LU 1112-2009
| * | Melinda R. Katz | | Preconsidered | Landmarks, proposed site for 680 seat primary school known as P.S. 331 K, to be located at 7002-40 Fourth Ave., 364-86 Ovington Ave. (20095326 SCK) | Land Use Application | | Hearing on P-C Item by Comm | |
Action details
Not available
LU 1112-2009
| * | Melinda R. Katz | | | Landmarks, proposed site for 680 seat primary school known as P.S. 331 K, to be located at 7002-40 Fourth Ave., 364-86 Ovington Ave. (20095326 SCK) | Land Use Application | | P-C Item Approved by Subcommittee with Companion Resolution | Pass |
Action details
Not available
LU 1085-2009
| * | Melinda R. Katz | | | Landmarks, Acquisition of property located at 130-31 Northern Boulevard (Block 1791, Lots 52 and 68) , for use as an asphalt plant. (C090366PCQ) | Land Use Application | | Hearing Held by Committee | |
Action details
Not available
LU 1085-2009
| * | Melinda R. Katz | | | Landmarks, Acquisition of property located at 130-31 Northern Boulevard (Block 1791, Lots 52 and 68) , for use as an asphalt plant. (C090366PCQ) | Land Use Application | | Laid Over by Subcommittee | |
Action details
Not available