Res 0092-2004
| * | David Yassky | | Proposed Res. No. 92-A | Food and Drug Administration to approve emergency contraception (Plan B) for over-the-counter sale. | Resolution | | Hearing Held by Committee | |
Action details
Not available
Res 0092-2004
| * | David Yassky | | | Food and Drug Administration to approve emergency contraception (Plan B) for over-the-counter sale. | Resolution | | Amendment Proposed by Comm | |
Action details
Not available
Res 0092-2004
| * | David Yassky | | | Food and Drug Administration to approve emergency contraception (Plan B) for over-the-counter sale. | Resolution | | Amended by Committee | |
Action details
Not available
Res 0092-2004
| A | David Yassky | | | Food and Drug Administration to approve emergency contraception (Plan B) for over-the-counter sale. | Resolution | | Approved by Committee | Pass |
Action details
Not available
Res 0066-2004
| * | Christine C. Quinn | | Proposed Res. No. 66-A | Reduce the number of unintended pregnancies by increasing access to emergency contraception for women. | Resolution | | Hearing Held by Committee | |
Action details
Not available
Res 0066-2004
| * | Christine C. Quinn | | | Reduce the number of unintended pregnancies by increasing access to emergency contraception for women. | Resolution | | Amendment Proposed by Comm | |
Action details
Not available
Res 0066-2004
| * | Christine C. Quinn | | | Reduce the number of unintended pregnancies by increasing access to emergency contraception for women. | Resolution | | Amended by Committee | |
Action details
Not available
Res 0066-2004
| A | Christine C. Quinn | | | Reduce the number of unintended pregnancies by increasing access to emergency contraception for women. | Resolution | | Approved by Committee | Pass |
Action details
Not available