Res. No. 1684
Resolution calling upon the New York State Legislature and the Governor to amend State law to allow non-citizens who have served in the United States military to become police officers and firefighters.
By Council Members Stewart, Avella, Brewer, Comrie, Eugene, James, Liu, Palma, Seabrook, Yassky and Barron
Whereas, Immigrants have distinguished themselves in the United States Military throughout American history; and
Whereas, According to the National Immigrant Law Center, more than 20 percent of Congressional Medals of Honor awarded in U.S. Wars have been to immigrants; and
Whereas, It is estimated that there are currently nearly 30,000 non-citizens from more than 100 countries bravely serving the United States in various branches of the U.S. Armed Forces; and
Whereas, These men and women are serving in the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, Coast Guard and National Guard; and
Whereas, According to a 2005 article in USA Today, at that time, approximately 142 non-citizen U.S. military service men and women have died in Iraq and Afghanistan; and
Whereas, Although United States citizenship is not required for enlisting in the U.S. Armed Forces, it is a requirement for appointment to the New York City Police and Fire Departments; and
Whereas, New York City is a city of immigrants with a rich history of those immigrants being public servants; and
Whereas, Non-citizens who have honorably served in the United States Armed Forces deserve to be afforded more opportunities as a result of this service; and
Whereas, In addition, any non-citizen who served in the military protecting the rights of all United States citizens, while putting their own safety on the line should not be denied these same rights in their local communities; and
Whereas, Since the qualifications of New York City police officers and firefighters are governed by New York State law, New York City looks to New York State to rectify this problem and the inequity it causes; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That the Council of the City of New York calls upon the New York State Legislature and the Governor to amend state law to allow non-citizens who have served in the United States military to become police officers and firefighters.
LS 4792