Res. No. 1224
Resolution calling upon the Mayor of the City of New York and the New York City Department of Transportation to increase the number of metered parking spots within the non-residential areas of the central business district of Manhattan while also modestly increasing the rate of metered parking within the central business district of Manhattan.
By Council Members Fidler, DeBlasio, Comrie, Katz, Koppell, Garodnick, James,. Gioia, Foster, Mark-Viverito, Nelson, Reyna, Sanders, Stewart, White, Gentile, Arroyo, Felder and Yassky
Whereas, According to the report entitled “Alternative Approaches to Traffic Congestion Mitigation in the Manhattan Central Business District” issued in October 2007 by the Coalition to Keep NYC Congestion Tax Free, there are currently more than 10,000 unmetered parking spaces estimated to exist in the commercial areas of the central business district of Manhattan; and
Whereas, The same report cites a 1995 study that found 15% of the vehicle miles traveled in west midtown were traveled by drivers searching for available parking spots; and
Whereas, Increasing the number of metered parking spots within the central business district of Manhattan in conjunction with a modest increase in the rates charged at such meters would encourage an increase in the turnover and availability of parking spots; and
Whereas, If more parking spots were available, there would be less cruising by drivers to find a parking spot, helping to relieve congestion in the central business district; and
Whereas, The number of metered parking spots can be increased in the central business district without increasing the number of metered parking spots in areas that have higher concentrations of residential units; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That the Council of the City of New York calls upon the Mayor of the City of New York and the New York City Department of Transportation to increase the number of metered parking spots within the non-residential areas of the central business district of Manhattan while also modestly increasing the rate of metered parking within the central business district of Manhattan.
LS # 4370
1.22.08 - 1:15 pm