| * | | | | Oversight - Climate Change and Environmental Quality: A Public Health Issue. | Oversight | | Hearing Held by Committee | |
Action details
Not available
| * | | | | Oversight - Climate Change and Environmental Quality: A Public Health Issue. | Oversight | | Filed, by Committee | |
Action details
Not available
Int 2149-2020
| * | Mark Treyger | | | Establishing climate indicators. | Introduction | This local law amends the administrative code to establish a climate resiliency indicator and monitoring working group to integrate data and data sources that are collected on climate change indicators and climate resiliency indicators and to provide data to the mayor’s office of long term planning and sustainability for use in the monitoring projects. It also requires the Mayors’ Office of Sustainability or such agency as the Mayor may designate, to develop two climate change indicator pilot projects. | Hearing Held by Committee | |
Action details
Not available
Int 2149-2020
| * | Mark Treyger | | | Establishing climate indicators. | Introduction | This local law amends the administrative code to establish a climate resiliency indicator and monitoring working group to integrate data and data sources that are collected on climate change indicators and climate resiliency indicators and to provide data to the mayor’s office of long term planning and sustainability for use in the monitoring projects. It also requires the Mayors’ Office of Sustainability or such agency as the Mayor may designate, to develop two climate change indicator pilot projects. | Laid Over by Committee | |
Action details
Not available
Res 1469-2020
| * | Ben Kallos | | | Nations around the world to implement, the United States Senate to approve, and the president to ratify a fossil fuel non-proliferation treaty. | Resolution | | Hearing Held by Committee | |
Action details
Not available
Res 1469-2020
| * | Ben Kallos | | | Nations around the world to implement, the United States Senate to approve, and the president to ratify a fossil fuel non-proliferation treaty. | Resolution | | Laid Over by Committee | |
Action details
Not available