Res 0612-2006
| * | David I. Weprin | | Preconsidered | Resolution designating the Speaker as the Council Member chosen by the Council to serve on the special committee to appoint the director of the City’s Independent Budget Office. | Resolution | | Hearing on P-C Item by Comm | |
Action details
Not available
Res 0612-2006
| * | David I. Weprin | | | Resolution designating the Speaker as the Council Member chosen by the Council to serve on the special committee to appoint the director of the City’s Independent Budget Office. | Resolution | | P-C Item Approved by Comm | Pass |
Action details
Not available
Res 0586-2006
| * | David I. Weprin | | Proposed Res. No. 586-A | Concerning the increase in the annual expenditure for the HUB Third Avenue and the North Flatbush Avenue BIDs. | Resolution | | Hearing Held by Committee | |
Action details
Not available
Res 0586-2006
| * | David I. Weprin | | | Concerning the increase in the annual expenditure for the HUB Third Avenue and the North Flatbush Avenue BIDs. | Resolution | | Amendment Proposed by Comm | |
Action details
Not available
Res 0586-2006
| * | David I. Weprin | | | Concerning the increase in the annual expenditure for the HUB Third Avenue and the North Flatbush Avenue BIDs. | Resolution | | Amended by Committee | |
Action details
Not available
Res 0586-2006
| A | David I. Weprin | | | Concerning the increase in the annual expenditure for the HUB Third Avenue and the North Flatbush Avenue BIDs. | Resolution | | Approved by Committee | Pass |
Action details
Not available
LU 0300-2006
| * | David I. Weprin | | | Section 202 Supportive Housing Program for the Elderly, Erma Cava I Housing for the Elderly, 923 Barretto Street, Bronx, Community District No. 2, Council District No. 17 | Land Use Application | | Hearing Held by Committee | |
Action details
Not available
LU 0300-2006
| * | David I. Weprin | | | Section 202 Supportive Housing Program for the Elderly, Erma Cava I Housing for the Elderly, 923 Barretto Street, Bronx, Community District No. 2, Council District No. 17 | Land Use Application | | Approved by Committee with Companion Resolution | Pass |
Action details
Not available
LU 0301-2006
| * | David I. Weprin | | | Section 202 Supportive Housing Program for the Elderly, ECII Housing for the Elderly, 887 Southern Boulevard, Bronx, Community District No. 2, Council District No. 17. | Land Use Application | | Hearing Held by Committee | |
Action details
Not available
LU 0301-2006
| * | David I. Weprin | | | Section 202 Supportive Housing Program for the Elderly, ECII Housing for the Elderly, 887 Southern Boulevard, Bronx, Community District No. 2, Council District No. 17. | Land Use Application | | Approved by Committee with Companion Resolution | Pass |
Action details
Not available