File #: Int 0824-2024    Version: * Name: Create a commission to examine the cost of renovating jail facilities on Rikers Island
Type: Introduction Status: Committee
Committee: Committee on Criminal Justice
On agenda: 4/18/2024
Enactment date: Law number:
Title: A Local Law to create a commission to examine the cost of renovating jail facilities on Rikers Island
Sponsors: Robert F. Holden, Kamillah Hanks, Vickie Paladino, David M. Carr
Council Member Sponsors: 4
Summary: This bill would create a commission to examine the cost of renovating jail facilities on Rikers Island. The commission would be required to issue a report of its findings.
Indexes: Council Appointment Required, Other Appointment Required, Report Required
Attachments: 1. Summary of Int. No. 824, 2. Int. No. 824, 3. April 18, 2024 - Stated Meeting Agenda, 4. Hearing Transcript - Stated Meeting 4-18-24, 5. Minutes of the Stated Meeting - April 18, 2024

Int. No. 824


By Council Members Holden, Hanks, Paladino and Carr


A Local Law to create a commission to examine the cost of renovating jail facilities on Rikers Island


Be it enacted by the Council as follows:


Section 1. Commission established. There is hereby established a commission to be known as the renovate Rikers Island commission.

§ 2. Duties. The commission shall examine the cost of renovating jail facilities on Rikers Island, including the costs of so renovating relative to the costs of opening new jail facilities outside of Rikers Island.

§ 3. Membership. a. The commission shall be composed of the following members:

1. Three members appointed by the mayor;

2. Three members appointed by the speaker of the council; and

3. Four members appointed jointly by the speaker of the council and the mayor, one of whom shall serve as chair.

b. No member shall be employed by the city of New York.

c. The mayor may invite officers and representatives of relevant federal, state and local agencies and authorities to participate in the work of the commission.

d. All appointments required by this section shall be made no later than 90 days after the effective date of this local law.

e. Each member of the commission shall serve at the pleasure of the officer who appointed the member. In the event of a vacancy on the commission, a successor shall be appointed in the same manner as the original appointment for the remainder of the unexpired term. All members of the commission shall serve without compensation.

§ 4. Meetings. a. The chair shall convene the first meeting of the commission no later than 30 days after the last member has been appointed, except that where not all members of the commission have been appointed within the time specified in section three, the chair shall convene the first meeting of the commission within 10 days of the appointment of a quorum.

b. The commission may invite experts and stakeholders to attend its meetings and to provide testimony and information relevant to its duties.

c. The commission shall meet no less than once each quarter to carry out the duties described in section two.

d. The meeting requirement of subdivision c shall be suspended when the commission submits its report as required by section five.

§ 5. Report. a. No later than 270 days after the effective date of this local law, the commission shall submit a report to the mayor, the speaker of the council and the commissioner of correction setting forth its findings related to the costs of renovating jail facilities on Rikers Island, including the costs of so renovating relative to the costs of opening new jail facilities outside of Rikers Island. The report shall include a summary of information the commission considered in formulating its findings.

b. The commissioner of correction shall publish the commission’s report electronically on the website of the department of correction no later than 10 days after its submission to the mayor and the speaker of the council.

§ 6. Agency support. Each agency affected by this local law shall provide appropriate staff and resources to support the work of such agency related to the commission.

§ 7. Termination. The commission shall terminate 180 days after the date on which it submits its report, as required by section five.

§ 8. Effective date. This local law takes effect immediately.






Session 13

LS # 1063



Session 12


LS # 1063
