Int 1209-2018
| * | Helen K. Rosenthal | | Proposed Int. No. 1209-A | Requiring the department of correction to utilize doula services. | Introduction | This bill would require the Department of Correction (“DOC”) to retain an organization to provide doula services to incarcerated individuals twice a week, as well as during labor and delivery. DOC would be required to issue a report every six months regarding the delivery of doula services. This bill would also create a working group to review relevant reports and discuss ways to improve communication, collaboration, and efficiency related to pregnant individuals in custody. | Hearing Held by Committee | |
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Int 1209-2018
| * | Helen K. Rosenthal | | | Requiring the department of correction to utilize doula services. | Introduction | This bill would require the Department of Correction (“DOC”) to retain an organization to provide doula services to incarcerated individuals twice a week, as well as during labor and delivery. DOC would be required to issue a report every six months regarding the delivery of doula services. This bill would also create a working group to review relevant reports and discuss ways to improve communication, collaboration, and efficiency related to pregnant individuals in custody. | Amendment Proposed by Comm | |
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Int 1209-2018
| * | Helen K. Rosenthal | | | Requiring the department of correction to utilize doula services. | Introduction | This bill would require the Department of Correction (“DOC”) to retain an organization to provide doula services to incarcerated individuals twice a week, as well as during labor and delivery. DOC would be required to issue a report every six months regarding the delivery of doula services. This bill would also create a working group to review relevant reports and discuss ways to improve communication, collaboration, and efficiency related to pregnant individuals in custody. | Amended by Committee | |
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Int 1209-2018
| A | Helen K. Rosenthal | | | Requiring the department of correction to utilize doula services. | Introduction | This bill would require the Department of Correction (“DOC”) to retain an organization to provide doula services to incarcerated individuals twice a week, as well as during labor and delivery. DOC would be required to issue a report every six months regarding the delivery of doula services. This bill would also create a working group to review relevant reports and discuss ways to improve communication, collaboration, and efficiency related to pregnant individuals in custody. | Approved by Committee | Pass |
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