Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 11/2/2023 1:30 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Council Chambers - City Hall
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Prime SponsorAgenda #Agenda NoteNameTypeSummaryActionResultAction DetailsMultimedia
    1.ROLL CALL      Roll call Not available
    2.INVOCATION - Delivered by Swami Yuktatmananda, Ramakrishna-Vivekananda Center of New York, located at 17 East 94th Street, New York, NY 10128. Motion to spread the Invocation in full upon the record by Council Member Krishnan.      Not available
    3.ADOPTION OF MINUTES - Motion that the Minutes of the Stated Meetings of October 5, 2023 and October 19, 2023 be adopted as printed by Council Member Joseph.      Not available
    4.MESSAGES & PAPERS FROM THE MAYOR - None      Not available
M 0180-2023 *  Received, Ordered, Printed and FiledSubmitting Proposed Five-Year Capital Plan FY 2025–2029.Communication Rcvd, Ord, Prnt, Fld by Council  Action details Not available
    6.PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS - None      Not available
    7.LAND USE CALL-UPS – None      Not available
    9.DISCUSSION OF GENERAL ORDERS      Not available
    10.REPORTS OF SPECIAL COMMITTEES - None      Not available
    11.REPORTS OF STANDING COMMITTEES      Not available
Int 1208-2023 *Diana I. Ayala Coupled on General OrdersExtending the rate of the additional tax on the occupancy of hotel rooms.IntroductionThis bill would extend the expiration date of the tax on hotel room occupancy from December 1, 2023 to December 1, 2027.Approved by CouncilPass Action details Not available
Res 0834-2023 *Justin L. Brannan Preconsidered - Coupled on General OrdersApproving the new designation and changes in the designation of certain organizations to receive funding in the Expense Budget.Resolution Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
Int 0687-2022 AKeith Powers  Amended and Coupled on General OrdersRequiring added sugar notifications for menu items in chain restaurants.IntroductionThis bill would require chain restaurants with 15 or more locations to conspicuously post added sugar icons and factual warning statements on menus or menu boards next to menu items and on or near food items on display that exceed a specified level of added sugars as determined by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration or another amount specified by the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH). This bill would consider food items that are identical to prepackaged food items to have the same density of added sugars as displayed on the nutrition facts of the prepackaged food item, unless demonstrated otherwise. This bill would also require such restaurants to conspicuously post an added sugar icon on or near any non-packaged food items on display or on menus or menu boards no later than 1 year after the federal regulations that require restaurants to include added sugars in nutritional information of non-packaged food items go into effect. Any covered restaurant that violates the provisions of this bill would be liable for a civil penalty of $200.Approved by CouncilPass Action details Not available
Int 0968-2023 BMercedes Narcisse Amended and Coupled on General OrdersEstablishing guidance to improve health outcomes for individuals affected by sickle cell disease.IntroductionThis bill would require the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, in consultation with New York City Health and Hospitals, to create guidance to educate medical professionals and the public on the detection of the sickle cell trait through pre- and post-conception genetic screening and on the management and treatment of sickle cell disease. Guidance for medical professionals is required to include education on the benefits of recommending screenings during the family planning process and on nondiscriminatory approaches to assess patient pain, including instruction on implicit bias in the provision of pain management. The bill would also require that pre- and post- conception genetic screening for sickle cell trait be offered to those who fall into an at-risk population or for whom such screening is otherwise medically recommended.Approved by CouncilPass Action details Not available
Int 0569-2022 BShahana K. Hanif Amended and Coupled on General OrdersWorkers’ bill of rights and outreach to immigrant workers.IntroductionThis bill would require the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection (DCWP), in coordination with the Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs (MOIA), the New York City Commission on Human Rights, and community and labor organizations, to create and publish a workers’ bill of rights, which would contain information on the rights and protections under federal, state, and local laws that apply to all workers in the City, regardless of immigration status. Employers would be required to post the workers’ bill of rights in a conspicuous location in the workplace, and to provide a copy to employees upon hiring. Employers whose business operates online or through a mobile application would also be required to post the workers’ bill of rights online or on such mobile application. MOIA, in coordination with DCWP and community and labor groups, would be required to conduct outreach to workers in the City to raise awareness of the workers’ bill of rights. Such outreach would also include contact information for the City’s Immigration Legal Hotline and Asylum Application Help Center, resources and contact information for immigration legal services and MOIA, information on what to expect if immigration enforcement authorities come to an individual’s workplace, and information regarding federal eligibility requirements of Temporary Protected Status following designations, extensions, and re-designations of such status.Approved by CouncilPass Action details Not available
