Int 0844-2022
| * | Julie Menin | | Proposed Int. No. 844-A | Establishing an office of healthcare accountability. | Introduction | This bill would establish an Office of Healthcare Accountability. This office would provide recommendations relating to City healthcare and hospital costs, analyze expenditures on healthcare costs for city employees, provide information relating to the costs of hospital procedures on its website, convene stakeholders to examine healthcare costs, and collect and make available hospital financial documents. The Office would also report on information relating to healthcare costs, such as, hospital, insurance, and pharmaceutical pricing. | Hearing Held by Committee | |
Action details
Not available
Int 0844-2022
| * | Julie Menin | | | Establishing an office of healthcare accountability. | Introduction | This bill would establish an Office of Healthcare Accountability. This office would provide recommendations relating to City healthcare and hospital costs, analyze expenditures on healthcare costs for city employees, provide information relating to the costs of hospital procedures on its website, convene stakeholders to examine healthcare costs, and collect and make available hospital financial documents. The Office would also report on information relating to healthcare costs, such as, hospital, insurance, and pharmaceutical pricing. | Amendment Proposed by Comm | |
Action details
Not available
Int 0844-2022
| * | Julie Menin | | | Establishing an office of healthcare accountability. | Introduction | This bill would establish an Office of Healthcare Accountability. This office would provide recommendations relating to City healthcare and hospital costs, analyze expenditures on healthcare costs for city employees, provide information relating to the costs of hospital procedures on its website, convene stakeholders to examine healthcare costs, and collect and make available hospital financial documents. The Office would also report on information relating to healthcare costs, such as, hospital, insurance, and pharmaceutical pricing. | Amended by Committee | |
Action details
Not available
Int 0844-2022
| A | Julie Menin | | | Establishing an office of healthcare accountability. | Introduction | This bill would establish an Office of Healthcare Accountability. This office would provide recommendations relating to City healthcare and hospital costs, analyze expenditures on healthcare costs for city employees, provide information relating to the costs of hospital procedures on its website, convene stakeholders to examine healthcare costs, and collect and make available hospital financial documents. The Office would also report on information relating to healthcare costs, such as, hospital, insurance, and pharmaceutical pricing. | Approved by Committee | Pass |
Action details
Not available
Res 0512-2023
| * | Julie Menin | | | Create an independent Commission to oversee hospital services pricing for the purpose of increasing access to hospital services, promoting financial stability for hospitals, and lowering healthcare costs for New Yorkers. | Resolution | | Hearing Held by Committee | |
Action details
Not available
Res 0512-2023
| * | Julie Menin | | | Create an independent Commission to oversee hospital services pricing for the purpose of increasing access to hospital services, promoting financial stability for hospitals, and lowering healthcare costs for New Yorkers. | Resolution | | Approved by Committee | Pass |
Action details
Not available