Int 0135-2014
| * | Elizabeth S. Crowley | | Proposed Int. No. 135-A | Reporting response times for firefighting units and ambulances to emergencies. | Introduction | The Fire Department of the City of New York (“FDNY”) is currently required to report on response times to fires and certain types of serious medical emergencies. This bill would expand this reporting to include all categories of medical emergencies, and require more detailed reporting on response times to serious medical emergencies and fires. The current law requires this reporting to be disaggregated by borough, this bill would also require the FDNY to disaggregate by community district and division. | Hearing Held by Committee | |
Action details
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Int 0135-2014
| * | Elizabeth S. Crowley | | | Reporting response times for firefighting units and ambulances to emergencies. | Introduction | The Fire Department of the City of New York (“FDNY”) is currently required to report on response times to fires and certain types of serious medical emergencies. This bill would expand this reporting to include all categories of medical emergencies, and require more detailed reporting on response times to serious medical emergencies and fires. The current law requires this reporting to be disaggregated by borough, this bill would also require the FDNY to disaggregate by community district and division. | Amendment Proposed by Comm | |
Action details
Not available
Int 0135-2014
| * | Elizabeth S. Crowley | | | Reporting response times for firefighting units and ambulances to emergencies. | Introduction | The Fire Department of the City of New York (“FDNY”) is currently required to report on response times to fires and certain types of serious medical emergencies. This bill would expand this reporting to include all categories of medical emergencies, and require more detailed reporting on response times to serious medical emergencies and fires. The current law requires this reporting to be disaggregated by borough, this bill would also require the FDNY to disaggregate by community district and division. | Amended by Committee | |
Action details
Not available
Int 0135-2014
| A | Elizabeth S. Crowley | | | Reporting response times for firefighting units and ambulances to emergencies. | Introduction | The Fire Department of the City of New York (“FDNY”) is currently required to report on response times to fires and certain types of serious medical emergencies. This bill would expand this reporting to include all categories of medical emergencies, and require more detailed reporting on response times to serious medical emergencies and fires. The current law requires this reporting to be disaggregated by borough, this bill would also require the FDNY to disaggregate by community district and division. | Approved by Committee | Pass |
Action details
Not available