Int 0845-2022 AJulie Menin Amended and Coupled on General OrdersReducing penalties, allowing opportunities to cure for certain violations, and eliminating certain requirements for commercial establishments.IntroductionThis bill would reduce penalties, allow opportunities to cure for certain violations, and eliminate certain requirements for commercial establishments.Approved by CouncilPass Action details Not available
Int 1083-2023 AJulie Menin Amended and Coupled on General OrdersEstablishment of the office of nightlife.IntroductionThis bill would amend the New York City Charter to authorize the Mayor to establish the Office of Nightlife within the Department of Small Business Services.Approved by CouncilPass Action details Not available
Int 0816-2022 *Lincoln Restler Coupled on General OrdersSuspending alternate side parking regulations on Tisha B’Av.IntroductionThis bill would suspend alternate side parking regulations on Tisha B’Av.Approved by CouncilPass Action details Not available
Int 1191-2023 *Selvena N. Brooks-Powers Coupled on General OrdersTaxicab license durations.IntroductionThis bill would change the duration of taxicab licenses from one year to two years.Approved by CouncilPass Action details Not available
Int 1192-2023 *Selvena N. Brooks-Powers Coupled on General OrdersAuthorizing physician assistants and nurse practitioners to conduct medical exams of taxi driver license applicants.IntroductionThis bill would allow applicants for a taxi driver license to receive medical clearance from a physician assistant or nurse practitioner.Approved by CouncilPass Action details Not available
    12.GENERAL ORDERS CALENDAR      Not available
LU 0263-2023 *Rafael Salamanca, Jr.  Zoning, South Richmond Zoning Relief, Staten Island (N 230112 ZRR)Land Use Application Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
Res 0841-2023 *Rafael Salamanca, Jr. Coupled on General OrdersLU 263 - Zoning, South Richmond Zoning Relief, Staten Island (N 230112 ZRR)Resolution Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
LU 0275-2023 *Rafael Salamanca, Jr.  Zoning, 703 Myrtle Avenue Rezoning, Brooklyn (C 220453 ZMK)Land Use Application Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
Res 0842-2023 *Rafael Salamanca, Jr. Coupled on General OrdersLU 275 - Zoning, 703 Myrtle Avenue Rezoning, Brooklyn (C 220453 ZMK)Resolution Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
LU 0276-2023 *Rafael Salamanca, Jr.  Zoning, 703 Myrtle Avenue Rezoning, Brooklyn (N 220454 ZRK)Land Use Application Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
Res 0843-2023 *Rafael Salamanca, Jr. Coupled on General OrdersLU 276 - Zoning, 703 Myrtle Avenue Rezoning, Brooklyn (N 220454 ZRK)Resolution Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
T2022-0001 * ~coupledCoupled on General OrdersCommissioner of DeedsCommissioner of Deeds Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
    ~coupledFINANCE      Not available
Int 1208-2023 *Diana I. Ayala~coupledGOExtending the rate of the additional tax on the occupancy of hotel rooms.IntroductionThis bill would extend the expiration date of the tax on hotel room occupancy from December 1, 2023 to December 1, 2027.   Action details Not available
Res 0834-2023 *Justin L. Brannan~coupledPreconsidered – GOApproving the new designation and changes in the designation of certain organizations to receive funding in the Expense Budget.Resolution    Action details Not available
    ~coupledHEALTH      Not available
Int 0687-2022 AKeith Powers ~coupledA and GORequiring added sugar notifications for menu items in chain restaurants.IntroductionThis bill would require chain restaurants with 15 or more locations to conspicuously post added sugar icons and factual warning statements on menus or menu boards next to menu items and on or near food items on display that exceed a specified level of added sugars as determined by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration or another amount specified by the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH). This bill would consider food items that are identical to prepackaged food items to have the same density of added sugars as displayed on the nutrition facts of the prepackaged food item, unless demonstrated otherwise. This bill would also require such restaurants to conspicuously post an added sugar icon on or near any non-packaged food items on display or on menus or menu boards no later than 1 year after the federal regulations that require restaurants to include added sugars in nutritional information of non-packaged food items go into effect. Any covered restaurant that violates the provisions of this bill would be liable for a civil penalty of $200.   Action details Not available
