Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 2/27/2025 1:30 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Council Chambers - City Hall
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Prime SponsorAgenda #Agenda NoteNameTypeSummaryActionResultAction DetailsMultimedia
    1.ROLL CALL      Roll call Not available
    2.INVOCATION - Delivered by: Bishop George Shorts, Pilgrim Cathedral of East New York located at 590 New Lots Avenue, Brooklyn NY 11207. Motion to spread the Invocation in full upon the record by Council Member Banks.      Not available
    3.ADOPTION OF MINUTES - Motion that the Minutes of the Stated Meeting of February 13, 2025 be adopted as printed by Council Member Hanif.      Not available
    4.MESSAGES & PAPERS FROM THE MAYOR - None      Not available
M 0111-2025 *  Preconsidered - FinanceThe Operating Budget of the Council of the City of New York.Communication Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
M 0112-2025 *  Preconsidered - FinanceSchedule detailing the lump sum OTPS Unit of Appropriation of the Operating Budget of the Council of the City of New York.Communication Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
    6.PETITIONS & COMMUNICATIONS - None      Not available
    7.LAND USE CALL-UPS –      Not available
M 0113-2025 *Rafael Salamanca, Jr.  Zoning, Queens Future Map Change and Amendment, Queens (C 250047 MMQ and C 250046 ZMQ).Land Use Call-Up Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
    9.DISCUSSION OF GENERAL ORDERS      Not available
    10.REPORTS OF SPECIAL COMMITTEES - None      Not available
    11.REPORTS OF STANDING COMMITTEES      Not available
     REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON AGING      Not available
Int 1092-2024 ACrystal Hudson Amended and Coupled on GOEducating older adults about elder fraud, end of life preparation, and financial literacy.IntroductionThis bill would require the Department for the Aging (DFTA), in consultation with the Department of Information Technology and Telecommunications and the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection (DCWP), to develop printed and digital informational materials to educate older adults about internet scams, phone scams, and phishing scams, and provide quarterly guidance to older adult centers about emerging scams. The bill would also require that DFTA post a digital version of the informational materials on its website, and would require the Commissioner for the Aging to ensure that such informational materials are distributed to homebound older adults and that older adult centers distribute such informational materials to older adults in their facilities. Additionally, this bill would require DFTA, in consultation with DCWP, to develop printed and digital informational materials to educate older adults about financial literacy and end of life preparation.Approved by CouncilPass Action details Not available
Int 0009-2024 BDiana I. Ayala Amended and Coupled on GOProviding information about obtaining counsel at the first point of contact during a covered proceeding.IntroductionThis bill would require the Administration for Children’s Services (ACS) to provide information about where to access legal services for parents or guardians after ACS makes contact for the first time with such parents or guardians at the onset of an ACS child protective investigation, or an ACS child protective response.Approved by CouncilPass Action details Not available
Int 0794-2024 AAlthea V. Stevens Amended and Coupled on GOComposition of the youth board.IntroductionThis bill would require that appointments or recommendations for youth board members must be made with best efforts to ensure that appointees have demonstrated relevant experience in the area of youth welfare. Additionally, this bill would require that to the extent practicable, at least 3 members of the board be between the ages of 16-24, in order to ensure actual youth representation.Approved by CouncilPass Action details Not available
Int 1061-2024 AFarah N. Louis Amended and Coupled on GODepartment of correction report on sexual abuse.IntroductionThis bill would amend the Department of Correction’s semi-annual reports on alleged incidents and investigations of sexual harassment and abuse to require a single report on incidents and investigations that includes a unique identification number for each alleged incident. It would also require the Department to provide a justification for not reporting any substantiated allegations to a District Attorney’s office.Approved by CouncilPass Action details Not available
LU 0242-2025 *Justin L. Brannan  BRC Cluster 3, Block 2436, Lot 33, Block 2478, Lot 46, Block 2479, Lot 36, Bronx, Community District No. 4, Council District No. 16.Land Use Application Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
Res 0785-2025 *Justin L. Brannan Coupled on GOLU 242 - BRC Cluster 3, Block 2436, Lot 33, Block 2478, Lot 46, Block 2479, Lot 36, Bronx, Community District No. 4, Council District No. 16.Resolution Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
