File #: Res 0211-2006    Version: * Name: LU 30 - ULURP, Middle Village Glendale Rezoning, Queens (060153ZMQ)
Type: Resolution Status: Adopted
Committee: Committee on Land Use
On agenda: 3/22/2006
Enactment date: Law number:
Title: Resolution approving the decision of the City Planning Commission on ULURP No. C 060153 ZMQ, a Zoning Map change (L.U. No. 30).
Sponsors: Melinda R. Katz, Tony Avella
Council Member Sponsors: 2
Attachments: 1. Committee Report, 2. Hearing Transcript - Stated Meeting 3/22/06




Resolution approving the decision of the City Planning Commission on ULURP No. C 060153 ZMQ, a Zoning Map change (L.U. No. 30).


By Council Members Katz and Avella


WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission filed with the Council on February 13, 2006 its decision dated February 8, 2006 (the "Decision"), on the application submitted by the Department of City Planning, pursuant to Sections 197-c and 201 of the New York City Charter, for an amendment to the Zoning Map (ULURP No. C 060153 ZMQ) (the "Application");


WHEREAS, the Decision is subject to review and action by the Council pursuant to Section 197-d(b)(1) of the City Charter;


WHEREAS, upon due notice, the Council held a public hearing on the Decision and Application on March 9, 2006;


WHEREAS, the Council has considered the land use implications and other policy issues relating to the Decision and Application; and


                      WHEREAS, the Council has considered the relevant environmental issues and the Negative Declaration, issued on September 26, 2005.  The Negative Declaration included (E) designations for hazardous materials, air quality and noise. A Revised Negative Declaration was issued on February 8, 2006. Based on modifications to the proposal by the City Planning Commission, it was determined the proposal would not induce development on the (E) designated sites, and the Revised Negative Declaration removed all of the (E) designations from the proposal.   (CEQR No. 06DCP021Q);




The Council finds that the action described herein will have no significant effect on the environment.


Pursuant to Sections 197-d and 200 of the City Charter and on the basis of the Decision and Application, the Council approves the Decision.



The Zoning Resolution of the City of New York, effective as of December 15, 1961, and as subsequently amended, is further amended by changing the Zoning Map, Section Nos. 13c, 13d and 14b:


1.                      eliminating from within an existing R4 District a C1-2 District bounded by 64th Road, Dry Harbor Road, and 80th Street;


2.                      eliminating from within an existing R4 District a C2-2 District bounded by Juniper Boulevard South, 69th Place and 69th Street;


3.                      eliminating from within an existing R5 District a C1-2 District bounded by:


a.                      a line 150 feet northerly of Metropolitan Avenue, 74th Street, 66th Drive, a line 100 feet northerly of Metropolitan Avenue, 78th Street, a line 150 feet northerly of Metropolitan Avenue, 79th Place, Metropolitan Avenue, 78th Street, a line midway between Metropolitan Avenue and 67th Road, 73rd Place, a line 100 feet southerly of Metropolitan Avenue, the easterly boundary line of Lutheran Cemetery and its northerly prolongation, Metropolitan Avenue, and 73rd Place;


b.                      67th Drive, a line 150 feet easterly of 75th Street, 68th Avenue, and a line 150 feet

westerly of 75th Street;


c.                      a line 150 feet northerly of Myrtle Avenue, 70th Street, a line 150 feet southeasterly

of Cooper Avenue, and 69th Place;


d.                      a line 150 feet northerly of Myrtle Avenue, 82nd Street, Myrtle Avenue, and 74th

Street; and


e.                      a line 150 feet northerly of Myrtle Avenue, 81st Road, Myrtle Avenue, and 81st



4.                      eliminating from within an existing R5 District a C2-2 District bounded by:


a.                      a line 150 feet northerly of Metropolitan Avenue, 70th Street, Metropolitan Avenue,

and 69th Street;


b.                      Juniper Valley Road, 80th Street, 67th Road, a line 100 feet westerly of 80th Street, a

line midway between Metropolitan Avenue and 67th Road, 78th Street, Metropolitan

Avenue, 79th Place, a line 150 feet northerly of Metropolitan Avenue, and a line 100

feet westerly of 80th Street;


c.                      69th Avenue, 80th Street, Cooper Avenue, 69th Drive, 78th Street, a line 100 feet

northerly of 69th Drive, a line 100 feet northwesterly of Cooper Avenue, 69th Road,

and a line 150 feet westerly of 80th Street;


d.                      a line 150 feet northerly of Myrtle Avenue, 71st Street, Cooper Avenue, a line midway between 71st Place and 72nd Street, Myrtle Avenue, 72nd Street, a line 150

feet southerly of Myrtle Avenue, and 70th Street; and


e.                      83rd Avenue, Woodhaven Boulevard, a line midway between 83rd Avenue and Myrtle Avenue, 98th Street, Myrtle Avenue, Woodhaven Boulevard, a northwesterly

boundary line of Forest Park, 89th Street, a line 150 feet southerly of Myrtle Avenue, 88th Lane, Myrtle Avenue, and a line 100 feet westerly of Woodhaven Boulevard;


