Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 4/18/2024 1:30 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Council Chambers - City Hall
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Prime SponsorAgenda #Agenda NoteNameTypeSummaryActionResultAction DetailsMultimedia
    1.ROLL CALL      Roll call Not available
    2.INVOCATION - Delivered by: Pastor Martin Chang, Edge City Church, located at 46-16 Little Neck Parkway, Queens, N.Y. 11362. Motion to spread the Invocation in full upon the record by Council Member Lee.      Not available
    3.ADOPTION OF MINUTES - Motion that the Minutes of the Stated Meeting of March 19, 2024 be adopted as printed by Council Member Powers.      Not available
    4.MESSAGES & PAPERS FROM THE MAYOR - None      Not available
    6.PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS - None      Not available
    7.LAND USE CALL-UPS – None      Not available
    9.DISCUSSION OF GENERAL ORDERS      Not available
    10.REPORTS OF SPECIAL COMMITTEES - None      Not available
    11.REPORTS OF STANDING COMMITTEES      Not available
Motion 0007-2024 *   Motion by Council Member Williams to recommit LU 63 and Res 396 back to Land Use.Motion A Motion was made and Approved by CouncilPass Action details Not available
     REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON AGING      Not available
Int 0689-2024 ACrystal Hudson Amended and Coupled on General OrdersCabinet for older New Yorkers.IntroductionThis bill would codify a Cabinet for Older New Yorkers, made up of the commissioners of city agencies or their designees and chaired by the commissioner of the Department for the Aging. The cabinet would facilitate inter-agency collaboration to improve services for older New Yorkers. The commissioner of the Department for the Aging would be required to report to the Council, the Public Advocate, the Comptroller, the Borough Presidents and the public on the activity of the Cabinet.Approved by CouncilPass Action details Not available
Int 0129-2024 AJustin L. Brannan Amended and Coupled on General OrdersEstablishing a pilot program to construct solar canopies in certain parking lots.IntroductionThis bill would mandate that the Department of Citywide Administrative Services (DCAS), or another agency designated by the Mayor, create a pilot program to install solar canopies at no less than 1 city-controlled parking lot where such a canopy would be cost effective in each borough. To the extent practicable, such canopies would need to be installed within 2 years. In addition, for each city controlled parking lot at which a solar canopy is installed, DCAS or such other agency would be required to install at least 5 electric vehicle chargers with a minimum charging capacity of 6 kilowatts. After the conclusion of the pilot program, this local law would require a report on, among other things, the total number and locations of city-controlled parking lots where solar canopies were installed as part of the pilot program and where they would be cost effective, and recommendations as to whether and how the pilot program may be expanded and made permanent.Approved by CouncilPass Action details Not available
LU 0070-2024 *Justin L. Brannan  West 107th Street.HUDMF.FY24: Block 1842, Lot 42, Manhattan, Community District 7, Council District 7.Land Use Application Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
Res 0377-2024 *Justin L. Brannan Preconsidered - Coupled on General OrdersLU 70 - West 107th Street.HUDMF.FY24: Block 1842, Lot 42, Manhattan, Community District 7, Council District 7.Resolution Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
LU 0071-2024 *Justin L. Brannan  68-19 Woodhaven Boulevard: Block 3148, Lot 2, Queens, Community District 6, Council District 30.Land Use Application Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
Res 0378-2024 *Justin L. Brannan Preconsidered - Coupled on General OrdersLU 71 - 68-19 Woodhaven Boulevard: Block 3148, Lot 2, Queens, Community District 6, Council District 30.Resolution Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
LU 0072-2024 *Justin L. Brannan  Cadman Towers: Block 232, Lot 1; Block 238, Lot 35, Brooklyn, Community District 2, Council District 33.Land Use Application Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
Res 0379-2024 *Justin L. Brannan Preconsidered - Coupled on General OrdersLU 72 - Cadman Towers: Block 232, Lot 1; Block 238, Lot 35, Brooklyn, Community District 2, Council District 33.Resolution Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
LU 0073-2024 *Justin L. Brannan  570 Washington Street: Block 596, Lot 1103, Manhattan, Community District 2, Council District 3.Land Use Application Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
Res 0380-2024 *Justin L. Brannan Preconsidered - Coupled on General OrdersLU 73 - 570 Washington Street: Block 596, Lot 1103, Manhattan, Community District 2, Council District 3.Resolution Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
LU 0035-2024 *Rafael Salamanca, Jr.  Landmarks, East Tremont Cluster NCP, Bronx (C 240099 HAX)Land Use Application Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
Res 0381-2024 *Rafael Salamanca, Jr. Coupled on General OrdersLU 35 - Landmarks, East Tremont Cluster NCP, Bronx (C 240099 HAX)Resolution Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
LU 0036-2024 *Rafael Salamanca, Jr.  Landmarks, East Tremont Cluster NCP, Bronx (G 240046 XAX)Land Use Application Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
Res 0382-2024 *Rafael Salamanca, Jr. Coupled on General OrdersLU 36 - Landmarks, East Tremont Cluster NCP, Bronx (G 240046 XAX)Resolution Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
LU 0041-2024 *Rafael Salamanca, Jr.  Zoning, 341 10th Street Rezoning, Brooklyn (C 230337 ZMK)Land Use Application Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
Res 0383-2024 *Rafael Salamanca, Jr. Coupled on General OrdersLU 41 - Zoning, 341 10th Street Rezoning, Brooklyn (C 230337 ZMK)Resolution Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
LU 0042-2024 *Rafael Salamanca, Jr.  Zoning, 341 10th Street Rezoning, Brooklyn (N 230338 ZRK)Land Use Application Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
Res 0384-2024 *Rafael Salamanca, Jr. Coupled on General OrdersLU 42 - Zoning, 341 10th Street Rezoning, Brooklyn (N 230338 ZRK)Resolution Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
LU 0043-2024 *Rafael Salamanca, Jr.  Zoning, 341 10th Street Article XI, Brooklyn (G 240045 XAK)Land Use Application Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
Res 0385-2024 *Rafael Salamanca, Jr. Coupled on General OrdersLU 43 - Zoning, 341 10th Street Article XI, Brooklyn (G 240045 XAK)Resolution Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
LU 0046-2024 *Rafael Salamanca, Jr.  Zoning, 341 10th Street Rezoning, Brooklyn (C 230339 ZSK)Land Use Application Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
Res 0386-2024 *Rafael Salamanca, Jr. Coupled on General OrdersLU 46 - Zoning, 341 10th Street Rezoning, Brooklyn (C 230339 ZSK)Resolution Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
LU 0047-2024 *Rafael Salamanca, Jr.  Zoning, 341 10th Street Rezoning, Brooklyn (C 230340 ZSK)Land Use Application Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