LU 0243-2025 *Justin L. Brannan  B&R, Block 3215, Lot 22, Brooklyn, Community District No. 4, Council District No. 34.Land Use Application Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
Res 0786-2025 *Justin L. Brannan Coupled on GOLU 243 - B&R, Block 3215, Lot 22, Brooklyn, Community District No. 4, Council District No. 34.Resolution Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
M 0111-2025 *   The Operating Budget of the Council of the City of New York.Communication Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
Res 0787-2025 *Justin L. Brannan Coupled on GOM 111 - The Operating Budget of the Council of the City of New York.Resolution Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
M 0112-2025 *   Schedule detailing the lump sum OTPS Unit of Appropriation of the Operating Budget of the Council of the City of New York.Communication Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
Res 0788-2025 *Justin L. Brannan Coupled on GOM 112 - Schedule detailing the lump sum OTPS Unit of Appropriation of the Operating Budget of the Council of the City of New York.Resolution Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
Int 0565-2024 AGale A. Brewer Amended and Coupled on GOProviding survivors of domestic violence with guidance on making voter registration records confidential and voting by special ballot.IntroductionThis bill would require the Campaign Finance Board, in consultation with the Board of Elections and the Office to End Domestic and Gender–Based Violence (ENDGBV), to develop guidance on the procedures under the New York State Election Law for making a voter record confidential and for voting by special ballot. In addition, the bill would require ENDGBV to distribute such guidance to Family Justice Centers, and to provide survivors with information on how to get assistance in preparing and submitting written statements to the Board of Elections to make their voter records confidential or establish their eligibility to vote by special ballot. ENDGBV would also be required to collaborate with other city agencies to distribute such guidance.Approved by CouncilPass Action details Not available
Int 1101-2024 AYusef Salaam Amended and Coupled on GORequiring the police department to provide information and officer training relating to identity theft.IntroductionThis bill would require the Police Department to post information on its website about identity theft, including information about reporting suspected identity theft to the department. Additionally, the Police Department would also be required to train officers on responding to and investigating suspected identity theft.Approved by CouncilPass Action details Not available
Int 0498-2024 AShaun Abreu Amended and Coupled on GORequiring an application for community gardens to request collection of organic waste by the department of sanitation.IntroductionThis bill would require the Department of Sanitation (DSNY) to make available on its website an online application allowing community gardens to request curbside collection of organic waste. DSNY would be required to collect organic waste from community gardens that request such collection beginning on August 15, 2025.Approved by CouncilPass Action details Not available
Int 1126-2024 AYusef Salaam Amended and Coupled on GORequiring the provision of official waste containers at no cost to certain residential buildings with 2 or fewer dwelling units, and providing for the repeal of such local law upon the expiration thereof.IntroductionThis bill would require the Department of Sanitation (“DSNY”), or other administering agency as designated by the mayor, to distribute official NYC waste bins to owners of eligible buildings. This bill would also require DSNY or the administering agency to establish and implement a program to reimburse owners of eligible buildings who purchased official NYC waste bins on or before August 1, 2026. Eligible buildings include those with up to 2 dwelling units where the building owner is enrolled in a New York STAR or Enhanced STAR tax benefit program. DSNY or the administering agency would be required to submit a report on the law’s implementation one month after the law’s expiration.Approved by CouncilPass Action details Not available
    12.GENERAL ORDERS CALENDAR      Not available
LU 0212-2025 *Rafael Salamanca, Jr.  Zoning, 441 & 467 Prospect Avenue Rezoning, Brooklyn (C 240280 ZMK).Land Use Application Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
Res 0789-2025 *Rafael Salamanca, Jr. Coupled on GOLU 212 - Zoning, 441 & 467 Prospect Avenue Rezoning, Brooklyn (C 240280 ZMK).Resolution Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
LU 0213-2025 *Rafael Salamanca, Jr.  Zoning, 441 & 467 Prospect Avenue Rezoning, Brooklyn (N 240281 ZRK).Land Use Application Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
Res 0790-2025 *Rafael Salamanca, Jr. Coupled on GOLU 213 - Zoning, 441 & 467 Prospect Avenue Rezoning, Brooklyn (N 240281 ZRK).Resolution Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
    ~coupledAGING      Not available
