Int 0173-2022
| * | Shekar Krishnan | | Proposed Int. No. 173-A | Reporting on park and playground inspections conducted by the department of parks and recreation. | Introduction | This bill would require the Department of Parks and Recreation to issue a report to the Mayor and Council that would identify parks and playgrounds under its jurisdiction that have routinely failed DPR inspections and submit a plan to the Council on how the issues at such parks and playgrounds will be corrected. | Hearing Held by Committee | |
Action details
Not available
Int 0173-2022
| * | Shekar Krishnan | | | Reporting on park and playground inspections conducted by the department of parks and recreation. | Introduction | This bill would require the Department of Parks and Recreation to issue a report to the Mayor and Council that would identify parks and playgrounds under its jurisdiction that have routinely failed DPR inspections and submit a plan to the Council on how the issues at such parks and playgrounds will be corrected. | Amendment Proposed by Comm | |
Action details
Not available
Int 0173-2022
| * | Shekar Krishnan | | | Reporting on park and playground inspections conducted by the department of parks and recreation. | Introduction | This bill would require the Department of Parks and Recreation to issue a report to the Mayor and Council that would identify parks and playgrounds under its jurisdiction that have routinely failed DPR inspections and submit a plan to the Council on how the issues at such parks and playgrounds will be corrected. | Amended by Committee | |
Action details
Not available
Int 0173-2022
| A | Shekar Krishnan | | | Reporting on park and playground inspections conducted by the department of parks and recreation. | Introduction | This bill would require the Department of Parks and Recreation to issue a report to the Mayor and Council that would identify parks and playgrounds under its jurisdiction that have routinely failed DPR inspections and submit a plan to the Council on how the issues at such parks and playgrounds will be corrected. | Approved by Committee | Pass |
Action details
Not available