Int 1410-2019
| * | Vanessa L. Gibson | | Proposed Int. No. 1410-B | Commercial tenant harassment. | Introduction | This bill would redefine commercial tenant harassment as an act or omission by a landlord that would reasonably cause a commercial tenant to vacate, or surrender or waive their rights under a rental agreement. The bill would also broaden the acts and omissions that constitute commercial tenant harassment. The bill would raise civil penalties for landlords that commit commercial tenant harassment to $10,000-50,000 for each property in which the tenant was subject to harassment. Finally, when a landlord has been found to have engaged in commercial tenant harassment, the bill would clarify that courts can order the Department of Buildings not to approve, issue or renew documents for certain types of construction work the landlord wishes to perform at the property in which the tenant was subject to harassment. | Hearing Held by Committee | |
Action details
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Int 1410-2019
| * | Vanessa L. Gibson | | | Commercial tenant harassment. | Introduction | This bill would redefine commercial tenant harassment as an act or omission by a landlord that would reasonably cause a commercial tenant to vacate, or surrender or waive their rights under a rental agreement. The bill would also broaden the acts and omissions that constitute commercial tenant harassment. The bill would raise civil penalties for landlords that commit commercial tenant harassment to $10,000-50,000 for each property in which the tenant was subject to harassment. Finally, when a landlord has been found to have engaged in commercial tenant harassment, the bill would clarify that courts can order the Department of Buildings not to approve, issue or renew documents for certain types of construction work the landlord wishes to perform at the property in which the tenant was subject to harassment. | Amendment Proposed by Comm | |
Action details
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Int 1410-2019
| * | Vanessa L. Gibson | | | Commercial tenant harassment. | Introduction | This bill would redefine commercial tenant harassment as an act or omission by a landlord that would reasonably cause a commercial tenant to vacate, or surrender or waive their rights under a rental agreement. The bill would also broaden the acts and omissions that constitute commercial tenant harassment. The bill would raise civil penalties for landlords that commit commercial tenant harassment to $10,000-50,000 for each property in which the tenant was subject to harassment. Finally, when a landlord has been found to have engaged in commercial tenant harassment, the bill would clarify that courts can order the Department of Buildings not to approve, issue or renew documents for certain types of construction work the landlord wishes to perform at the property in which the tenant was subject to harassment. | Amended by Committee | |
Action details
Not available
Int 1410-2019
| B | Vanessa L. Gibson | | | Commercial tenant harassment. | Introduction | This bill would redefine commercial tenant harassment as an act or omission by a landlord that would reasonably cause a commercial tenant to vacate, or surrender or waive their rights under a rental agreement. The bill would also broaden the acts and omissions that constitute commercial tenant harassment. The bill would raise civil penalties for landlords that commit commercial tenant harassment to $10,000-50,000 for each property in which the tenant was subject to harassment. Finally, when a landlord has been found to have engaged in commercial tenant harassment, the bill would clarify that courts can order the Department of Buildings not to approve, issue or renew documents for certain types of construction work the landlord wishes to perform at the property in which the tenant was subject to harassment. | Approved by Committee | Pass |
Action details
Not available