File #: Int 0880-2024    Version: * Name: Community notification of proposed major transportation projects
Type: Introduction Status: Committee
Committee: Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure
On agenda: 5/16/2024
Enactment date: Law number:
Title: A Local Law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to community notification of proposed major transportation projects
Sponsors: Robert F. Holden, Joann Ariola
Council Member Sponsors: 2
Summary: This bill would change the community board notification process for major transportation projects by defining the construction or removal of a bus lane, busway, or bike lane as a major transportation project, regardless of the number of consecutive blocks or consecutive feet of street that the project alters. This bill would also require the Department of Transportation (DOT) to affirmatively offer a presentation of any such project plan to affected community boards, and would give community boards sixty days following DOT’s presentation of any such project plan to provide recommendations or comments on such plan. Finally, this bill would require DOT to post quarterly progress reports on its website for any proposed major transportation project or installation or removal of a bus lane, busway or bike lane.
Attachments: 1. Summary of Int. No. 880, 2. Int. No. 880, 3. May 16, 2024 - Stated Meeting Agenda, 4. Hearing Transcript - Stated Meeting 5-16-24, 5. Minutes of the Stated Meeting - May 16, 2024

Int. No. 880


By Council Members Holden and Ariola


A Local Law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to community notification of proposed major transportation projects


Be it enacted by the Council as follows:


Section 1. Section 19-101.2 of the administrative code of the city of New York, as added by local law number 90 for the year 2009, subdivision c of such section as amended by local law number 64 for the year 2011, and subdivision j of such section as added by local law number 64 for the year 2011, is amended to read as follows:

§ 19-101.2. Review of major transportation projects. a. For the purposes of this section, the following terms shall be defined as follows:

1. “Affected council member(s) and community board(s)” shall mean the council member(s) and community board(s) in whose districts a proposed major transportation project is to be located, in whole or in part.

2. “Major transportation project” shall mean any project that, after construction will alter four or more consecutive blocks, or 1,000 consecutive feet of street, whichever is less, involving a major realignment of the roadway, including either removal of a vehicular lane(s) or full time removal of a parking lane(s) or addition of vehicular travel lane(s). Any project that involves the construction or removal of a bus lane, busway, or bike lane shall be considered a major transportation project, regardless of the number of consecutive blocks or consecutive feet of street that the project alters.

b. If an agency of the city other than the department implements a major transportation project, such agency, in lieu of the department, shall provide the notice required by this section.

c. Prior to the implementation of a major transportation project, the department shall forward notice of such project, including a description of such project, to affected council member(s) and community board(s) by electronic mail, and shall offer a presentation of the project plan to the affected community board(s).

d. Within ten business days after receipt of such notice and offer of a presentation to the affected community board(s): (i) the affected council member(s) may submit recommendations and/or comments on such notice to the department; and (ii) the affected community board(s) may [either] submit recommendations and/or comments on such notice to the department and/or [request] accept the offer of a presentation of the major transportation project plan by the department, which shall be made to the community board within thirty days of such community board's [request] acceptance of such offer.

e. Each presentation shall include, at a minimum, the project limits, a description, and a justification of such plan, and a map showing the streets affected by such plan and, within three days of such presentation, shall be forwarded to the affected council member(s).

f. The department shall consider (i) recommendations [and/or] and comments, if any, made under the provisions of subdivision d of this section [and/or] and (ii) recommendations and comments, if any, made within [seven] sixty days of the presentation to the community board, from the affected council member(s) and affected community board(s)[, and]. The department may incorporate changes, where appropriate, into the plan.

g. The department may implement its plan fourteen or more days after it sends an amended plan or notice that it will proceed with its original plan to the affected council member(s) and community board(s).

h. Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit the department from providing notice of its major transportation projects on its website and to affected council member(s) and community board(s) and other interested parties by other means in addition to those specified in this section.

i. Nothing in this section shall be construed to require the department to provide notification of major transportation projects requiring immediate implementation to preserve public safety.

j. Prior to the implementation of a major transportation project, the department shall consult with the police department, the fire department, the department of small business services and the mayor's office for people with disabilities. The department shall include a certification of such consultations in the notice required by subdivision c of this section.

§ 2. Subdivision b of section 19-101.4 of the administrative code of the city of New York, as added by local law number 23 for the year 2012, is amended to read as follows:

b. The department shall post on its website, in a format accessible to people with disabilities:

i. The location of all major transportation projects and all installations or removals of bicycle lanes, pedestrian plazas, leading pedestrian signals, exclusive pedestrian signals and accessible pedestrian signals. Such posting shall be made not less than seventy-two hours prior to the expected completion date of each project, installation or removal.

ii. The location of all major transportation projects subject to section 19-101.2 of this code completed on or after January 1, 2010 and all bicycle lanes, pedestrian plazas, leading pedestrian signals, exclusive pedestrian signals and accessible pedestrian signals in existence on the effective date of this section. Such posting shall be made on or before the effective date of this section, except that all such leading pedestrian signals and exclusive pedestrian signals shall be posted on or before December 31, 2012.

iii. The location of all proposed major transportation projects and all proposed installations or removals of bicycle lanes, bus lanes and busways. Such postings shall be made within fourteen days of the date of their proposal. Such postings shall provide progress reports on a quarterly basis for each such posted proposed major transportation project and each such proposed installation or removal, including, at a minimum, information about the estimated date of completion for any such project, installation or removal and information regarding opportunities for community members to provide input or feedback on any such project, installation or removal.

§ 3. This local law takes effect 180 days after becoming law.



Session 13

LS #7747




Session 12


LS #7747