Int 1092-2024 ACrystal Hudson~coupledA and GOEducating older adults about elder fraud, end of life preparation, and financial literacy.IntroductionThis bill would require the Department for the Aging (DFTA), in consultation with the Department of Information Technology and Telecommunications and the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection (DCWP), to develop printed and digital informational materials to educate older adults about internet scams, phone scams, and phishing scams, and provide quarterly guidance to older adult centers about emerging scams. The bill would also require that DFTA post a digital version of the informational materials on its website, and would require the Commissioner for the Aging to ensure that such informational materials are distributed to homebound older adults and that older adult centers distribute such informational materials to older adults in their facilities. Additionally, this bill would require DFTA, in consultation with DCWP, to develop printed and digital informational materials to educate older adults about financial literacy and end of life preparation.   Action details Not available
    ~coupledCHILDREN AND YOUTH      Not available
Int 0009-2024 BDiana I. Ayala~coupledA and GOProviding information about obtaining counsel at the first point of contact during a covered proceeding.IntroductionThis bill would require the Administration for Children’s Services (ACS) to provide information about where to access legal services for parents or guardians after ACS makes contact for the first time with such parents or guardians at the onset of an ACS child protective investigation, or an ACS child protective response.   Action details Not available
Int 0794-2024 AAlthea V. Stevens~coupledA and GOComposition of the youth board.IntroductionThis bill would require that appointments or recommendations for youth board members must be made with best efforts to ensure that appointees have demonstrated relevant experience in the area of youth welfare. Additionally, this bill would require that to the extent practicable, at least 3 members of the board be between the ages of 16-24, in order to ensure actual youth representation.   Action details Not available
    ~coupledCRIMINAL JUSTICE      Not available
Int 1061-2024 AFarah N. Louis~coupledA and GODepartment of correction report on sexual abuse.IntroductionThis bill would amend the Department of Correction’s semi-annual reports on alleged incidents and investigations of sexual harassment and abuse to require a single report on incidents and investigations that includes a unique identification number for each alleged incident. It would also require the Department to provide a justification for not reporting any substantiated allegations to a District Attorney’s office.   Action details Not available
    ~coupledFINANCE      Not available
Res 0785-2025 *Justin L. Brannan~coupledPreconsidered - GOLU 242 - BRC Cluster 3, Block 2436, Lot 33, Block 2478, Lot 46, Block 2479, Lot 36, Bronx, Community District No. 4, Council District No. 16.Resolution    Action details Not available
Res 0786-2025 *Justin L. Brannan~coupledPreconsidered - GOLU 243 - B&R, Block 3215, Lot 22, Brooklyn, Community District No. 4, Council District No. 34.Resolution    Action details Not available
Res 0787-2025 *Justin L. Brannan~coupledPreconsidered - GOM 111 - The Operating Budget of the Council of the City of New York.Resolution    Action details Not available
Res 0788-2025 *Justin L. Brannan~coupledPreconsidered - GOM 112 - Schedule detailing the lump sum OTPS Unit of Appropriation of the Operating Budget of the Council of the City of New York.Resolution    Action details Not available
Int 0565-2024 AGale A. Brewer~coupledA and GOProviding survivors of domestic violence with guidance on making voter registration records confidential and voting by special ballot.IntroductionThis bill would require the Campaign Finance Board, in consultation with the Board of Elections and the Office to End Domestic and Gender–Based Violence (ENDGBV), to develop guidance on the procedures under the New York State Election Law for making a voter record confidential and for voting by special ballot. In addition, the bill would require ENDGBV to distribute such guidance to Family Justice Centers, and to provide survivors with information on how to get assistance in preparing and submitting written statements to the Board of Elections to make their voter records confidential or establish their eligibility to vote by special ballot. ENDGBV would also be required to collaborate with other city agencies to distribute such guidance.   Action details Not available
    ~coupledPUBLIC SAFETY      Not available
Int 1101-2024 AYusef Salaam~coupledA and GORequiring the police department to provide information and officer training relating to identity theft.IntroductionThis bill would require the Police Department to post information on its website about identity theft, including information about reporting suspected identity theft to the department. Additionally, the Police Department would also be required to train officers on responding to and investigating suspected identity theft.   Action details Not available
