| * | | | | Oversight - Examining the Office of Inspector General for the NYPD. | Oversight | | Hearing Held by Committee | |
Action details
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| * | | | | Oversight - Examining the Office of Inspector General for the NYPD. | Oversight | | Filed, by Committee | |
Action details
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Int 1267-2016
| * | Rory I. Lancman | | Proposed Int. No. 1267-A | Prohibiting certain disclosures of intimate images. | Introduction | This bill prohibits the nonconsensual distribution of sexually explicit videos or images of another person, with the intent to cause harm to the person depicted in such videos or images. The bill also prohibits any legitimate threat to do so. The bill creates both a criminal penalty and a civil cause of action, and contains limited exceptions. | Hearing Held by Committee | |
Action details
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Int 1267-2016
| * | Rory I. Lancman | | | Prohibiting certain disclosures of intimate images. | Introduction | This bill prohibits the nonconsensual distribution of sexually explicit videos or images of another person, with the intent to cause harm to the person depicted in such videos or images. The bill also prohibits any legitimate threat to do so. The bill creates both a criminal penalty and a civil cause of action, and contains limited exceptions. | Amendment Proposed by Comm | |
Action details
Not available
Int 1267-2016
| * | Rory I. Lancman | | | Prohibiting certain disclosures of intimate images. | Introduction | This bill prohibits the nonconsensual distribution of sexually explicit videos or images of another person, with the intent to cause harm to the person depicted in such videos or images. The bill also prohibits any legitimate threat to do so. The bill creates both a criminal penalty and a civil cause of action, and contains limited exceptions. | Amended by Committee | |
Action details
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Int 1267-2016
| A | Rory I. Lancman | | | Prohibiting certain disclosures of intimate images. | Introduction | This bill prohibits the nonconsensual distribution of sexually explicit videos or images of another person, with the intent to cause harm to the person depicted in such videos or images. The bill also prohibits any legitimate threat to do so. The bill creates both a criminal penalty and a civil cause of action, and contains limited exceptions. | Approved by Committee | Pass |
Action details
Not available