reports, in consultation with the Police Commissioner, the Commissioner of Sanitation, and the Commissioner of Parks and Recreation. The first report would track each time a city agency worked to remove a person experiencing homelessness from a public space, including when the removal was coordinated among multiple agencies and when a person was asked to vacate a public space by a police officer. The second report would track how many individuals were affected by the removal, what housing services they were offered and whether there were any involuntary removals or arrests. | | |
Action details
Not available
Int 1237-2023
| * | Eric Dinowitz | | | Collection of demographic data on veterans. | Introduction | This bill would require any city agency that directly, or by contract, collects demographic information through form documents from individuals seeking social services in the city to offer all such individuals a standardized and voluntary survey form that contains a demographic question on whether such person or any member of their household has served in the armed forces, national guard, or reserves of the United States and an option for any person who responds affirmatively to such question to consent to being contacted by the Department of Veterans Services (DVS) regarding services and resources for veterans. This bill would also require DVS to compile all survey data collected and submit a report to the speaker on the total number of veterans who have responded affirmatively to the veteran status question disaggregated by the agency to which such person applied for services, the type of service sought, and the council district in which such person resides. | | |
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Not available
Int 1239-2023
| * | Linda Lee | | | Community outreach and engagement on mental health resources for veterans. | Introduction | This bill would require the Department of Veterans’ Services (DVS), in coordination with the Office of Community Mental Health and any agencies identified by the commissioner to conduct outreach and engagement through social media, internet, radio, print media, or digital kiosks on mental health resources available to veterans and how to access such services. This bill further requires DVS to include on its website a form that allows organizations that provide mental health services to veterans to submit information about the services offered to the department for potential inclusion in the required outreach and engagement. | | |
Action details
Not available
Int 1241-2023
| * | Mercedes Narcisse | | | Requiring the commissioner of veterans’ services to submit an annual report on the provision of mental health services by city agencies to veterans. | Introduction | This bill would require the Department of Veterans Services (DVS) to submit to the speaker of the council, the mayor, and post on its website a report on mental health services provided by city agencies to veterans. The report will identify each agency that provides, directly or by contract, mental health services to veterans and include information on the number of veterans who requested mental health services from such agency, disaggregated by type of mental health service sought; the number of veterans who received mental health services from such agency; a summary of the methods of communication used by the agency to provide information on those mental health services; and a description of the mental health services provided by such agency to veterans. | | |
Action details
Not available
Int 1244-2023
| * | Public Advocate Jumaane Williams | | | Online resource tool and pamphlet for veterans. | Introduction | This bill would require the Department of Veterans Services (DVS) to maintain and operate an online resource tool to enable a veteran or a member of their household to request assistance with accessing and obtaining resources for veterans. This bill would require DVS to maintain a link to the online resource tool on its website and require the city to ensure that a link to the online resource tool is provided on any online platform through which the city disseminates information on social services and benefits. The bill further requires that DVS develop a pamphlet that provides information on the online resource tool, the veteran resource guide, and the locations of veteran resource centers. DVS would be required to distribute this pamphlet to agencies that provide social services, council member district offices, and community board offices. | | |
Action details
Not available
Res 0837-2023
| * | Robert F. Holden | | | Authorize the NYS Department of Veterans' Services to provide eligible veterans with financial assistance for purchasing, training, and the upkeep of service dogs and emotional support dogs. (S.4717/A.3149) | Resolution | | | |
Action details
Not available