    ~coupledSANITATION AND SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT      Not available
Int 0498-2024 AShaun Abreu~coupledA and GORequiring an application for community gardens to request collection of organic waste by the department of sanitation.IntroductionThis bill would require the Department of Sanitation (DSNY) to make available on its website an online application allowing community gardens to request curbside collection of organic waste. DSNY would be required to collect organic waste from community gardens that request such collection beginning on August 15, 2025.   Action details Not available
Int 1126-2024 AYusef Salaam~coupledA and GORequiring the provision of official waste containers at no cost to certain residential buildings with 2 or fewer dwelling units, and providing for the repeal of such local law upon the expiration thereof.IntroductionThis bill would require the Department of Sanitation (“DSNY”), or other administering agency as designated by the mayor, to distribute official NYC waste bins to owners of eligible buildings. This bill would also require DSNY or the administering agency to establish and implement a program to reimburse owners of eligible buildings who purchased official NYC waste bins on or before August 1, 2026. Eligible buildings include those with up to 2 dwelling units where the building owner is enrolled in a New York STAR or Enhanced STAR tax benefit program. DSNY or the administering agency would be required to submit a report on the law’s implementation one month after the law’s expiration.   Action details Not available
    ~coupledGENERAL ORDERS CALENDAR      Not available
Res 0789-2025 *Rafael Salamanca, Jr.~coupledPreconsidered - GOLU 212 - Zoning, 441 & 467 Prospect Avenue Rezoning, Brooklyn (C 240280 ZMK).Resolution    Action details Not available
Res 0790-2025 *Rafael Salamanca, Jr.~coupledPreconsidered - GOLU 213 - Zoning, 441 & 467 Prospect Avenue Rezoning, Brooklyn (N 240281 ZRK).Resolution    Action details Not available
          Pass Not available
    14.DISCUSSION OF RESOLUTIONS      Not available
    15.RESOLUTIONS      Not available
Res 0561-2024 *Crystal Hudson Adopted by the Committee on AgingCreate a statewide public guardianship system to address current inequities and deficits and safeguard vulnerable New Yorkers in need of protective arrangements.Resolution Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
Res 0782-2025 ALynn C. Schulman Preconsidered - Amended and Adopted by the Committee on HealthAmount of state aid reimbursement for public health services by a municipality in the city of New York when the municipality is providing some or all of certain identified core public health services (A.2705/S.4801).Resolution Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
    16.GENERAL DISCUSSION      Not available
    17.EXTENSION OF REMARKS      Not available
     INTRODUCTION AND READING OF BILLS - Pursuant to Section 33-a of the New York City Charter, the New York City Council may vote on the following items no earlier than 30 days from the date of this notice. The New York City Council reserves the right to vote without the notice required pursuant to Section 33-a on any proposed local laws that do not relate to the public safety operations of the New York City Police Department, the Fire Department or the Department of Correction.      Not available
Int 1199-2025 *Shaun Abreu~SPONSORHousing and BuildingsCreating an office of housing development fund company outreach.IntroductionThis bill would create an office within the Department of Housing Preservation and Development dedicated to issues relating to the management of Housing Finance Development Companies (HDFCs) and providing advice to HDFCs on these issues.Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Res 0771-2025 *Erik D. Bottcher~SPONSORWomen and Gender EquityExtend protections over personal health information (S.929/A.2141).Resolution Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Int 1200-2025 *Tiffany Cabán~SPONSORWomen and Gender EquityPublic information and outreach campaign regarding legal rights and resources available to TGNCNBI individuals.IntroductionThis bill would require the city to administer a public education program to inform the public about the legal rights and resources available to TGNCNBI individuals. The public education program would provide information on protections against discrimination and harassment related to gender, sexual orientation, and sexual and reproductive health decisions. It would also include information on hate crime protections, access to gender-affirming care, community-based organizations offering support services for TGNCNBI individuals, and legal name and gender marker changes.Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Res 0772-2025 *Tiffany Cabán~SPONSORFinanceAlteration or repeal of real property tax exemptions for private institutions of higher education (S.1419/A.898).Resolution Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Res 0773-2025 *Amanda Farías~SPONSORTransportation and InfrastructureRequire the MTA to provide free express bus fare to NYC students who take express buses to and from school.Resolution Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Int 1201-2025 *Shahana K. Hanif~SPONSORWomen and Gender EquityAccess to gender-affirming care facilities and a cause of action related to interference with gender-affirming care.IntroductionThis bill would update an existing local law on the prevention of interference with access to reproductive health care facilities, by prohibiting activities that prevent access to facilities offering gender-affirming care. Unlawful actions may subject a person to criminal charges or civil suits. The bill would update cross-references to this local law that exist in another section of the Administrative Code. This bill would also expand a person’s private right of action for interference with reproductive or endocrine medical care when a lawsuit is commenced against the person on the basis of this care, to explicitly include all forms of gender-affirming care. Along with expanding this private right of action, the relevant chapter of the Administrative Code is redesignated to prevent confusion with an identically numbered chapter.Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Res 0774-2025 *Crystal Hudson~SPONSORWomen and Gender EquityDept of Health to implement regulations requiring hospitals in NYC to adhere to the World Professional Association for Transgender Health’s Standards of Care 8.Resolution Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Res 0775-2025 *Farah N. Louis~SPONSORGeneral WelfareIncrease the funeral cost limit of burial services for low-income residents of New York from $3,400 to $6,000.Resolution Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Res 0776-2025 *Farah N. Louis~SPONSORHigher EducationCUNY to collect and publicize data regarding the participation of students in the associate degree apprenticeship programs co-sponsored with business & industry and to disaggregate such data by student gender, race & ethnicity & income.Resolution Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Int 1202-2025 *Christopher Marte~SPONSORParks and RecreationProhibiting the installation of artificial grass in city parks.IntroductionThis bill would prohibit the Commissioner of Parks and Recreation from installing artificial grass in New York City parks, with the exception of repairing or reconstructing artificial grass installed prior to the effective date of the bill.Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Res 0777-2025 *Christopher Marte~SPONSORHousing and BuildingsCreating a public benefit corporation for the construction, acquisition, and rehabilitation of permanently affordable housing (A.9088/S.8494).Resolution Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Res 0778-2025 *Christopher Marte~SPONSORHousing and BuildingsCreating an independent Housing Development Authority under the Department of Housing and Urban Development for the acquisition, remediation, and construction of permanently affordable housing. (H.R.9662/S.5078)Resolution Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Int 1203-2025 *Chi A. Ossé~SPONSORWomen and Gender EquityRequiring the chair of the commission on gender equity to develop a plan to support newly arrived migrants 24 years old and younger and transgender, gender non-conforming, non-binary, and intersex newly arrived migrants.IntroductionThis bill would require the Chair of the Commission on Gender Equity to work with the Director of the Office of Immigrant Affairs and the Commissioner of Youth and Community Development to develop a plan for the City to provide support to newly arrived migrants 24 years old and younger in the city and newly arrived migrants who are transgender, gender non-conforming, non-binary, and intersex. The plan would review the particular needs of these communities, what resources exist for them, and recommendations on how to address any gaps in city resources. The bill would require the Chair of the Commission on Gender Equity to submit the plan to the Mayor and the Speaker of the Council no later than 1 year after the effective date of the local law.Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Int 1204-2025 *Chi A. Ossé~SPONSORWomen and Gender EquityRequiring the commissioner of health and mental hygiene to develop a health agenda to promote the health and wellbeing of transgender, gender nonconforming, nonbinary, and intersex New Yorkers.IntroductionThis bill would require the Commissioner of the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene to develop a citywide health agenda focused on transgender, gender non-conforming, nonbinary, and intersex (TGNCNBI) New Yorkers in light of health disparities between TGNCNBI New Yorkers and cisgender New Yorkers. The bill would require the agenda include citywide health goals for TGNCNBI New Yorkers and strategies for the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene to advance the health goals. The bill would require the Commissioner of the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene to deliver the health agenda no later than September 30, 2026 and to provide an updated plan annually afterwards.Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Res 0779-2025 *Chi A. Ossé~SPONSORCivil and Human RightsRecognizing May 19, 2025, as the 100th birthday of Malcolm X and commemorating May 19 annually as Malcolm X Day in the City of New York.Resolution Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Res 0780-2025 *Pierina Ana Sanchez~SPONSORHousing and BuildingsInstitute a rolling application deadline in NYC for the disability homeowner exemption and the senior citizen homeowner exemption.Resolution Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Res 0781-2025 *Lynn C. Schulman~SPONSORWomen and Gender EquityProhibit out-of-state access to the New York State Prescription Monitoring Program’s data for certain medications including abortion medications, hormone therapy, and puberty blockers.Resolution Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Res 0782-2025 ALynn C. Schulman~SPONSORPreconsidered - HealthAmount of state aid reimbursement for public health services by a municipality in the city of New York when the municipality is providing some or all of certain identified core public health services (A.2705/S.4801).Resolution Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Res 0783-2025 *Nantasha M. Williams~SPONSORTechnologyEnacting the New York Data Protection Act. (S. 4860)Resolution Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Res 0784-2025 *Nantasha M. Williams~SPONSORConsumer and Worker ProtectionRequire that hair relaxer products display labels when they contain certain dangerous chemicals.Resolution Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
LU 0242-2025 *Justin L. Brannan~SPONSORFinanceBRC Cluster 3, Block 2436, Lot 33, Block 2478, Lot 46, Block 2479, Lot 36, Bronx, Community District No. 4, Council District No. 16.Land Use Application Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
LU 0243-2025 *Justin L. Brannan~SPONSORFinanceB&R, Block 3215, Lot 22, Brooklyn, Community District No. 4, Council District No. 34.Land Use Application Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
LU 0244-2025 *Rafael Salamanca, Jr.~SPONSORLandmarks, Public Sitings, and DispositionsLandmarks, Brownsville NCP, Brooklyn (C 250036 HAK).Land Use Application Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
LU 0244-2025 *Rafael Salamanca, Jr.  Landmarks, Brownsville NCP, Brooklyn (C 250036 HAK).Land Use Application Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
LU 0245-2025 *Rafael Salamanca, Jr.~SPONSORLandmarks, Public Sitings, and DispositionsLandmarks, Brownsville NCP, Brooklyn (C 250037 ZMK).Land Use Application Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
LU 0245-2025 *Rafael Salamanca, Jr.  Landmarks, Brownsville NCP, Brooklyn (C 250037 ZMK).Land Use Application Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
LU 0246-2025 *Rafael Salamanca, Jr.~SPONSORLandmarks, Public Sitings, and DispositionsLandmarks, Brownsville NCP, Brooklyn (N 250038 ZRK).Land Use Application Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
LU 0246-2025 *Rafael Salamanca, Jr.  Landmarks, Brownsville NCP, Brooklyn (N 250038 ZRK).Land Use Application Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
LU 0247-2025 *Rafael Salamanca, Jr.~SPONSORPreconsidered - Landmarks, Public Sitings, and DispositionsLandmarks, 2201 Davidson Avenue, Bronx (G 250068 NUX).Land Use Application Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
LU 0247-2025 *Rafael Salamanca, Jr.  Landmarks, 2201 Davidson Avenue, Bronx (G 250068 NUX).Land Use Application Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
LU 0248-2025 *Rafael Salamanca, Jr.~SPONSORPreconsidered - Landmarks, Public Sitings, and DispositionsLandmarks, 2201 Davidson Avenue Article XI, Bronx (G 250067 XAX).Land Use Application Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
LU 0248-2025 *Rafael Salamanca, Jr.  Landmarks, 2201 Davidson Avenue Article XI, Bronx (G 250067 XAX).Land Use Application Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
LU 0249-2025 *Rafael Salamanca, Jr.~SPONSORZoning and FranchisesZoning, Queens Future Map Change and Amendment. Queens (C 250046 ZMQ).Land Use Application Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
LU 0249-2025 *Rafael Salamanca, Jr.  Zoning, Queens Future Map Change and Amendment. Queens (C 250046 ZMQ).Land Use Application Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
LU 0250-2025 *Rafael Salamanca, Jr.~SPONSORZoning and FranchisesZoning, Queens Future Map Change and Amendment, Queens (C 250047 MMQ).Land Use Application Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
LU 0250-2025 *Rafael Salamanca, Jr.  Zoning, Queens Future Map Change and Amendment, Queens (C 250047 MMQ).Land Use Application Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available