Int 0968-2023 BMercedes Narcisse~coupledA and GOEstablishing guidance to improve health outcomes for individuals affected by sickle cell disease.IntroductionThis bill would require the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, in consultation with New York City Health and Hospitals, to create guidance to educate medical professionals and the public on the detection of the sickle cell trait through pre- and post-conception genetic screening and on the management and treatment of sickle cell disease. Guidance for medical professionals is required to include education on the benefits of recommending screenings during the family planning process and on nondiscriminatory approaches to assess patient pain, including instruction on implicit bias in the provision of pain management. The bill would also require that pre- and post- conception genetic screening for sickle cell trait be offered to those who fall into an at-risk population or for whom such screening is otherwise medically recommended.   Action details Not available
    ~coupledIMMIGRATION      Not available
Int 0569-2022 BShahana K. Hanif~coupledA and GOWorkers’ bill of rights and outreach to immigrant workers.IntroductionThis bill would require the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection (DCWP), in coordination with the Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs (MOIA), the New York City Commission on Human Rights, and community and labor organizations, to create and publish a workers’ bill of rights, which would contain information on the rights and protections under federal, state, and local laws that apply to all workers in the City, regardless of immigration status. Employers would be required to post the workers’ bill of rights in a conspicuous location in the workplace, and to provide a copy to employees upon hiring. Employers whose business operates online or through a mobile application would also be required to post the workers’ bill of rights online or on such mobile application. MOIA, in coordination with DCWP and community and labor groups, would be required to conduct outreach to workers in the City to raise awareness of the workers’ bill of rights. Such outreach would also include contact information for the City’s Immigration Legal Hotline and Asylum Application Help Center, resources and contact information for immigration legal services and MOIA, information on what to expect if immigration enforcement authorities come to an individual’s workplace, and information regarding federal eligibility requirements of Temporary Protected Status following designations, extensions, and re-designations of such status.   Action details Not available
    ~coupledSMALL BUSINESS      Not available
Int 0845-2022 AJulie Menin~coupledA and GOReducing penalties, allowing opportunities to cure for certain violations, and eliminating certain requirements for commercial establishments.IntroductionThis bill would reduce penalties, allow opportunities to cure for certain violations, and eliminate certain requirements for commercial establishments.   Action details Not available
Int 1083-2023 AJulie Menin~coupledA and GOEstablishment of the office of nightlife.IntroductionThis bill would amend the New York City Charter to authorize the Mayor to establish the Office of Nightlife within the Department of Small Business Services.   Action details Not available
    ~coupledTRANSPORTATION AND INFRASTRUCTURE      Not available
Int 0816-2022 *Lincoln Restler~coupledGOSuspending alternate side parking regulations on Tisha B’Av.IntroductionThis bill would suspend alternate side parking regulations on Tisha B’Av.   Action details Not available
Int 1191-2023 *Selvena N. Brooks-Powers~coupledGOTaxicab license durations.IntroductionThis bill would change the duration of taxicab licenses from one year to two years.   Action details Not available
Int 1192-2023 *Selvena N. Brooks-Powers~coupledGOAuthorizing physician assistants and nurse practitioners to conduct medical exams of taxi driver license applicants.IntroductionThis bill would allow applicants for a taxi driver license to receive medical clearance from a physician assistant or nurse practitioner.   Action details Not available
    ~coupledGENERAL ORDERS CALENDAR      Not available
Res 0841-2023 *Rafael Salamanca, Jr.~coupledGOLU 263 - Zoning, South Richmond Zoning Relief, Staten Island (N 230112 ZRR)Resolution    Action details Not available
Res 0842-2023 *Rafael Salamanca, Jr.~coupledGOLU 275 - Zoning, 703 Myrtle Avenue Rezoning, Brooklyn (C 220453 ZMK)Resolution    Action details Not available
Res 0843-2023 *Rafael Salamanca, Jr.~coupledGOLU 276 - Zoning, 703 Myrtle Avenue Rezoning, Brooklyn (N 220454 ZRK)Resolution    Action details Not available
T2022-0001 * ~coupledGOCommissioner of DeedsCommissioner of Deeds    Action details Not available
          Pass Not available
    14.DISCUSSION OF RESOLUTIONS      Not available
    15.RESOLUTIONS      Not available
Res 0243-2022 AJulie Menin Amended and Adopted by the Committee on Small BusinessProhibit the use of a confession of judgment in business loans. (S.5256/A.7196)Resolution Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
Res 0296-2022 AAlthea V. Stevens Amended and Adopted by the Committee on Civil and Human RightsEstablishes a task force on missing women and girls who are Black, Indigenous and people of color. (S.4266A/A.5088A)Resolution Approved, by CouncilPass Action details Not available
    16.GENERAL DISCUSSION      Not available
