Int. No. 370
By Council Members Vernikov, Holden, Yeger, Ariola, Paladino and Carr
A Local Law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to requiring the police department to report annually on officer resignations prior to becoming eligible for retirement with pension
Be it enacted by the Council as follows,
Section 1. The administrative code of the city of New York is amended by adding a new paragraph d to section 14-126 to read as follows:
§ 14-126 Resignations, absence on leave. a. A member of the force, under penalty of forfeiting the salary which may be due such member, shall not withdraw or resign, except by permission of the commissioner.
b. Absence, without leave, of any member of the force for five consecutive days shall be deemed and held to be a resignation, and the member so absent shall, at the expiration of such period cease to be a member of the force and be dismissed therefrom without notice.
c. Leave of absence, other than for sickness, exceeding thirty days in any one year shall be granted or allowed to any member of the force, only upon the condition that such member shall waive and release not less than one-half of all salary and claim thereto during such absence.
d. No later than March 1, 2023, and every March 1 thereafter, the department shall provide to the speaker of the council and post on the department’s website a report regarding the number of resignations during the previous calendar year, including, but not limited to the following information:
1. The number of members of the force who resign or separate from service with a deferred vested retirement benefit, disaggregated by:
(a) Rank or designation; and
(b) Length of employment with the department, as follows:
(1) Zero to five years;
(2) Six to 14 years; and
(3) Fifteen years or more.
2. Such information shall be further disaggregated by reason for resignation, as follows:
(a) To join another law enforcement agency, in a law enforcement position, disaggregated by the following categories:
(1) Nassau police department;
(2) Suffolk police department;
(3) Other county or local law enforcement agencies, disaggregated by agency, where such information is available;
(4) Metropolitan transportation authority;
(5) Port authority of New York and New Jersey;
(6) Other New York state law enforcement agency, disaggregated by agency, where such information is available;
(7) Other federal law enforcement agency, disaggregated by agency, where such information is available;
(b) To join the fire department;
(c) To join another city, state, or federal agency in a civilian position, disaggregated by agency, where such information is available;
(d) To serve in the military;
(e) To work in the private sector;
(f) To pursue additional education;
(g) To care for a child, or elderly or disabled family member;
(h) For a personal reason other than a change in employment, accompanied by a general description of such reason, where such information is available; and
(i) To resign in lieu of termination.
§ 2. This local law takes effect immediately.
Session 12
LS 8692
Session 11
LS 6122
Int. 945-2018