Int 0743-2015
| * | Melissa Mark-Viverito | | Proposed Int. No. 743-A | Relating to the designation of an agency to enforce the Earned Sick Time Act. | Introduction | This bill would create an Office of Labor Standards (“Office”) and would give the Mayor the option to put the office in the agency or mayoral office that he deems appropriate. The Office would study and make recommendations for worker education, safety and protection, educate employers on labor laws, create public education campaigns regarding worker rights, and collect and analyze labor statistics. It would also allow the Office to take over administration of the Earned Sick Time Act (“Paid Sick Time”) and Transit Benefit law, but the Mayor is given the option to designate another agency or office for these tasks. In addition, this office may be given other responsibilities in the future. . | Hearing Held by Committee | |
Action details
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Int 0743-2015
| * | Melissa Mark-Viverito | | | Relating to the designation of an agency to enforce the Earned Sick Time Act. | Introduction | This bill would create an Office of Labor Standards (“Office”) and would give the Mayor the option to put the office in the agency or mayoral office that he deems appropriate. The Office would study and make recommendations for worker education, safety and protection, educate employers on labor laws, create public education campaigns regarding worker rights, and collect and analyze labor statistics. It would also allow the Office to take over administration of the Earned Sick Time Act (“Paid Sick Time”) and Transit Benefit law, but the Mayor is given the option to designate another agency or office for these tasks. In addition, this office may be given other responsibilities in the future. . | Amendment Proposed by Comm | |
Action details
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Int 0743-2015
| * | Melissa Mark-Viverito | | | Relating to the designation of an agency to enforce the Earned Sick Time Act. | Introduction | This bill would create an Office of Labor Standards (“Office”) and would give the Mayor the option to put the office in the agency or mayoral office that he deems appropriate. The Office would study and make recommendations for worker education, safety and protection, educate employers on labor laws, create public education campaigns regarding worker rights, and collect and analyze labor statistics. It would also allow the Office to take over administration of the Earned Sick Time Act (“Paid Sick Time”) and Transit Benefit law, but the Mayor is given the option to designate another agency or office for these tasks. In addition, this office may be given other responsibilities in the future. . | Amended by Committee | |
Action details
Not available
Int 0743-2015
| A | Melissa Mark-Viverito | | | Relating to the designation of an agency to enforce the Earned Sick Time Act. | Introduction | This bill would create an Office of Labor Standards (“Office”) and would give the Mayor the option to put the office in the agency or mayoral office that he deems appropriate. The Office would study and make recommendations for worker education, safety and protection, educate employers on labor laws, create public education campaigns regarding worker rights, and collect and analyze labor statistics. It would also allow the Office to take over administration of the Earned Sick Time Act (“Paid Sick Time”) and Transit Benefit law, but the Mayor is given the option to designate another agency or office for these tasks. In addition, this office may be given other responsibilities in the future. . | Approved by Committee | Pass |
Action details
Not available