5.                      changing from an R4 District to an R3X District property bounded by 74th Street, a line 300

feet northwesterly of Penelope Avenue, a line midway between 74th Street and 75th Street, a

line 100 feet northwesterly of Penelope Avenue, 75th Street, Penelope Avenue, 75th Place, the westerly centerline prolongation of Furmanville Avenue, a line 100 feet westerly of 75th

Place, a line 100 feet southeasterly of Penelope Avenue, a line midway between 74th Street

and 75th Street, a line 250 feet southeasterly of Penelope Avenue, a line midway between 73rd Place and 74th Street, a line 100 feet southeasterly of Penelope Avenue, 73rd Place, and a line 100 feet easterly of Pleasantview Street;


6.                     changing from an R4 District to an R4A District property bounded by:


a.                      Furmanville Avenue, a line 100 feet westerly of 77th Street, a line midway between

65th Drive and Juniper Valley Road, and 75th Place; and


b.                      a line 165 feet northerly of Juniper Valley Road, 79th Street, a line 300 feet northerly

of Juniper Valley Road, a line midway between 79th Street and 79th Place, Juniper

Valley Road, and 78th Street;


7.                      changing from an R5 District to an R4A District property bounded by:


a.                      Juniper Valley Road, a line midway between 79th Street and 79th Place, the easterly

centerline prolongation of 66th Drive, and 78th Street;


b.                      a line 300 feet southeasterly of Central Avenue, a line midway between 69th Place

and 70th Street, a line 210 feet southeasterly of Central Avenue, 70th Street, a line

100 feet southeasterly of Central Avenue, 71st Street, a line 160 feet southeasterly of

Central Avenue, a line midway between 71st Street and 71st Place, a line 100 feet northwesterly of Cooper Avenue, 71st Street, a line 150 feet northerly of Myrtle Avenue, 70th Street, a line 100 feet northerly of Myrtle Avenue, and 69th Place; and


c.                      a line 100 feet northwesterly of 78th Avenue, a line 100 northeasterly of 88th Street,

78th Avenue and its northeasterly centerline prolongation, a southerly boundary line

of the Long Island Rail Road (Rockaway Beach Division) right-of way, a line 100

feet northeasterly of Woodhaven Boulevard, Union Turnpike, a southwesterly boundary line of the Long Island Rail Road (Rockaway Beach Division) right-of  way, 82nd Avenue, Trotting Course Lane, Margaret Place, a line 225 feet southeasterly of 81st Road, Woodhaven Boulevard, a line midway between Union

Turnpike and 81st Avenue, and 88th Street ;


8.                      changing from an R4 District to an R4B District property bounded by :


a.                      Juniper Boulevard South, Dry Harbor Road, 80th Street, a line 130 feet northerly of

Furmanville Avenue, a line 80 feet northeasterly of 79th Street, Furmanville Avenue,

a line midway between 79th Street and 79th Place, a line 300 feet northerly of Juniper

Valley Road, 79th Street, a line 165 feet northerly of Juniper Valley Road, 78th Street, Juniper Valley Road, 75th Place, a line midway between 65th Drive and Juniper Valley Road, a line 100 feet westerly of 77th Street, Furmanville Avenue, 75th Place, Penelope Avenue, 75th Street, a line 100 feet northwesterly of Penelope Avenue, a line midway between 74th Street and 75th Street, a line 300 feet northwesterly of Penelope Avenue, 74th Street, a line 100 feet easterly of 69th Street; and


b.                      a line 100 feet southeasterly of Penelope Avenue and its southwesterly prolongation,

a line midway between 73rd Place and 74th Street, a line 250 feet southeasterly of

Penelope Avenue, a line midway between 74th Street and 75th Street, a line 100 feet

southeasterly of Penelope Avenue, a line 100 feet westerly of 75th Place, the westerly centerline prolongation of Furmanville Avenue, 75th Place, Juniper Valley Road, a line 100 feet easterly of Pleasantview Street, and 73rd Place;



9.                      changing from an R5 District to an R4B District property bounded by:


a.                      Juniper Valley Road, 71st Street, 66th Road, and 70th Street;


b.                      Juniper Valley Road, 78th Street, a line 120 feet southerly of Juniper Valley Road,

77th Street, the northeasterly prolongation of a line 350 feet northwesterly of 66th

Drive, Gray Street, a line 500 feet northwesterly of 66th Drive, and 74th Street;


c.                      a southerly boundary line of the Long island Rail Road (Montauk Division) right-of way, 88th Street, 77th Avenue, a line 100 feet easterly of 87th Street, 78th Avenue, a

line 100 feet westerly of 82nd Street, a line 100 feet southerly of 77th Avenue, 81st Street, 77th Avenue, and 80th Street; and


d.                      78th Avenue, 78th Street, Myrtle Avenue, and 74th Street;


10.                      changing from an R4 District to an R4-1 District property bounded by:


a.                      Penelope Avenue, a line 100 feet easterly of Pleasantview Street, Juniper Valley

