| * | | | | Oversight - Examining the Impact of the NYPD Erie Basin Storage Facility Fire. | Oversight | | | |
Action details
Not available
Int 1001-2023
| * | Lynn C. Schulman | | Proposed Int. No. 1001-A | Prohibiting owners of commercial premises from knowingly leasing a commercial premises to, or otherwise allowing the use of such premises by, unlicensed sellers of cigarettes, electronic cigarettes, tobacco products, or illicit cannabis. | Introduction | This bill would prohibit knowingly leasing commercial premises to a tenant who uses the premises for the distribution or sale of illicit cannabis or tobacco products without a license. The first time that an illicit cannabis or unlicensed tobacco product seller is found to be operating in leased commercial premises any relevant city agency could issue a warning to the owner of the premises. If an unlicensed seller is later found to be operating in the same commercial premises, the owner would be liable for civil penalties. This bill would also require the city to submit to the Mayor and the Council a quarterly report on enforcement relating to illicit cannabis or unlicensed tobacco product sellers. | | |
Action details
Not available