Int 0507-2014
| * | Ben Kallos | | Proposed Int. No. 507-A | Waterfront management advisory board. | Introduction | This bill would add a council member, the Commissioner of Parks and Recreation, and the Commissioner of Housing Preservation and Development to the membership of the Waterfront Management Advisory Board. It would also expand the number of public member of the board to 18, half to be appointed by the Mayor and half to be appointed by the Speaker. | Hearing Held by Committee | |
Action details
Not available
Int 0507-2014
| * | Ben Kallos | | | Waterfront management advisory board. | Introduction | This bill would add a council member, the Commissioner of Parks and Recreation, and the Commissioner of Housing Preservation and Development to the membership of the Waterfront Management Advisory Board. It would also expand the number of public member of the board to 18, half to be appointed by the Mayor and half to be appointed by the Speaker. | Amendment Proposed by Comm | |
Action details
Not available
Int 0507-2014
| * | Ben Kallos | | | Waterfront management advisory board. | Introduction | This bill would add a council member, the Commissioner of Parks and Recreation, and the Commissioner of Housing Preservation and Development to the membership of the Waterfront Management Advisory Board. It would also expand the number of public member of the board to 18, half to be appointed by the Mayor and half to be appointed by the Speaker. | Amended by Committee | |
Action details
Not available
Int 0507-2014
| A | Ben Kallos | | | Waterfront management advisory board. | Introduction | This bill would add a council member, the Commissioner of Parks and Recreation, and the Commissioner of Housing Preservation and Development to the membership of the Waterfront Management Advisory Board. It would also expand the number of public member of the board to 18, half to be appointed by the Mayor and half to be appointed by the Speaker. | Approved by Committee | Pass |
Action details
Not available