Application number C 220137(A) ZSM (One 45/Museum of Civil Rights) submitted by One45 Lenox, LLC, pursuant to Sections 197-c and 201 and proposed for modification pursuant to Section 2-06(c)(1) of the Uniform Land Use Review Procedure of the New York City Charter for the grant of special permits pursuant to Section 74-744(b) of the Zoning Resolution to modify requirements of Section 32-42 (Location Within Buildings) to allow commercial uses (banquet hall use & office amenity space) to be located above residential use, and to modify the requirements of Section 32-423 (Limitation on ground floor location) to allow Use Group 9 uses (banquet hall use) to be located within 50 feet of the street wall of a mixed-use building (Building 1); and Section 74-744(c) of the Zoning Resolution to modify the signage regulations of Section 32-641 (Total Surface Area of Signs), 32-642 (Non-Illuminated Signs), 32-644 (Illuminated or Flashing Signs in C4, C5-4, C6 & C7 Districts), Section 32-652 (P...