File #: Int 0682-2024    Version: * Name: Violations of certain requirements for places of assembly
Type: Introduction Status: Committee
Committee: Committee on Housing and Buildings
On agenda: 3/19/2024
Enactment date: Law number:
Title: A Local Law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to violations of certain requirements for places of assembly
Sponsors: Robert F. Holden
Council Member Sponsors: 1
Summary: This bill would provide that a failure to obtain a valid Place of Assembly Certificate of Operation from the Department of Buildings, in a case where beverages are offered for sale to be consumed on the premises, would be classified as an immediately hazardous violation. A violation for failing to comply with requirements regarding security guards for a Place of Assembly would also be specified as an immediately hazardous violation. Such requirements regarding security guards would also be expanded to apply to a lessee of a Place of Assembly.
Attachments: 1. Summary of Int. No. 682, 2. Int. No. 682, 3. March 19, 2024 - Stated Meeting Agenda, 4. Hearing Transcript - Stated Meeting 3-19-24, 5. Minutes of the Stated Meeting - March 19, 2024

Int. No. 682


By Council Member Holden


A Local Law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to violations of certain requirements for places of assembly


Be it enacted by the Council as follows:


Section 1. Section 28-201.2.1 of the administrative code of the city of New York is amended by adding a new item 21 to read as follows:

21. A violation of section 28-117.4, a violation of section 28-117.1 in the case of a violator that offers for sale beverages for on-premises consumption, or a violation of section 28-117.1.2 in the case of a violator that offers for sale beverages for on-premises consumption.


§ 2. Section 28-117.4.2 of title 28 of the administrative code of the city of New York is amended to read as follows:

§ 28-117.4.2 Responsibility for violations. Notwithstanding any provision of this section, only the holder of a certificate of operation shall be liable for violations of this article that relate to such holder's obligations regarding security guards, except that a person who pays a certificate holder for the use of the premises is deemed to be a certificate holder for purposes of this section, including with respect to penalties imposed for violations of this section.


§ 3. This local law takes effect immediately.






Session 13

LS # 6272



Session 12


LS # 6272

4/11/22 12:00pm