Int 1061-2024
| * | Farah N. Louis | | Proposed Int. No. 1061-A | Department of correction report on sexual abuse. | Introduction | This bill would amend the Department of Correction’s semi-annual reports on alleged incidents and investigations of sexual harassment and abuse to require a single report on incidents and investigations that includes a unique identification number for each alleged incident. It would also require the Department to provide a justification for not reporting any substantiated allegations to a District Attorney’s office. | Hearing Held by Committee | |
Action details
Not available
Int 1061-2024
| * | Farah N. Louis | | | Department of correction report on sexual abuse. | Introduction | This bill would amend the Department of Correction’s semi-annual reports on alleged incidents and investigations of sexual harassment and abuse to require a single report on incidents and investigations that includes a unique identification number for each alleged incident. It would also require the Department to provide a justification for not reporting any substantiated allegations to a District Attorney’s office. | Amendment Proposed by Comm | |
Action details
Not available
Int 1061-2024
| * | Farah N. Louis | | | Department of correction report on sexual abuse. | Introduction | This bill would amend the Department of Correction’s semi-annual reports on alleged incidents and investigations of sexual harassment and abuse to require a single report on incidents and investigations that includes a unique identification number for each alleged incident. It would also require the Department to provide a justification for not reporting any substantiated allegations to a District Attorney’s office. | Amended by Committee | |
Action details
Not available
Int 1061-2024
| A | Farah N. Louis | | | Department of correction report on sexual abuse. | Introduction | This bill would amend the Department of Correction’s semi-annual reports on alleged incidents and investigations of sexual harassment and abuse to require a single report on incidents and investigations that includes a unique identification number for each alleged incident. It would also require the Department to provide a justification for not reporting any substantiated allegations to a District Attorney’s office. | Approved by Committee | Pass |
Action details
Not available