Resolution approving a motion to file pursuant to withdrawal of an Urban Development Action Area Project located at Block 3773/Lot 56, Block 3775/Lot 150, Block 3790/Lot 49, Block 3791/Lot 25, Block 3791/Lot 26, and Block 3791/Lot 28, Borough of Brooklyn, and waiving the urban development action area designation requirement and the Uniform Land Use Review Procedure, pursuant to Sections 693 and 694 of the General Municipal Law (L.U. No. 1185; 20105024 HAK).
By Council Members Katz and Garodnick
WHEREAS, the New York City Department of Housing Preservation and Development ("HPD") submitted to the Council on June 25, 2009 its request dated June 1, 2009 that the Council take the following actions regarding the following Urban Development Action Area Project (the "Project") located at Block 3773/Lot 56, Block 3775/Lot 150, Block 3790/Lot 49, Block 3791/Lot 25, Block 3791/Lot 26, and Block 3791/Lot 28, Community District 5, Borough of Brooklyn (the "Disposition Area"):
1. Find that the present status of the Disposition Area tends to impair or arrest the sound growth and development of the municipality and that the proposed Urban Development Action Area Project is consistent with the policy and purposes stated in Section 691 of the General Municipal Law;
2. Waive the area designation requirement of Section 693 of the General Municipal Law pursuant to said Section;
3. Waive the requirements of Sections 197-c and 197-d of the New York City Charter pursuant to Section 694 of the General Municipal Law;
4. Approve the Project as an Urban Development Action Area Project pursuant to Section 694 of the General Municipal Law; and
5. Approve the exemption of the Project from real property taxes pursuant to Section 696 of the General Municipal Law (the "Tax Exemption").
WHEREAS, by submission dated July 24, 2009, the Department of Housing Preservation and Development withdrew the application.
The Council approves the motion to file pursuant to withdrawal in accord with Rules 6.40a and 11.80 of the Rules of the Council.
Office of the City Clerk, }
The City of New York, } ss.:
I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of a Resolution passed by The Council of The City of New York on August 20, 2009, on file in this office.
City Clerk, Clerk of The Council