Res 0387-2024 *Rafael Salamanca, Jr. Coupled on General OrdersLU 47 - Zoning, 341 10th Street Rezoning, Brooklyn (C 230340 ZSK)Resolution Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
LU 0051-2024 *Rafael Salamanca, Jr.  Landmarks, Melrose Concourse NCP, Bronx (C 240174 HAX)Land Use Application Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
Res 0388-2024 *Rafael Salamanca, Jr. Coupled on General OrdersLU 51 - Landmarks, Melrose Concourse NCP, Bronx (C 240174 HAX)Resolution Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
LU 0052-2024 *Rafael Salamanca, Jr.  Landmarks, Melrose Concourse NCP Article XI, Bronx (G 240047 XAX)Land Use Application Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
Res 0389-2024 *Rafael Salamanca, Jr. Coupled on General OrdersLU 52 - Landmarks, Melrose Concourse NCP Article XI, Bronx (G 240047 XAX)Resolution Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
LU 0053-2024 *Rafael Salamanca, Jr.  Landmarks, Genesis MPLP UDAAP, Manhattan (G 240049 NUM)Land Use Application Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
Res 0390-2024 *Rafael Salamanca, Jr. Coupled on General OrdersLU 53 - Landmarks, Genesis MPLP UDAAP, Manhattan (G 240049 NUM)Resolution Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
LU 0054-2024 *Rafael Salamanca, Jr.  Landmarks, Genesis MPLP Article XI, Manhattan (G 240050 XAM)Land Use Application Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
Res 0391-2024 *Rafael Salamanca, Jr. Coupled on General OrdersLU 54 - Landmarks, Genesis MPLP Article XI, Manhattan (G 240050 XAM)Resolution Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
LU 0057-2024 *Rafael Salamanca, Jr.  Zoning, Gaming Facility Text Amendment, Citywide (N 240179 ZRY)Land Use Application Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
Res 0392-2024 *Rafael Salamanca, Jr. Coupled on General OrdersLU 57 - Zoning, Gaming Facility Text Amendment, Citywide (N 240179 ZRY)Resolution Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
LU 0058-2024 *Rafael Salamanca, Jr.  Zoning, 41 Richards Street, Brooklyn (C 230051 ZMK)Land Use Application Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
Res 0393-2024 *Rafael Salamanca, Jr. Coupled on General OrdersLU 58 - Zoning, 41 Richards Street, Brooklyn (C 230051 ZMK)Resolution Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
LU 0061-2024 *Rafael Salamanca, Jr.  Zoning, 80-01 Broadway Commercial Overlay, Queens (C 240075 ZMQ)Land Use Application Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
Res 0394-2024 *Rafael Salamanca, Jr. Coupled on General OrdersLU 61 - Zoning, 80-01 Broadway Commercial Overlay, Queens (C 240075 ZMQ)Resolution Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
LU 0062-2024 *Rafael Salamanca, Jr.  Landmarks, Melrose Concourse NCP, Bronx (C 240175 PQX)Land Use Application Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
Res 0395-2024 *Rafael Salamanca, Jr. Coupled on General OrdersLU 62 - Landmarks, Melrose Concourse NCP, Bronx (C 240175 PQX)Resolution Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
LU 0063-2024 *Rafael Salamanca, Jr.  Landmarks, 97-22 Cresskill Place Disposition, Queens (C 240061 PPQ)Land Use Application Recommitted to Committee by Council  Action details Not available
Res 0396-2024 *Rafael Salamanca, Jr. Coupled on General OrdersLU 63 - Landmarks, 97-22 Cresskill Place Disposition, Queens (C 240061 PPQ)Resolution Recommitted to Committee by Council  Action details Not available
    12.GENERAL ORDERS CALENDAR      Not available
    ~coupledAGING      Not available
Int 0689-2024 ACrystal Hudson~coupledA and GOCabinet for older New Yorkers.IntroductionThis bill would codify a Cabinet for Older New Yorkers, made up of the commissioners of city agencies or their designees and chaired by the commissioner of the Department for the Aging. The cabinet would facilitate inter-agency collaboration to improve services for older New Yorkers. The commissioner of the Department for the Aging would be required to report to the Council, the Public Advocate, the Comptroller, the Borough Presidents and the public on the activity of the Cabinet.   Action details Not available
Int 0129-2024 AJustin L. Brannan~coupledA and GOEstablishing a pilot program to construct solar canopies in certain parking lots.IntroductionThis bill would mandate that the Department of Citywide Administrative Services (DCAS), or another agency designated by the Mayor, create a pilot program to install solar canopies at no less than 1 city-controlled parking lot where such a canopy would be cost effective in each borough. To the extent practicable, such canopies would need to be installed within 2 years. In addition, for each city controlled parking lot at which a solar canopy is installed, DCAS or such other agency would be required to install at least 5 electric vehicle chargers with a minimum charging capacity of 6 kilowatts. After the conclusion of the pilot program, this local law would require a report on, among other things, the total number and locations of city-controlled parking lots where solar canopies were installed as part of the pilot program and where they would be cost effective, and recommendations as to whether and how the pilot program may be expanded and made permanent.   Action details Not available
    ~coupledFINANCE      Not available
Res 0377-2024 *Justin L. Brannan~coupledPreconsidered – GOLU 70 - West 107th Street.HUDMF.FY24: Block 1842, Lot 42, Manhattan, Community District 7, Council District 7.Resolution    Action details Not available
Res 0378-2024 *Justin L. Brannan~coupledPreconsidered – GOLU 71 - 68-19 Woodhaven Boulevard: Block 3148, Lot 2, Queens, Community District 6, Council District 30.Resolution    Action details Not available
Res 0379-2024 *Justin L. Brannan~coupledPreconsidered – GOLU 72 - Cadman Towers: Block 232, Lot 1; Block 238, Lot 35, Brooklyn, Community District 2, Council District 33.Resolution    Action details Not available
Res 0380-2024 *Justin L. Brannan~coupledPreconsidered – GOLU 73 - 570 Washington Street: Block 596, Lot 1103, Manhattan, Community District 2, Council District 3.Resolution    Action details Not available
    ~coupledLAND USE      Not available
Res 0381-2024 *Rafael Salamanca, Jr.~coupledGOLU 35 - Landmarks, East Tremont Cluster NCP, Bronx (C 240099 HAX)Resolution    Action details Not available
Res 0382-2024 *Rafael Salamanca, Jr.~coupledGOLU 36 - Landmarks, East Tremont Cluster NCP, Bronx (G 240046 XAX)Resolution    Action details Not available
Res 0383-2024 *Rafael Salamanca, Jr.~coupledGOLU 41 - Zoning, 341 10th Street Rezoning, Brooklyn (C 230337 ZMK)Resolution    Action details Not available
Res 0384-2024 *Rafael Salamanca, Jr.~coupledGOLU 42 - Zoning, 341 10th Street Rezoning, Brooklyn (N 230338 ZRK)Resolution    Action details Not available
Res 0385-2024 *Rafael Salamanca, Jr.~coupledGOLU 43 - Zoning, 341 10th Street Article XI, Brooklyn (G 240045 XAK)Resolution    Action details Not available
Res 0386-2024 *Rafael Salamanca, Jr.~coupledGOLU 46 - Zoning, 341 10th Street Rezoning, Brooklyn (C 230339 ZSK)Resolution    Action details Not available
Res 0387-2024 *Rafael Salamanca, Jr.~coupledGOLU 47 - Zoning, 341 10th Street Rezoning, Brooklyn (C 230340 ZSK)Resolution    Action details Not available
Res 0388-2024 *Rafael Salamanca, Jr.~coupledGOLU 51 - Landmarks, Melrose Concourse NCP, Bronx (C 240174 HAX)Resolution    Action details Not available
