LU 1279-2009
| * | David I. Weprin | | Preconsidered | 2059-2071 Madison Ave, Manhattan, CD#9, Section 577 of the Private Housing Finance Law. | Land Use Application | | Hearing on P-C Item by Comm | |
Action details
Not available
LU 1279-2009
| * | David I. Weprin | | | 2059-2071 Madison Ave, Manhattan, CD#9, Section 577 of the Private Housing Finance Law. | Land Use Application | | P-C Item Approved by Committee with Companion Resolution | Pass |
Action details
Not available
LU 1280-2009
| * | David I. Weprin | | Preconsidered | Section 202 Supportive Housing for the Elderly, Coretta Scott King Apartments, 660 Jerome Street, 741 Barbey Street, Brooklyn. | Land Use Application | | Hearing on P-C Item by Comm | |
Action details
Not available
LU 1280-2009
| * | David I. Weprin | | | Section 202 Supportive Housing for the Elderly, Coretta Scott King Apartments, 660 Jerome Street, 741 Barbey Street, Brooklyn. | Land Use Application | | P-C Item Approved by Committee with Companion Resolution | Pass |
Action details
Not available
LU 1281-2009
| * | David I. Weprin | | Preconsidered | Haven Plaza, 188-198 Avenue C, 200 Avenue C, 726 East 13th Street, 700-722 East 13th Street, Manhattan. | Land Use Application | | Hearing on P-C Item by Comm | |
Action details
Not available
LU 1281-2009
| * | David I. Weprin | | | Haven Plaza, 188-198 Avenue C, 200 Avenue C, 726 East 13th Street, 700-722 East 13th Street, Manhattan. | Land Use Application | | P-C Item Approved by Committee with Companion Resolution | Pass |
Action details
Not available