File #: Res 1550-2021    Version: * Name: LU 731 - 1045 Anderson Avenue HDFC, Bronx
Type: Resolution Status: Adopted
Committee: Committee on Finance
On agenda: 2/25/2021
Enactment date: Law number:
Title: Resolution approving an amendment to a previously approved real property tax exemption pursuant to Section 577 of the Private Housing Finance Law for property located at (Block 2508, Lot 26), Bronx (Preconsidered L.U. No. 731).
Sponsors: Daniel Dromm
Council Member Sponsors: 1
Attachments: 1. Res. No. 1550, 2. Housing Preservation and Development Letter, 3. Memorandum, 4. February 25, 2021 - Stated Meeting Agenda with Links to Files, 5. Hearing Transcript - Stated Meeting 2-25-21, 6. Minutes of the Stated Meeting - February 25, 2021

RES. NO. 1550


Resolution approving an amendment to a previously approved real property tax exemption pursuant to Section 577 of the Private Housing Finance Law for property located at (Block 2508, Lot 26), Bronx (Preconsidered L.U. No. 731).


By Council Member Dromm


WHEREAS, the New York City Department of Housing Preservation and Development (“HPD”) submitted to the Council its request dated February 9, 2021 that the Council amend a previously approved tax exemption for real property located at (Block 2508, Lot 26), Bronx (“Exemption Area”) pursuant to Section 577 of the Private Housing Finance Law;