File #: Res 1858-2009    Version: * Name: LU 982 - UDAAP, 304 West 47th Street, Manhattan (C090072PPM)
Type: Resolution Status: Adopted
Committee: Committee on Land Use
On agenda: 3/11/2009
Enactment date: Law number:
Title: Resolution approving the decision of the City Planning Commission on ULURP No. C 090072 PPM, for the disposition of a negative easement interest on city-owned property located at 304 West 47th Street (Block 1037, Lot 37), Borough of Manhattan (L.U. No. 982).
Sponsors: Melinda R. Katz, Daniel R. Garodnick
Council Member Sponsors: 2
Attachments: 1. Press Release, 2. Committee Report, 3. Hearing Transcript - Stated Meeting 3/11/09




Resolution approving the decision of the City Planning Commission on ULURP No. C 090072 PPM, for the disposition of a negative easement interest on city-owned property located at 304 West 47th Street (Block 1037, Lot 37), Borough of Manhattan (L.U. No. 982).


By Council Members Katz and Garodnick



                         WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission filed with the Council on January 27, 2009 its decision dated January 21, 2009 (the "Decision") on the application submitted pursuant to Section 197-c of the New York City Charter by the Department of Citywide Administrative Services (DCAS) for disposition to 303 West 46th Street, LLC, of a negative easement interest on city-owned property located at 304 West 47th Street (Block 1037, Lot 37) pursuant to ULURP Application Number C 090072 PPM, Community District 4, Borough of Manhattan (the "Application");


                     WHEREAS, the Decision is subject to review and action by the Council pursuant to Section 197-d(b)(3) of the City Charter;


                         WHEREAS, upon due notice, the Council held a public hearing on the Decision and Application on February 23, 2009;


                           WHEREAS, the Council has considered the relevant environmental issues and the Negative Declaration, issued on September 4, 2008 (CEQR No. 08DME002M); and


                         WHEREAS, the Council has considered the land use implications and other policy issues relating to the Decision and Application;




                     The Council finds that the action described herein will have no significant effect on the environment.


                         Pursuant to Section 197-d of the City Charter and on the basis of the Application and the Decision, the Council approves the Decision.





Office of the City Clerk, }

                         The City of New York,  } ss.:


I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of a Resolution passed by The Council of The City of New York on March 11, 2009, on file in this office.







City Clerk, Clerk of The Council