    17.EXTENSION OF REMARKS      Not available
Res 0833-2023 *Diana I. Ayala~SPONSORImmigrationWage theft as a qualifying crime for a U-Visa and removing the 10,000 yearly cap on U-Visas.Resolution Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Int 1233-2023 *Justin L. Brannan~SPONSORFinanceAdjudication of liability imposed upon owners pursuant to section 1180-e of the vehicle and traffic law.Introduction Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Int 1234-2023 *Justin L. Brannan~SPONSORTechnologyAssessment of a cloud-first policy for city technology systems.IntroductionThe proposed legislation would require the Department of Information Technology and Telecommunications to conduct an assessment of a cloud-first policy for city technology systems. The Department would also be required to submit a report of the results of the assessment to the Council.Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Res 0834-2023 *Justin L. Brannan~SPONSORPreconsidered - FinanceApproving the new designation and changes in the designation of certain organizations to receive funding in the Expense Budget.Resolution Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Int 1235-2023 *Tiffany Cabán~SPONSORHealthRequiring the department of health and mental hygiene to conduct a community needs assessment to identify needs and gaps in services for people experiencing long COVID.IntroductionThis bill would require the Commissioner of Health and Mental Hygiene, in consultation with relevant agencies, health care professionals, health insurers, patients, community based organizations, and other relevant stakeholders, to conduct a community needs assessment to identify needs and gaps in services for people experiencing long COVID and associated diseases in New York City. This bill would then require the Commissioner to submit a report of its assessment that identifies the prevalence of long COVID and associated diseases in New York City, the populations most affected, the existing needs for affected populations, the existence and accessibility of appropriate programs and services for affected populations, the unmet needs and service gaps that exist for affected populations, and actions, strategies, and policies to support affected populations.Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Res 0835-2023 *David M. Carr~SPONSORCultural Affairs, Libraries and International Intergroup RelationsRecognizing April 17 annually as Giovanni da Verrazzano Day in the City of New York.Resolution Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Int 1236-2023 *Carmen N. De La Rosa~SPONSORCivil Service and LaborEstablishment of community hiring and compensation standards for city assisted housing development projects.IntroductionThis bill would require that any housing developer on a housing development project, which receives city assistance, pay their workers a minimum combined wage package of at least forty dollars per hour with no less than twenty five dollars of that package being wages. It would also require a best effort that at least forty percent of the hours worked on the project are worked by residents of a zip code where at least 15% of the population is below the federal poverty rate or be residents of a New York City Housing Authority development. This bill would require a public database and annual reporting on the program. The bill would give the comptroller enforcement of these requirements with the ability to levy civil penalties as well as provide for a private right of action for worker are subject to a violation of the bill.Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Int 1237-2023 *Eric Dinowitz~SPONSORVeteransCollection of demographic data on veterans.IntroductionThis bill would require any city agency that directly, or by contract, collects demographic information through form documents from individuals seeking social services in the city to offer all such individuals a standardized and voluntary survey form that contains a demographic question on whether such person or any member of their household has served in the armed forces, national guard, or reserves of the United States and an option for any person who responds affirmatively to such question to consent to being contacted by the Department of Veterans Services (DVS) regarding services and resources for veterans. This bill would also require DVS to compile all survey data collected and submit a report to the speaker on the total number of veterans who have responded affirmatively to the veteran status question disaggregated by the agency to which such person applied for services, the type of service sought, and the council district in which such person resides.Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Res 0836-2023 *Shahana K. Hanif~SPONSORCultural Affairs, Libraries and International Intergroup RelationsAcknowledging July 18 through August 17 as South Asian Heritage Month annually in the City of New York.Resolution Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Res 0837-2023 *Robert F. Holden~SPONSORVeteransAuthorize the NYS Department of Veterans' Services to provide eligible veterans with financial assistance for purchasing, training, and the upkeep of service dogs and emotional support dogs. (S.4717/A.3149)Resolution Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Int 1238-2023 *Crystal Hudson~SPONSORAgingEstablishing a grab-and-go meal program at older adult centers.IntroductionThis bill would require the Department for the Aging (DFTA) to establish a grab-and-go meal program, which would provide daily meals available for pick up at participating older adult centers for members of the centers. This bill would also require DFTA to make available to every participating older adult center a notice that provides information on the grab-and-go meal program. Every participating older adult center would be required to post the notice in a conspicuous location.Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Int 1239-2023 *Linda Lee~SPONSORVeteransCommunity outreach and engagement on mental health resources for veterans.IntroductionThis bill would require the Department of Veterans’ Services (DVS), in coordination with the Office of Community Mental Health and any agencies identified by the commissioner to conduct outreach and engagement through social media, internet, radio, print media, or digital kiosks on mental health resources available to veterans and how to access such services. This bill further requires DVS to include on its website a form that allows organizations that provide mental health services to veterans to submit information about the services offered to the department for potential inclusion in the required outreach and engagement.Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Int 1240-2023 *Linda Lee~SPONSORAgingRequiring home-delivered meals be delivered each day of the calendar year.IntroductionThis bill would require the Department for the Aging (DFTA) to operate the home-delivered meals program, which is to maintain or improve the nutritional status of older adults who are unable to prepare meals, such that each older adult authorized to receive such meals, is provided with at least 1 home delivered meal a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. This delivery frequency would apply to all contracts between DFTA and a home-delivered meal provider that are in effect on or after the effective date.Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Res 0838-2023 *Julie Menin~SPONSORCultural Affairs, Libraries and International Intergroup RelationsEstablish an educational program related to the prevention of antisemitism, Islamophobia bias, and discrimination based on religion, race, sexual orientation, or gender identity or expression. (A.2146/S.4502)Resolution Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Res 0839-2023 *Julie Menin~SPONSORHealthPATIENT Act of 2023 (H.R.3561)Resolution Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Int 1241-2023 *Mercedes Narcisse~SPONSORVeteransRequiring the commissioner of veterans’ services to submit an annual report on the provision of mental health services by city agencies to veterans.IntroductionThis bill would require the Department of Veterans Services (DVS) to submit to the speaker of the council, the mayor, and post on its website a report on mental health services provided by city agencies to veterans. The report will identify each agency that provides, directly or by contract, mental health services to veterans and include information on the number of veterans who requested mental health services from such agency, disaggregated by type of mental health service sought; the number of veterans who received mental health services from such agency; a summary of the methods of communication used by the agency to provide information on those mental health services; and a description of the mental health services provided by such agency to veterans.Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Int 1242-2023 *Mercedes Narcisse~SPONSOREducationRequiring the NYC DOE to report the number of students reported to the office of school health as having a diagnosis of sickle cell disease or trait.IntroductionThis bill would require the Department of Education to provide, in its annual report on student health and student health services to the Council, the total number of students reported to the Office of School Health as having a diagnosis of sickle cell disease or sickle cell trait.Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Res 0840-2023 *Vickie Paladino~SPONSORVeteransDOE to observe Veterans Day the Friday before November 11th if it falls on a Saturday and the Monday after the 11th if it falls on a Sunday.Resolution Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Int 1243-2023 *Keith Powers ~SPONSORPublic SafetyAmending the nuisance abatement law regarding the sale or delivery of cannabis.IntroductionThis bill would amend the Nuisance Abatement Law to clarify that the distribution for sale, selling at wholesale or retail, or delivering to consumers of any cannabis, cannabis product, medical cannabis, or cannabinoid hemp or hemp extract product without the appropriate registration, license, or permit issued by New York State is a public nuisance subject to permanent and preliminary injunctions. It would also create a new category of public nuisance involving the selling, delivery, or giving away of cannabis to any person under 21 years of age. This bill would also make the abovementioned public nuisances subject to temporary closing orders and temporary restraining orders.Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Int 1244-2023 *Public Advocate Jumaane Williams~SPONSORVeteransOnline resource tool and pamphlet for veterans.IntroductionThis bill would require the Department of Veterans Services (DVS) to maintain and operate an online resource tool to enable a veteran or a member of their household to request assistance with accessing and obtaining resources for veterans. This bill would require DVS to maintain a link to the online resource tool on its website and require the city to ensure that a link to the online resource tool is provided on any online platform through which the city disseminates information on social services and benefits. The bill further requires that DVS develop a pamphlet that provides information on the online resource tool, the veteran resource guide, and the locations of veteran resource centers. DVS would be required to distribute this pamphlet to agencies that provide social services, council member district offices, and community board offices.Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Int 1245-2023 *Kevin C. Riley~SPONSORParks and RecreationPlan to identify and facilitate the use of indoor facilities for basketball games.IntroductionThis bill would require the Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR), in coordination with the Department of Education (DOE), to create a plan that would identify and facilitate the use of indoor basketball courts and gyms for organized basketball leagues to use when weather would not permit use of outdoor basketball courts. The plan would need to address how DPR will facilitate the use of indoor basketball courts and gyms that are maintained or operated by the city, how DPR will coordinate with other relevant agencies to facilitate the use of indoor basketball courts and gyms, and ways to identify private indoor basketball courts and gyms that are available for use by basketball leagues.Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Int 1246-2023 *Kevin C. Riley~SPONSORSmall BusinessEstablishing a pilot program to match small businesses with social media content creators for assistance with marketing and advertising, and providing for the repeal of such provisions upon the expiration thereof.IntroductionThis bill would require the Department of Small Business Services (SBS) to create a matching pilot program for social media content creators and small businesses. SBS would be required to engage in public outreach to assess level of interest among content creators and small businesses; publicize the program on SBS’s website and through further outreach; create applications for both small businesses and content creators; and match content creators with small businesses seeking marketing and social media support. At the end of the pilot program, SBS would be required to submit a report to the mayor and the speaker of the Council on the results of the program.Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Int 1247-2023 *Pierina Ana Sanchez~SPONSORHousing and BuildingsPeriodic inspections of gas piping systems, ordinary plumbing work, reestablishing the plumbing and fire suppression piping contractor license board, piping systems, emergency work, fire suppression piping work, and seizure.IntroductionThis bill would amend the gas piping inspections, entities inspecting active gas systems, the scope of inspections, and the reporting and correcting of conditions outlined in the periodic inspections of gas piping systems. Additionally, it would change the definition of ordinary plumbing work to include the replacement of household gas appliances, and other revisions. This bill would also reinstate the plumbing and fire suppression license board and amend the definition of emergency work to include work to restore the system to good and working condition without a permit when done to correct an emergency condition. This bill would remove the exception of plumbing work from the definition of fire suppression piping work and expand the Department of Buildings’ power to seize tools and vehicles when it suspects there is unlicensed or unregistered work occurring. Finally, this bill would amend the definition of piping systems to include appliance connections rather than the outlet of the shutoff valve.Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Int 1248-2023 *Lynn C. Schulman~SPONSORHealthRequiring the department of health and mental hygiene to develop a healthy nyc population health agenda.IntroductionThis bill would require the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH) to develop a 5-year population health agenda for the purpose of improving public health outcomes, addressing health disparities, and improving the quality of and access to healthcare for generally and defined groups of individuals in New York City in order to improve life expectancy. This bill would also require DOHMH to submit annual reports to the Mayor and the Speaker of the Council that describes DOHMH’s progress towards achieving the goals in the population health agenda.Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available
Int 1249-2023 *Marjorie Velázquez~SPONSORMental Health, Disabilities and AddictionPermitting disabled residents to obtain a marking on their IDNYC card to serve as proof of disability.IntroductionThe bill would enable persons with disabilities to obtain, upon submission of proof of disability, a marking on their IDNYC card indicating their disability.Referred to Comm by Council  Action details Not available