| * | | | | Oversight - Access to Technology and Digital Literacy Programs in New York City. | Oversight | | Hearing Held by Committee | |
Action details
Not available
| * | | | | Oversight - Access to Technology and Digital Literacy Programs in New York City. | Oversight | | Filed, by Committee | |
Action details
Not available
Int 0664-2022
| * | Jennifer Gutiérrez | | | Requiring the department of citywide administrative services to donate surplus city-owned computers to eligible organizations for beneficial use. | Introduction | This bill would require the department of citywide administrative services to donate unneeded and unused computers and computer equipment to public schools, libraries, other public or private educational institutions, and not-for-profit institutions serving persons with disabilities, senior citizens, or low income individuals. The donation recipient must demonstrate a specific plan for the beneficial use of such equipment, with public schools and libraries receiving the first priority for any donation. The bill also requires an annual report to the mayor and the speaker of the city council on the donations made in the last year. | Hearing Held by Committee | |
Action details
Not available
Int 0664-2022
| * | Jennifer Gutiérrez | | | Requiring the department of citywide administrative services to donate surplus city-owned computers to eligible organizations for beneficial use. | Introduction | This bill would require the department of citywide administrative services to donate unneeded and unused computers and computer equipment to public schools, libraries, other public or private educational institutions, and not-for-profit institutions serving persons with disabilities, senior citizens, or low income individuals. The donation recipient must demonstrate a specific plan for the beneficial use of such equipment, with public schools and libraries receiving the first priority for any donation. The bill also requires an annual report to the mayor and the speaker of the city council on the donations made in the last year. | Laid Over by Committee | |
Action details
Not available
Int 0665-2022
| * | Jennifer Gutiérrez | | | Establishing a digital literacy program for older adults. | Introduction | This bill would require the Department for the Aging (DFTA) in collaboration with the Department of Information Technology and Telecommunications (DOITT) and relevant stakeholders, to establish and implement an online digital literacy program to serve older adults. | Hearing Held by Committee | |
Action details
Not available
Int 0665-2022
| * | Jennifer Gutiérrez | | | Establishing a digital literacy program for older adults. | Introduction | This bill would require the Department for the Aging (DFTA) in collaboration with the Department of Information Technology and Telecommunications (DOITT) and relevant stakeholders, to establish and implement an online digital literacy program to serve older adults. | Laid Over by Committee | |
Action details
Not available