Int. No. 652
By Council Members Ayala, Louis, Stevens, Brewer and Sanchez
A Local Law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to inspections of apartments rented with city rental assistance vouchers
Be it enacted by the Council as follows:
Section 1. Chapter 1 of title 21 of the administrative code of the city of New York is amended by adding a new section 21-151 to read as follows:
§ 21-151 Definitions. a. For purposes of this section, the following terms have the following meanings:
Rental assistance voucher. The term “rental assistance voucher” means financial assistance provided by the department of the purpose of paying a recipient’s rent on an ongoing basis.
Vacate order. The term “vacate order” means any vacate order issued by the department of buildings, the department of housing preservation and development, or the fire department.
b. Apartment inspections. The department shall conduct an inspection of every apartment or room prior to such apartment or room being approved for usage of a rental assistance voucher. Such inspection shall include the following:
1. A review of whether the building has open vacate orders affecting either the entire building or the individual apartment or room;
2. Whether the building has a stop work order in effect that affects either the entire building or the individual apartment or room intended for use;
3. Whether there are any relevant complaints to the department of buildings about either the entire building or the individual apartment or room;
4. Whether the unit appears to be a legal apartment as per its certificate of occupancy issued by the department of buildings;
5. Whether there is a building owner listed for the unit;
6. Whether the unit has any open lead-based paint violations;
7. Whether the building has open litigation for heat and hot water;
8. Whether the building is subject to comprehensive litigation;
9. Whether the entire building or the individual apartment or room has any health and safety issues including excess garbage, a clear path to egress and sufficient lighting in halls and stairwells, adequate number of windows, evidence of rats, mice, roaches or other vermin, evidence of leaks, presence of smoke and carbon monoxide detectors; and
10. Any other health or safety issues or concerns the department deems relevant.
§ 3. This local law takes effect 120 days after it becomes law.
Session 12
LS #2831
Session 11
LS #11349 / Int. 1777