Resolution approving the decision of the City Planning Commission on ULURP No. C 210408 ZMM, a Zoning Map amendment (Preconsidered L.U. No. 920).
By Council Members Salamanca and Moya
WHEREAS, RXR SL Owner, LLC and Terminal Fee Owner, LP and, filed an application pursuant to Sections 197-c and 201 of the New York City Charter for an amendment of the Zoning Map, Section No. 8b, changing from an M2-3 District to an M2-4 District and establishing a Special West Chelsea District, which in conjunction with the related action facilitate the long-term adaptive reuse of the existing Starrett-Lehigh building, located at 601 W 26th Street, and the Terminal Warehouse building, located at 261 Eleventh Avenue, Manhattan, Community District 4 (ULURP No. C 210408 ZMM) (the "Application");
WHEREAS the City Planning Commission filed with the Council on November 5, 2021 its decision dated November 3, 2021 (the "Decision") on the Application;
WHEREAS, the Application is related to application N 210409 ZRM (Pre. L.U. No. 921), a zoning text amendment to establish Subarea K within the Special West Chelsea District (Article IX, Chapter 8) of the Zoning Resolution (ZR), and modifying other related sections including permitted uses, signage, sidewalk cafes and loading requirements;
WHEREAS, the Decision is subject to review and action by the Council pursuant to Section 197-d of the City Charter;
WHEREAS, upon due notice, the Council held a public hearing on the Decision and Application on November 9, 2021;
WHEREAS, the Council has considered the land use and other policy issues relating to the Decision and Application; and
WHEREAS, the Council has considered the relevant environmental issues, including the Positive Declaration issued December 11, 2020 (CEQR No. 21DCP103M). Significant adverse impacts related to hazardous materials and noise would be avoided through the placement of (E) designations (E-625) on selected projected and potential development sites as specified in Chapters 3 and 6, respectively of the Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS). The FEIS determined that the proposed actions would have significant adverse impacts with respect to transportation (traffic, transit and pedestrians). The identified significant adverse impacts and proposed mitigation measures under the proposed actions are summarized in Chapter 9, “Mitigation” of the FEIS. The Council has also considered the Technical Memorandum dated November 17, 2021.
Having considered the FEIS and Technical Memorandum with respect to the Decision and Application, the Council finds that:
1. The FEIS meets the requirements of 6 N.Y.C.R.R. Part 617;
2. The environmental impacts disclosed in the FEIS were evaluated in relation to the social, economic, and other considerations associated with the actions that are set forth in this report; and
3. The adverse environmental impacts disclosed in the FEIS will be minimized or avoided to the greatest extent
The Decision, together with the FEIS and Technical Memorandum constitute the written statement of facts, and of social, economic and other factors and standards that form the basis of this determination, pursuant to 6 N.Y.C.R.R. §617.11(d).
Pursuant to Sections 197-d and 200 of the City Charter and on the basis of the Decision and Application, and based on the environmental determination and consideration described in the report, C 210408 ZMM, incorporated by reference herein, and the record before the Council, the Council approves the Decision of the City Planning Commission.
The Zoning Resolution of the City of New York, effective as of December 15, 1961, and as subsequently amended, is further amended by changing the Zoning Map, Section No. 8b:
1. changing from an M2-3 District to an M2-4 District property bounded by West 28th Street, Eleventh Avenue, West 26th Street, and Twelfth Avenue; and
2. establishing a Special West Chelsea District (WCh) bounded by West 28th Street, Eleventh Avenue, West 26th Street, and Twelfth Avenue;
as shown on a diagram (for illustrative purposes only) dated June 21, 2021, and subject to the conditions of CEQR Declaration E-625, Borough of Manhattan, Community District 4.
Office of the City Clerk, }
The City of New York, } ss.:
I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of a Resolution passed by The Council of The City of New York on ______________, 2021, on file in this office.
City Clerk, Clerk of The Council