Res 0389-2024 *Rafael Salamanca, Jr.~coupledGOLU 52 - Landmarks, Melrose Concourse NCP Article XI, Bronx (G 240047 XAX)Resolution    Action details Not available
Res 0390-2024 *Rafael Salamanca, Jr.~coupledGOLU 53 - Landmarks, Genesis MPLP UDAAP, Manhattan (G 240049 NUM)Resolution    Action details Not available
Res 0391-2024 *Rafael Salamanca, Jr.~coupledGOLU 54 - Landmarks, Genesis MPLP Article XI, Manhattan (G 240050 XAM)Resolution    Action details Not available
Res 0392-2024 *Rafael Salamanca, Jr.~coupledGOLU 57 - Zoning, Gaming Facility Text Amendment, Citywide (N 240179 ZRY)Resolution    Action details Not available
Res 0393-2024 *Rafael Salamanca, Jr.~coupledGOLU 58 - Zoning, 41 Richards Street, Brooklyn (C 230051 ZMK)Resolution    Action details Not available
Res 0394-2024 *Rafael Salamanca, Jr.~coupledGOLU 61 - Zoning, 80-01 Broadway Commercial Overlay, Queens (C 240075 ZMQ)Resolution    Action details Not available
Res 0395-2024 *Rafael Salamanca, Jr.~coupledGOLU 62 - Landmarks, Melrose Concourse NCP, Bronx (C 240175 PQX)Resolution    Action details Not available
Res 0396-2024 *Rafael Salamanca, Jr.~coupledGOLU 63 - Landmarks, 97-22 Cresskill Place Disposition, Queens (C 240061 PPQ)Resolution    Action details Not available
    ~coupledGENERAL ORDERS CALENDAR      Not available
          Pass Not available
    14.DISCUSSION OF RESOLUTIONS      Not available
    15.RESOLUTIONS      Not available
Res 0172-2024 ASandy Nurse Amended and Adopted by the Committee on Sanitation and Solid Waste ManagementPackaging Reduction and Recycling Infrastructure Act (A.5322-B/S.4246-B).Resolution Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
Res 0279-2024 *Robert F. Holden Adopted by the Committee on VeteransDeclaring April 26 annually as Korean War Veterans and Korean Defense Veterans Recognition Day to celebrate the bravery and sacrifice of those who served.Resolution Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
    16.GENERAL DISCUSSION      Not available
    17.EXTENSION OF REMARKS      Not available
Int 0804-2024 *Shaun Abreu~SPONSORHealthEstablishing a child care opioid antagonist programIntroductionThis bill would require the Commissioner of Health and Mental Hygiene to create the Child Care Opioid Antagonist Program to help prevent opioid overdoses at child care centers. The program would permit an owner or employee of a child care center to request 1 opioid antagonist kit for every child that is registered at the center, and 1 kit for every owner and employee of the center, at one time, free of charge, for administration to individuals on premises experiencing an opioid overdose. The Commissioner would be required to offer free training and other resources to owners and employees of child care centers on the administration of opioid antagonists. The Commissioner would also be required to report annually to the Mayor and the Speaker of the Council on the number of opioid antagonist kits provided by the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene to child care programs and the number of opioid antagonist trainings offered by the Commissioner to child care programs.Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Res 0361-2024 *Alexa Avilés~SPONSORHousing and BuildingsEnd Hedge Fund Control of American Homes Act.Resolution Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Int 0805-2024 *Chris Banks~SPONSORSmall BusinessCreating a business directory for NYCHA tenant-owned businesses and establishing a marketing campaign to highlight the New York city housing authority tenant-owned business directory.IntroductionThis bill would require the Department of Small Business Services to create an online business directory for NYCHA tenant-owned businesses and a marketing campaign to highlight the directory.Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Res 0362-2024 *Erik D. Bottcher~SPONSORGeneral WelfareSocial Worker Workforce Act (A.5291/S.5975).Resolution Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Int 0806-2024 *Gale A. Brewer~SPONSORTransportation and InfrastructureVisibility of the ride timer in pedicabs.IntroductionThis bill would require that the timer in pedicabs be affixed to the rear of the bicycle seat and within clear view of all the pedicab passengers.Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Res 0363-2024 *Gale A. Brewer~SPONSORConsumer and Worker ProtectionProhibit the imposition of limits on the length of stay at homeless shelters and emergency congregate housing (S.8493/A.9129).Resolution Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Res 0364-2024 *Gale A. Brewer~SPONSORParks and RecreationEstablish a tax incentive program to encourage developers to plant new trees in development sites.Resolution Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Int 0807-2024 *Selvena N. Brooks-Powers~SPONSORFire and Emergency ManagementCreating a pilot program to provide shelter locations during flash flooding eventsIntroductionThis law would require New York City Emergency Management (NYCEM) to establish a pilot program for utilizing emergency shelter locations for the purpose of providing refuge prior to, and during, flash flood events. The pilot, which would last for three-years, would involve the operation of emergency shelter during flash flood events is no less than 10 neighborhoods, the location of which would be selected based on: the history of flash flood events in a given area; the presence of vulnerable populations residing in a given area; and the prevalence of subgrade dwellings in a given area. The pilot program would last for three-years.Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Int 0808-2024 *Selvena N. Brooks-Powers~SPONSORCivil and Human RightsInformation required in job listings.IntroductionThis bill would clarify how employers determine the range of pay they would offer for a posted position. It would require that employers who offer pay outside of the originally posted range retain a written record of the reasons for doing so for three years. This legislation would also require that job listings provide a description of the available position, promotion, or transfer opportunity along with the benefits and non-salary or -wage compensation available for the position. Required compensation information would include bonuses, benefits, stocks, bonds, options and equity or ownership, if any. Employers would also be required to disclose compensation information to current employees, annually and upon request, for any equal or substantially similar positions to such employee’s role.Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Int 0809-2024 *Carmen N. De La Rosa~SPONSORCivil Service and LaborRequiring the commissioner of citywide administrative services to report on the administration of promotion examinations.IntroductionThis bill would require the commissioner of the department of citywide administrative services (DCAS) to publish an annual report on DCAS’ website regarding the department’s determination of promotional exam applicant eligibility. In particular, the bill would require the commissioner to report on the factors considered when making determinations to fill municipal vacancies from pools of direct line employees or to expand eligibility to collateral line employees or comparable position employees.Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Int 0810-2024 *Amanda Farías~SPONSOREconomic DevelopmentNYCHA Package - The development of a public housing entrepreneurship and commercial popup programIntroductionThis bill would alter the terms of the contract between the city and the New York City Economic Development Corporation (“EDC”) and require EDC to create a public housing entrepreneurship program to support public housing residents in growing their businesses. The bill would also require EDC to issue a report about the viability of using NYCHA-owned vacant property for commercial pop ups.Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Res 0365-2024 *Amanda Farías~SPONSORCriminal JusticeConditional release for eligible offenders who complete post-secondary degrees or programs (S7843/A4888).Resolution Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Int 0811-2024 *Oswald Feliz~SPONSORConsumer and Worker ProtectionLifting product regulations on newsstandsIntroductionThis bill would expand the definition of newsstand to include stands that operate primarily for the sale of newspapers, magazines, periodicals, books, pamphlets and other similar written matter. This bill would also lift the price cap for goods or services sold at newsstands.Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Int 0812-2024 *Oswald Feliz~SPONSORConsumer and Worker ProtectionIssuing newsstand licenses to operate abandoned newsstands and requiring an assessment of the viability of the location of new newsstandsIntroductionThis bill would allow newsstand licensees to operate from an abandoned newsstand. This bill would also require the department of transportation to approve new newsstand locations based on foot traffic.Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Int 0813-2024 *Oswald Feliz~SPONSORConsumer and Worker ProtectionRequiring the department of consumer and worker protection to report on newsstandsIntroductionThis bill would require the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection to issue five reports on newsstands and newsstand licensing in the City.Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Int 0814-2024 *James F. Gennaro~SPONSOREnvironmental Protection, Resiliency and WaterfrontsAddressing sewer backups.IntroductionThis bill would require that the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) update by 2025 its plan to prevent sewer backups and conduct further updates every 5 years thereafter. Additionally, the plan would be expanded to include the identification of areas with a significant number of notices of claims filed with the Comptroller alleging losses due to sewer backups. Further, this bill would require DEP to provide timely notice of unconfirmed sewer backups to impacted residents and to sewer backup complainants. Such notice would include a determination from DEP that the backup complaint was not associated with a condition in the city-owned sewer system, a statement that the backup may be related to an adverse condition in a privately-owned sewer, and an informational pamphlet detailing potential causes of backups in privately-owned sewers.Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Int 0815-2024 *James F. Gennaro~SPONSOREnvironmental Protection, Resiliency and WaterfrontsCreation of a flood risk area map showing both the rainfall risk area and the coastal flood risk area.IntroductionThis bill would require the Department of Environmental Protection (“DEP”), in consultation with the Department of Buildings and Office of Long-Term Planning and Sustainability, to promulgate a rule to adopt an interim flood risk area map, showing the 10-year rainfall risk area, which includes locations in the city where there is a 10 percent chance or greater of rainfall-induced flooding in any year, incorporating the impacts of the projected 2050 sea level rise on sewer outfalls and storm drains as projected by the New York City Panel on Climate Change, and the coastal flood risk area, which includes locations in the city where there is a 1 percent chance or greater of flooding in any year, incorporating the impacts of sea level rise as projected for the year 2080 by the New York City Panel on Climate Change. The bill would require such interim map to be posted to the city’s website for at least 1 year after adoption. Additionally, the bill would require DEP to update the 10-year rainfall risk area no later than January 1, 2028, and require DEP to update both the 10-year rainfall risk area and coastal risk area within 1 year of the issuance of a new effective flood insurance rate maps for the City by the Federal Emergency Management Administration. DEP may further update such risk areas in the future. Finally, the bill would require such updated maps to be posted to the department’s website, and to include the location of the special flood hazard area, as defined by Appendix G of the New York City Building Code, the bounds of the 10-year rainfall flood risk area at either a block or individual property level, and general elevation or topography indicators for both the 10-year rainfall flood risk area and coastal flood risk area.Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Int 0816-2024 *James F. Gennaro~SPONSOREnvironmental Protection, Resiliency and WaterfrontsRequiring the department of environmental protection to notify owners of property when the city of New York requests a base rental payment from the New York city water boardIntroductionThis bill would require the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) to notify ratepayers whenever the City requests the base rental payment for the water system and the sewerage system from the New York City Water Board. The notice would include the amount of the requested base rental payment, the estimated impact of making the requested base rental payment on the property’s water and sewer rates over the next 3 fiscal years, and information about how to comment at an upcoming water rate hearing and how to submit a written comment to DEP.Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Res 0366-2024 *James F. Gennaro~SPONSOREnvironmental Protection, Resiliency and WaterfrontsEnsure that the State of NY meets its CLCPA target to obtain 70 percent of its electricity from renewable sources by 2030 without negatively impacting low-income communities and New York City ratepayers.Resolution Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Res 0367-2024 *James F. Gennaro~SPONSOREnvironmental Protection, Resiliency and WaterfrontsMaking the Environmental Protection Agency a federal executive department led by a cabinet secretary.Resolution Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Int 0817-2024 *Jennifer Gutiérrez~SPONSORHousing and BuildingsStudy and report on the feasibility of a low-cost and city-sponsored renter’s insurance program.IntroductionThis proposed legislation would require an office or agency designated by the Mayor to study and report on the feasibility of a low-cost, New York City-sponsored renter’s insurance program. Through this study, the office or agency would be required to explore the establishment of the program by identifying considerations such as potential funding mechanisms and types of coverage, identify the financial impact of the program on the City, and evaluate initiatives the City can undertake to implement the program, including but not limited to public-private partnerships. The office or agency would be required to report on the findings of the study to the Mayor and the Speaker of the Council no later than 1 year after the effective date of this bill. If the office or agency determines that the program is infeasible, the office or agency would have to include a statement explaining the reasons for infeasibility in the report.Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Res 0368-2024 *Shahana K. Hanif~SPONSORCivil Service and LaborLiving Wage for Musicians Act.Resolution Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Res 0369-2024 *Kamillah Hanks~SPONSORTransportation and InfrastructureMTA to ensure equitable distribution of OMNY vending machines in the five boroughs, including implementing such machines in at least 30 high-traffic areas in each borough.Resolution Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Int 0818-2024 *Robert F. Holden~SPONSORCriminal JusticeProhibiting triple tours of duty for department of correction custodial officersIntroductionThis bill would limit the assignment of tours of duty for Department of Correction (“DOC”) custodial officers to not more than two consecutive tours of duty. The bill would establish a tour of duty as consisting of not more than 8 consecutive hours. Assignment of additional hours into a third consecutive tour of duty would be prohibited.Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Int 0819-2024 *Robert F. Holden~SPONSORCriminal JusticePermitting the use of segregated housing as a disciplinary sanction for certain incarcerated individuals in city jails.IntroductionThis bill would permit segregated housing in City jails to be used as a disciplinary measure for certain incarcerated individuals 18 to 21 years of age who commit a violent act while in custody and have undergone therapeutic counseling for a prior violent act committed while in such custody.Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Int 0820-2024 *Robert F. Holden~SPONSORTechnologyNumber of steps to submit service requests or complaints on the 311 website and mobile application.IntroductionThis bill would require to allow 311 mobile application or website users to submit a request or complaint with no more than four steps.Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Int 0821-2024 *Robert F. Holden~SPONSORTechnologyCreation of a centralized mobile application for accessing city servicesIntroductionThis bill would require the Department of Information Technology and Telecommunications (DoITT) to create a single mobile application allowing the public to access services provided by different City agencies. The application would be accessible for persons with disabilities. The department would encrypt all exchanges or transfers between a web server and the mobile application. The application software would be open source and publicly accessible.Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Int 0822-2024 *Robert F. Holden~SPONSORTechnologyRequiring the 311 customer service center to indicate that an agency is unable to respond to a service request or complaint and implement protocols providing proof of action.IntroductionThis bill would require that if an agency is unable to take action on a 311 service request or complaint, the 311 customer service center (NYC311) must indicate in the description of the action taken on a 311 request or complaint in the 311 system that the responding agency is unable to resolve the request. The responding agency would also be required to indicate their ability to respond to a complaint or service request to NYC311. This bill would also require NYC311, in consultation with relevant agencies, to develop and implement protocols to provide proof of action taken when a responding agency resolves a 311 request for service or complaint.Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Int 0823-2024 *Robert F. Holden~SPONSORTransportation and InfrastructureDOT study on speed reducing measures for bicycles with electric assist operating in bicycle lanes.IntroductionThis bill would require the Department of Transportation to conduct a one-time study to evaluate the feasibility of speed bumps as a means of preventing electric bicycles from speeding in bicycle lanes, to recommend alternative speed reducing measures if speed bumps are impracticable, and to identify locations where collisions involving electric bicycles occur at a higher frequency.Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Int 0824-2024 *Robert F. Holden~SPONSORCriminal JusticeCreate a commission to examine the cost of renovating jail facilities on Rikers IslandIntroductionThis bill would create a commission to examine the cost of renovating jail facilities on Rikers Island. The commission would be required to issue a report of its findings.Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Res 0370-2024 *Robert F. Holden~SPONSORTransportation and InfrastructureMTA to ban e-bikes from the New York City subway system and produce an annual report on the enforcement actions that the MTA takes on e-bikes in the system.Resolution Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Int 0825-2024 *Crystal Hudson~SPONSORCriminal JusticeReturning funds remaining in commissary accounts when incarcerated individuals are released from custody.IntroductionThis bill would require the Department of Correction to inform persons in custody how much money remains in their commissary account and return all unused commissary funds, in cash, prior to an individual leaving the department’s custody.Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Res 0371-2024 *Crystal Hudson~SPONSORCriminal JusticeProviding money upon release for certain incarcerated individuals (S6643A/A9115).Resolution Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Res 0372-2024 *Rita C. Joseph~SPONSOREducationDepartment of Education to provide support for a student newspaper at every high school.Resolution Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Int 0826-2024 *Shekar Krishnan~SPONSORHousing and BuildingsProviding a copy of the registration statement in the online property owner registry.IntroductionThis bill would require that the online property owner registry include a copy of the most recent registration statement.Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Int 0827-2024 *Farah N. Louis~SPONSORPublic SafetyEstablishing an office of human trafficking.IntroductionThis bill would require the Mayor to establish an Office of Human Trafficking. Such office would be required to: identify issues related to human trafficking in New York City; provide recommendations on such issues; coordinate multi-agency initiatives; perform outreach and promote public awareness of human trafficking; conduct research; and perform such other duties as the mayor may assign. The office would also submit an annual report to the mayor and speaker of the Council.Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Int 0828-2024 *Farah N. Louis~SPONSORCivil Service and LaborDistribution of information relating to careers in civil service at the city university of New York.IntroductionThis bill would require the Department of Citywide Administrative Services (DCAS) to collaborate with the City University of New York (CUNY) to promote information relating to careers in civil service. DCAS would be required to provide electronic and written materials containing information about the civil service process and any available courses, programs and initiatives relating to careers in civil service to CUNY to distribute to students, prospective students and recent graduates. DCAS would also be required to post such information on its website.Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Int 0829-2024 *Farah N. Louis~SPONSORCivil Service and LaborPromotion of civil service examinations.IntroductionThis bill would require the Department of Citywide Administrative Services to engage in an advertising campaign to promote civil service examinations. This would include promotion on websites and social media as well as advertising on TV, radio, and public transportation.Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Int 0830-2024 *Farah N. Louis~SPONSORCriminal JusticeRequiring the commissioner of correction to develop a comprehensive training program for investigation of sexual crimes.IntroductionThis bill would require the Department of Correction to develop a comprehensive training program for investigations of sexual crimes. All Department of Correction investigators would be required to complete the training, and the Department of Correction would be required to make annual reports on the training program, including its components, the number of investigators who participated in the training, and the experts consulted in developing the training.Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Int 0831-2024 *Farah N. Louis~SPONSORPublic SafetyRequiring the police department to report on missing persons.IntroductionThis bill would require the NYPD to annually report on missing persons cases.Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Res 0373-2024 *Farah N. Louis~SPONSOREducationDOE to require age-appropriate human trafficking curriculum and instruction for students in grades K-12.Resolution Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Int 0832-2024 *Public Advocate Jumaane Williams~SPONSORCivil Service and LaborRequiring city employers to provide earned personal time to employees.IntroductionThis bill would update the Earned Safe and Sick Time Law by adding personal time. Employers with five or more employees or employers of one or more domestic worker would be required to provide all employees with personal time for absences from work for any reason. Like paid safe/sick time, employers would provide employees with one hour of personal time for every 30 hours worked by an employee, with a maximum of 80 hours of personal time in any calendar year.Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Int 0833-2024 *Public Advocate Jumaane Williams~SPONSORCultural Affairs, Libraries and International Intergroup RelationsRequiring the installation and maintenance of an informational sign at the intersection of Wall and Pearl Streets in Manhattan to mark the site of New York’s first slave market.IntroductionThis bill would require the New York City Department of Transportation to facilitate the installation and maintenance of an informational sign near the intersection of Wall and Pearl Streets, in Manhattan, to mark the site of New York’s first slave market. The sign must be in place within 250 days of the bill’s enactment.Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Int 0834-2024 *Public Advocate Jumaane Williams~SPONSOREducationPosting information on school meal ingredients and preparation online and reporting on allergic reactions to school meals.IntroductionThis bill would require the Department of Education (DOE) to post information on school meal ingredients and preparation on its website and conduct outreach to parents and guardians to notify them of the information. It would also require DOE to submit an annual report on allergic reactions to school meals to the Mayor, the Speaker of the Council and the Public Advocate and post it on its website.Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Int 0835-2024 *Public Advocate Jumaane Williams~SPONSORHealthProvision of menstrual cups in schools.IntroductionThis bill would require the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene to provide to schools, and the Department of Education to provide to students, reusable menstrual cups, among the feminine hygiene products required to be made available at no cost to students in schools.Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Int 0836-2024 *Public Advocate Jumaane Williams~SPONSORHealthRequiring the dept of health and mental hygiene to provide menstrual hygiene products for CUNY to make available on campus.IntroductionThis bill would require the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH) to provide menstrual products for the City University of New York (CUNY) to make available for students on campus.Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Int 0837-2024 *Public Advocate Jumaane Williams~SPONSORHousing and BuildingsRequiring that notice of hotel development plans be provided to certain officials at the time the application is filed.IntroductionThis bill would require that the New York City Department of Buildings, upon receiving an application for a new hotel, provide notice to each affected Borough President, community Board, Borough Board and Council Member within seven days of receipt of such application.Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Int 0838-2024 *Public Advocate Jumaane Williams~SPONSORCriminal JusticeApplication for New York city identity cards by incarcerated persons.IntroductionThis bill would assist individuals who are in custody of the Department of Correction (“DOC”) to apply for a New York City identity card (“IDNYC”). The Human Resources Administration (“HRA”) would be required to allow a book and case number or a New York State identification number utilized by the Department of Criminal Justice Services to be used as proof of identity for the purposes of obtaining an IDNYC. HRA would also be required to designate sites at each DOC facility where an incarcerated person may apply for an IDNYC. DOC would be required to facilitate this process by providing assistance in completing the IDNYC application, including written documentation of the individual’s book and case number or a New York State identification number, a photo of the incarcerated person to submit with the application, and a letter stating that the incarcerated person has resided in New York City for at least 15 days and lacks a home address, if applicable. DOC would also be required to notify each eligible person in their custody of their ability to apply for an IDNYC.Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Int 0839-2024 *Public Advocate Jumaane Williams~SPONSOREnvironmental Protection, Resiliency and WaterfrontsIncreasing penalties for failure to comply with backflow prevention requirementsIntroductionThis bill would increase the monetary penalties to be imposed on a building owner or operator who fails to comply with installation and reporting requirements for water backflow prevention devices. For failure to install the device, the civil penalty would be $1,000-10,000 and the criminal fine would be $2,000-10,000. For failure to file an annual report, the civil penalty would be $700-10,000 and the criminal fine would be $1,400-10,000.Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Int 0840-2024 *Public Advocate Jumaane Williams~SPONSORPublic SafetyRequiring the police department to report on custodial interrogations of minorsIntroductionThis bill would require the commissioner of the New York City Police Department (“NYPD”) to issue a quarterly report on custodial interrogations of minors. Such report would include the total number of times the department attempted to conduct a custodial interrogation of a minor in the previous quarter, disaggregated by: the race, age, and gender of the minor; the precinct of the arresting officer; the borough where the arrest took place; whether a parent or legal guardian of the minor was informed of the arrest prior to the interrogation; whether the minor spoke to an attorney prior to the interrogation; whether the minor was notified of their Miranda Rights; and whether the minor waived such rights. The first report would be due on January 30, 2023 and would be posted on the NYPD website and submitted to the Council, Mayor, and Public Advocate.Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Int 0841-2024 *Public Advocate Jumaane Williams~SPONSORSmall BusinessProvision of interest-free loans to small businesses, non-profits and freelance workers following certain emergency circumstancesIntroductionThis bill would require the Department of Small Business Services to create an interest-free loan program for small businesses, non-profit organizations and freelance workers forced to close or operate at reduced capacity due to the impacts of a natural disaster, state of emergency or other emergency circumstances. Qualifying small businesses would be able to use these loans for operating expenses such as rent, payroll, insurance, equipment and inventory costs.Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Int 0842-2024 *Public Advocate Jumaane Williams~SPONSORTransportation and InfrastructureRequiring the department of transportation to consider placement of traffic enforcement agents in developing an interagency roadway safety planIntroductionLocal Law 12 of 2011 requires the Department of Transportation (“DOT”) to develop an interagency plan to improve roadway safety and reduce incidents of traffic injuries and fatalities. The plan must be updated every five years and submitted to the Mayor and the Council. The proposed legislation would require DOT to specifically consider placement of traffic enforcement agents in certain areas in developing suggestions as part of the interagency roadway safety plan.Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Int 0843-2024 *Public Advocate Jumaane Williams~SPONSORTransportation and InfrastructureEstablishing a digital inclusion officer at every city agencyIntroductionThis bill would require that each agency designate at least one employee as a digital inclusion officer who would be responsible for coordinating efforts to ensure accessibility of websites and other digital content made publicly available by such agency. Each digital inclusion officer would receive training from the Mayor's Office for People with Disabilities at least annually. In addition, the Mayor's Office for People with Disabilities would be required to have at least one employee with expertise in digital accessibility who would be responsible for coordinating with the digital inclusion officers to monitor and improve the accessibility of city websites and other digital content.Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Res 0374-2024 *Public Advocate Jumaane Williams~SPONSORHousing and BuildingsMandating that any owner intending to sell a multi-unit residential dwelling, must first make a fairly appraised offer of sale to the tenants within the residence before making any sale offers to third parties.Resolution Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Res 0375-2024 *Public Advocate Jumaane Williams~SPONSORPublic SafetyRecognizing June as Gun Violence Awareness Month in NYC.Resolution Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Res 0376-2024 *Public Advocate Jumaane Williams~SPONSORPublic SafetyRequire MTA police officers to wear body-worn cameras. (A1552)Resolution Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Int 0844-2024 *Kevin C. Riley~SPONSOREconomic DevelopmentNYCHA Package - Inclusion of micro-grants in the public housing entrepreneurship and commercial pop up program.IntroductionThis bill would alter the contract between the city and the New York City Economic Development Corporation (“EDC”) by requiring EDC to offer micro-grants up to $10,000, where appropriate, to establish, expand, or grow businesses as part of its public housing entrepreneurship program.Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Int 0845-2024 *Rafael Salamanca, Jr.~SPONSOREducationDOE to report annually on the number of teachers, administrators and school staff who have completed therapeutic crisis intervention in schools training.IntroductionThe proposed bill would require the department of education to submit information to the mayor, the council and community education councils regarding the total number and percentage of teachers, administrators and school staff who have completed therapeutic crisis intervention in schools training. This training, which is provided through the department of education, educates participants on how to prevent or safely de-escalate behavioral crises with students and help students improve coping strategies.Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Int 0846-2024 *Rafael Salamanca, Jr.~SPONSOREnvironmental Protection, Resiliency and WaterfrontsEstablishing wastewater treatment plant monitoring committees.IntroductionThis bill would establish a local monitoring committee for each wastewater treatment plant to review community concerns about the activities at the wastewater treatment plant. Each monitoring committee would be appointed by local representatives, including community boards, and would include employees from the wastewater treatment plant and members of the community.Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Int 0847-2024 *Rafael Salamanca, Jr.~SPONSORGeneral WelfareRequiring the department of homeless services and human resources administration to post shelter, supportive housing and cluster site data.IntroductionThis bill would require that the Department of Social Services submit to every council member and community board and post on its website quarterly reports on the number of shelters, supportive housing, including both single-site supportive housing and scattered-site, and cluster sites. The total number of shelters, supportive housing facilities and cluster sites would be disaggregated by council district and community board.Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Int 0848-2024 *Rafael Salamanca, Jr.~SPONSORGovernmental Operations, State & Federal LegislationRequiring water bottle-filling stations in city agency buildings.IntroductionThis bill would require the Department of Citywide Administrative Services to provide a water bottle-filling station in all offices owned or maintained by the City that are occupied by City agencies.Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Int 0849-2024 *Rafael Salamanca, Jr.