Res. No. 955
Resolution calling upon the New York City Department of City Planning to regulate the special manufacturing districts of NoHo, SoHo and Tribeca as residential use districts with respect to billboards and signage and not as manufacturing use districts.
By Council Members Gerson, James, Nelson and Palma
Whereas, The Zoning Resolution of the City of New York claims for its general purpose the promotion and protection of public health, safety and general welfare; and
Whereas, The Zoning Resolution of the City of New York claims as a special purpose with respect to the Tribeca Mixed Use District, among others, the protection of light manufacturing and encouragement of stability and growth in the Tribeca neighborhood by permitting light manufacturing and controlled residential uses to coexist where such uses are deemed compatible; and

Whereas, The Zoning Resolution of the City of New York claims as another special purpose with respect to the Tribeca Mixed Use District, the promotion of the most desirable use of land and building development in accordance with the Plan for Lower Manhattan as adopted by the City Planning Commission; and
Whereas, The Zoning Resolution of the City of New York only allows non-illuminated accessory business signs in residential districts; and
Whereas, While the Zoning Resolution of the City of New York allows for both advertising and accessory business signs with no restrictions on size, illumination or otherwise in Manufacturing Districts, it imposes significant restrictions on signage within 100 feet of the street line of any street or portion thereof in which the boundary of an adjoining Residential District is located; and
Whereas, The residential populations of NoHo, SoHo, and Tribeca have grown, and are continuing to grow, to the extent where they require additional consideration from the New York City Department of City Planning with respect to their safety and general welfare, especially the adverse effects of advertising signs in residential use districts; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That the Council of the City of New York calls upon the New York City Department of City Planning to regulate the special manufacturing districts of NoHo, SoHo and Tribeca as residential use districts with respect to billboards and signage and not as manufacturing use districts.
LS #3242