Int 1010-2018
| * | I. Daneek Miller | | Proposed Int. No. 1010-A | Increasing the penalties for certain commercial vehicles parked overnight on residential streets. | Introduction | This bill would create a higher fine for commercial vehicles that are tractor-trailer combinations, tractors, truck trailers or semi-trailers parked overnight on a residential street. The fine for a first violation is currently $250, and for a second violation within a six-month period it is $500. This bill would create an increased fines adjudicated through OATH of $400 and $800 for the first and second offenses, respectively. | Hearing Held by Committee | |
Action details
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Int 1010-2018
| * | I. Daneek Miller | | | Increasing the penalties for certain commercial vehicles parked overnight on residential streets. | Introduction | This bill would create a higher fine for commercial vehicles that are tractor-trailer combinations, tractors, truck trailers or semi-trailers parked overnight on a residential street. The fine for a first violation is currently $250, and for a second violation within a six-month period it is $500. This bill would create an increased fines adjudicated through OATH of $400 and $800 for the first and second offenses, respectively. | Amendment Proposed by Comm | |
Action details
Not available
Int 1010-2018
| * | I. Daneek Miller | | | Increasing the penalties for certain commercial vehicles parked overnight on residential streets. | Introduction | This bill would create a higher fine for commercial vehicles that are tractor-trailer combinations, tractors, truck trailers or semi-trailers parked overnight on a residential street. The fine for a first violation is currently $250, and for a second violation within a six-month period it is $500. This bill would create an increased fines adjudicated through OATH of $400 and $800 for the first and second offenses, respectively. | Amended by Committee | |
Action details
Not available
Int 1010-2018
| A | I. Daneek Miller | | | Increasing the penalties for certain commercial vehicles parked overnight on residential streets. | Introduction | This bill would create a higher fine for commercial vehicles that are tractor-trailer combinations, tractors, truck trailers or semi-trailers parked overnight on a residential street. The fine for a first violation is currently $250, and for a second violation within a six-month period it is $500. This bill would create an increased fines adjudicated through OATH of $400 and $800 for the first and second offenses, respectively. | Approved by Committee | Pass |
Action details
Not available