~SPONSORHealthRequiring automated external defibrillators in private schools and police carsIntroductionThis bill would require the presence of automated external defibrillators (often called AEDs) at private schools and in police patrol cars. AEDs are already required at public schools.Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Int 0850-2024 *Rafael Salamanca, Jr.~SPONSORHousing and BuildingsRequiring the department of housing preservation and development to report on the disposition of city property for affordable housing developmentIntroductionThis bill would require the Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD) to submit periodic reports to the Council regarding city-financed affordable housing projects involving the disposition of city property. The reports would be due every six months and would include, for each project, the project identifier and location, the date the developer was selected by HPD, the date the project received ULURP approval, whether the project includes any privately-owned parcels, the 6-month cycle during which the disposition of city property is expected to occur, and, for projects that have already closed, the actual closing date for such disposition.Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Int 0851-2024 *Rafael Salamanca, Jr.~SPONSORHousing and BuildingsRemediating lead soil hazards in dwellingsIntroductionThis bill would require owners of multiple dwellings to annually inspect soil in areas on the premises of a multiple dwelling, partially or wholly covered in soil and accessible to persons other than those employed to maintain such premises. If the lead level of that soil is above the soil lead reference level, the owner must notify the Department of Housing Preservation and Development and cover, replace or remediate that area. The Department of Health and Mental Hygiene may reduce the frequency of the sampling to every three years, if for each of the immediately preceding three years, the results indicate that the lead levels were below the soil lead reference levels.Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Int 0852-2024 *Rafael Salamanca, Jr.~SPONSORTransportation and InfrastructureRequiring towed vehicle storage facilities to provide 24 hour accessIntroductionThis bill would require that storage facilities for towing be open 24 hoursReferred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Int 0853-2024 *Rafael Salamanca, Jr.~SPONSORTransportation and InfrastructureCreating borough-based traffic request response teamsIntroductionThis bill would require the New York City Department of Transportation to assign staff to respond to traffic requests in each borough. The number of staff members for each borough would be proportionate to the volume of traffic requests in the borough. The traffic request response staff members would be responsible for responding to traffic requests in their assigned borough within three months of submission of the request, if practicable.Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Int 0854-2024 *Rafael Salamanca, Jr.~SPONSORGeneral WelfareRequiring the department of social services to create a domestic violence shelter designated for menIntroductionThis bill would require the Department of Social Services (DSS) to establish a domestic violence shelter exclusively for individuals who identify as men.Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Int 0855-2024 *Rafael Salamanca, Jr.~SPONSORMental Health, Disabilities and AddictionOffering fentanyl test strips at syringe exchange programs.IntroductionThis bill would require the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene to provide fentanyl test strips and provide training on how to use them at syringe exchange programs, and to provide test strips to attendees of in-person and virtual fentanyl test strip trainings. It would also require DOHMH to provide training to staff at syringe exchange programs on how to use the fentanyl test strips.Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Int 0856-2024 *Rafael Salamanca, Jr.~SPONSORPublic SafetyIncreasing the fines for the unlawful use of all-terrain vehicles and dirt bikesIntroductionThis bill would raise the fines for operating an all-terrain vehicle in the city. The first offense would be punishable by a fine and/or a civil penalty of at least 375 dollars and up to 750 dollars. Any subsequent offense would be punishable by a fine and/or a civil penalty of at least 750 dollars and up to 1500 dollars.Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Int 0857-2024 *Rafael Salamanca, Jr.~SPONSORTransportation and InfrastructureTowing vehicles that are an encumbrance on the street.IntroductionThis bill would require that the Department of Sanitation remove certain vehicles that are an encumbrance on the street within 72 hours after receiving notice of the encumbrance.Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Int 0858-2024 *Althea V. Stevens~SPONSORSmall BusinessNYCHA Package - Requiring the department of small business services to expand the business pathways program.IntroductionThis bill would require the Department of Small Business Services (SBS), in consultation with the Office of Resident Economic Empowerment and Sustainability (REES) of the New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA), to expand the Business Pathways program for NYCHA residents to encompass businesses beyond catering and childcare, including creative fields, retail and cosmetology. SBS would offer additional business pathways programs at the discretion of the commissioner. SBS would offer the Business Pathways programs free-of-charge. The programs would assist NYCHA residents in formalizing their businesses, including via a professional business education course; mentorship and professional coaching; support in obtaining business licenses; guidance on business operations, marketing and financial structures; funding to complete required health and safety trainings; support in completing provider applications; and help for certain businesses to secure commercial space.Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
LU 0070-2024 *Justin L. Brannan~SPONSORPreconsidered - FinanceWest 107th Street.HUDMF.FY24: Block 1842, Lot 42, Manhattan, Community District 7, Council District 7.Land Use Application Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
LU 0071-2024 *Justin L. Brannan~SPONSORPreconsidered - Finance68-19 Woodhaven Boulevard: Block 3148, Lot 2, Queens, Community District 6, Council District 30.Land Use Application Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
LU 0072-2024 *Justin L. Brannan~SPONSORPreconsidered - FinanceCadman Towers: Block 232, Lot 1; Block 238, Lot 35, Brooklyn, Community District 2, Council District 33.Land Use Application Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
LU 0073-2024 *Justin L. Brannan~SPONSORPreconsidered - Finance570 Washington Street: Block 596, Lot 1103, Manhattan, Community District 2, Council District 3.Land Use Application Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
LU 0074-2024 *Rafael Salamanca, Jr.~SPONSORPreconsidered - Zoning and FranchisesZoning, 15-21 West 124th Street, Manhattan (N 220434 ZRM)Land Use Application Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
LU 0074-2024 *Rafael Salamanca, Jr.  Zoning, 15-21 West 124th Street, Manhattan (N 220434 ZRM)Land Use Application Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available