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Roll call
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Int 0544-2022
| * | Chi A. Ossé | | | Penalties for failure to store waste in a satisfactory manner in required receptacles and for placing waste at the curb or on the street or sidewalk prior to the specified time for collection. | Introduction | This bill would increase the penalties for failure to store waste in a satisfactory manner in required receptacles and placing waste at the curb or on the street or sidewalk prior to the time that waste can be placed at the curb for collection, as specified in the rules of the Department of Sanitation. The penalties would vary by the number of violations and the number of units in the building, up to a maximum penalty of $3,500 for buildings with at least 51 units and at least 15 violations in a 12-month period. | Hearing Held by Committee | |
Action details
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Int 0544-2022
| * | Chi A. Ossé | | | Penalties for failure to store waste in a satisfactory manner in required receptacles and for placing waste at the curb or on the street or sidewalk prior to the specified time for collection. | Introduction | This bill would increase the penalties for failure to store waste in a satisfactory manner in required receptacles and placing waste at the curb or on the street or sidewalk prior to the time that waste can be placed at the curb for collection, as specified in the rules of the Department of Sanitation. The penalties would vary by the number of violations and the number of units in the building, up to a maximum penalty of $3,500 for buildings with at least 51 units and at least 15 violations in a 12-month period. | Laid Over by Committee | |
Action details
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Int 0649-2022
| * | Alexa Avilés | | | Prohibiting the department of sanitation from charging the New York city housing authority for sanitation services. | Introduction | This bill would prohibit the Department of Sanitation from requiring payment from the New York City Housing Authority for any sanitation services it provides. | Hearing Held by Committee | |
Action details
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Int 0649-2022
| * | Alexa Avilés | | | Prohibiting the department of sanitation from charging the New York city housing authority for sanitation services. | Introduction | This bill would prohibit the Department of Sanitation from requiring payment from the New York City Housing Authority for any sanitation services it provides. | Laid Over by Committee | |
Action details
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Int 0720-2022
| * | Amanda Farías | | | Waste collection from nursing homes. | Introduction | The proposed bill would require the Department of Sanitation to collect solid waste from nursing homes at no cost to the nursing homes and regardless of whether the nursing home is a for-profit entity. | Hearing Held by Committee | |
Action details
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Int 0720-2022
| * | Amanda Farías | | | Waste collection from nursing homes. | Introduction | The proposed bill would require the Department of Sanitation to collect solid waste from nursing homes at no cost to the nursing homes and regardless of whether the nursing home is a for-profit entity. | Laid Over by Committee | |
Action details
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Int 0768-2022
| * | Francisco P. Moya | | | Street cleanliness grading system. | Introduction | This bill would require the Department of Sanitation (DSNY) to establish and implement a system that assigns a letter grade to each City street based on the street’s level of cleanliness. The bill would require that DSNY inspect each street at least two times per year and post on DSNY’s website the street’s cleanliness grade and description of the reasons the street received such grade. | Hearing Held by Committee | |
Action details
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Int 0768-2022
| * | Francisco P. Moya | | | Street cleanliness grading system. | Introduction | This bill would require the Department of Sanitation (DSNY) to establish and implement a system that assigns a letter grade to each City street based on the street’s level of cleanliness. The bill would require that DSNY inspect each street at least two times per year and post on DSNY’s website the street’s cleanliness grade and description of the reasons the street received such grade. | Laid Over by Committee | |
Action details
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Int 0832-2022
| * | Shaun Abreu | | | Requiring the department of sanitation to collect organic waste from community gardens. | Introduction | This bill would require the Department of Sanitation (DSNY) to collect organic waste from community gardens that request, by an online application, such organic waste collection. | Hearing Held by Committee | |
Action details
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Int 0832-2022
| * | Shaun Abreu | | | Requiring the department of sanitation to collect organic waste from community gardens. | Introduction | This bill would require the Department of Sanitation (DSNY) to collect organic waste from community gardens that request, by an online application, such organic waste collection. | Laid Over by Committee | |
Action details
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Int 0846-2022
| * | Sandy Nurse | | | Requiring the department of sanitation to develop a plan for ensuring proper disposal of rechargeable batteries used for powered mobility devices. | Introduction | This law would require the Department of Sanitation to develop a plan for promoting the proper disposal of rechargeable batteries used for powered mobility devices, such as motorized bicycles and scooters. Such plan would include, but not be limited to: (i) maintaining collection locations for such rechargeable batteries; (ii) accepting such rechargeable batteries at disposal events; (iii) coordinating with private entities regarding voluntary participation in in-store collection programs for such rechargeable batteries; and (iv) conducting public education and outreach regarding proper disposal of such rechargeable batteries. | Hearing Held by Committee | |
Action details
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Int 0846-2022
| * | Sandy Nurse | | | Requiring the department of sanitation to develop a plan for ensuring proper disposal of rechargeable batteries used for powered mobility devices. | Introduction | This law would require the Department of Sanitation to develop a plan for promoting the proper disposal of rechargeable batteries used for powered mobility devices, such as motorized bicycles and scooters. Such plan would include, but not be limited to: (i) maintaining collection locations for such rechargeable batteries; (ii) accepting such rechargeable batteries at disposal events; (iii) coordinating with private entities regarding voluntary participation in in-store collection programs for such rechargeable batteries; and (iv) conducting public education and outreach regarding proper disposal of such rechargeable batteries. | Laid Over by Committee | |
Action details
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Int 0863-2022
| * | Lincoln Restler | | Proposed Int. No. 863-A | Public organic waste receptacles. | Introduction | This bill would require the Department of Sanitation to install at least twenty-five public organic waste receptacles in every community district, prioritizing areas of high-pedestrian traffic. The Department would be required to empty such public organic waste receptacles at least once per week and post the locations of such receptacles on its website. | Hearing Held by Committee | |
Action details
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Int 0863-2022
| * | Lincoln Restler | | | Public organic waste receptacles. | Introduction | This bill would require the Department of Sanitation to install at least twenty-five public organic waste receptacles in every community district, prioritizing areas of high-pedestrian traffic. The Department would be required to empty such public organic waste receptacles at least once per week and post the locations of such receptacles on its website. | Laid Over by Committee | |
Action details
Not available