Application No. C 210272 ZSK (1 Wythe Avenue) submitted by One Wythe LLC pursuant to Sections 197-c and 201 of the New York City Charter for the grant of a special permit pursuant to Section 74-96 of the Zoning Resolution to allow an increase in the maximum permitted floor area ratio in accordance with Section 74-963 (Permitted floor area increase) and, in conjunction therewith, to waive the off-street parking requirements of Section 44-20 (REQUIRED ACCESSORY OFF- STREET PARKING SPACES FOR MANUFACTURING, COMMERCIAL OR COMMUNITY FACILITY USES), and to modify the quantity and size of the loading berth requirements of Section 44-50 (GENERAL PURPOSES), in connection with a proposed 8-story commercial and industrial building, within an Industrial Business Incentive Area specified on the Maps in Section 74-968 (Maps of Industrial Business Incentive Areas), on property located at 1 Wythe Avenue (Block 2641, Lots 1, 3 and 4), in a M1-2 District, Borough of Brooklyn, Community District 1, Counc...