Road, and 71st Street; and


b.                      a line 130 feet northerly of Furmanville Avenue, 80th Street, Juniper Valley Road, a

line midway between 79th Street and 79th Place, Furmanville Avenue, and a line 80

feet northeasterly of 79th Street;


11.                      changing from an R5 District to an R4-1 District property bounded by:


a.                      Juniper Valley Road, 70th Street, 66th Road, 71st Street, Juniper Valley Road, 74th

Street, a line 500 feet northwesterly of 66th Drive, Gray Street, the northeasterly prolongation of a line 350 feet northwesterly of 66th Drive, 77th Street, a line 100

feet southerly of Juniper Valley Road, 78th Street, 66th Drive and its southwesterly

centerline prolongation, 73rd Place, a line 100 feet southerly of 66th Drive, 71st Street, a line 100 feet northerly of Metropolitan Avenue, 70th Street, a line 225 feet

northerly of Metropolitan Avenue, and a line 180 feet northeasterly of 69th Street;


b.                      Juniper Valley Road, 79th Place, a line 200 feet southerly of Juniper valley Road, a

line 100 feet easterly of 79th Place, the easterly centerline prolongation of 66th Drive,

and a line midway between 79th Street and 79th Place;

c.                      67th Road, 78th Street, a line midway between Metropolitan Avenue and 67th Road,

80th Street, 68th Avenue, 79th Street, 67th Drive, 78th Street, a line midway between

67th Drive and 67th Road, 75th Street, a line 100 feet southerly of 68th Avenue, a line midway between 75th Street and 76th Street, 69th Road, 75th Street, a line 200 feet southeasterly of 69th Road, 74th Street, 70th avenue, 73rd Place, the northeasterly boundary line of a Lutheran Cemetery and its easterly prolongation, 67th Drive and its westerly centerline prolongation, and a line 100 feet easterly of 73rd Place;


d.                      Otto Road, 69th Place, and 70th Avenue;


e.                      70th Avenue, Edsall Avenue, 73rd Place, Central Avenue, Edsall Avenue, 76th Street,

77th Avenue, 79th Street, 77th Avenue, 79th Place, 77th Avenue, 80th Street, 77th

Avenue, 81st Street, a line 100 feet southerly of 77th Avenue, a line 100 feet westerly

of 82nd Street, 78th Avenue, a line 100 feet easterly of 87th Street, 77th Avenue, 88th

Street, a line midway between Union Turnpike and 81st Avenue, Woodhaven Boulevard, 83rd Avenue, a line 80 feet westerly of Woodhaven Boulevard, Myrtle

Avenue, 89th Street, a northerly boundary line of Forest Park and its southwesterly prolongation, 88th Lane, 83rd Drive, 88th Place, Myrtle Avenue, a line midway between 83rd Street and 84th Street, a line 100 feet northerly of Myrtle Avenue, 82nd

Street, a line 125 feet northerly of Myrtle Avenue, 81st Street, a line 100 feet northerly of Myrtle Avenue, 78th Street, 78th Avenue, 74th Street, Myrtle Avenue, 73rd Place, a line 100 feet northerly of Myrtle Avenue, 71st Place, a line 100 feet northwesterly of Cooper Avenue, a line midway between 71st Street and 71st Place, a

line 160 feet southeasterly of Central Avenue, 71st Street, a line 100 feet southeasterly of Central Avenue, 70th Street, a line 210 feet southeasterly of Central

Avenue, a line midway between 69th Place and 70th Street, a line 300 feet southeasterly of Central Avenue, and 69th Place; and


f.                      a line 100 feet southeasterly of Cooper Avenue, a line 100 feet southerly of Myrtle

Avenue, 72nd Street, Myrtle Avenue, the northerly boundary line of Mount Lebanon

Cemetery and its northwesterly prolongation and Cypress Cemetery, 69th Place and

its southeasterly centerline prolongation, a line perpendicular to the northeasterly street line of 69th Place distant 225 feet southeasterly (as measured along the street

line) from the point of intersection of the northeasterly street line of 69th Place and

the southeasterly street line of Cooper Avenue, and a line midway between 69th Place and 70th Street;


12.                      changing from an M1-1 District to an R4-1 District property bounded by a line 100 feet northwesterly of 70th Avenue, a line 100 feet northeasterly of 69th Place, 70th Avenue, and

69th Place;


13.                      changing from an R5 District to an R5B District property bounded by a line 100 feet northerly of Myrtle Avenue, 81st Street, a line 125 feet northerly of Myrtle Avenue, 82nd

Street, a line 100 feet northerly of Myrtle Avenue, a line midway between 83rd Street and

84th Street, Myrtle Avenue, and 78th Street;


14.                      establishing within an existing R5 District a C1-3 District bounded by:


a.                      66th Drive and its southwesterly centerline prolongation, 75th Street, a line 100 feet

northerly of Metropolitan Avenue, 79th Place, Metropolitan Avenue, 78th Street, a

line midway between Metropolitan Avenue and 67th Road and its westerly prolongation, an easterly boundary line of Lutheran Cemetery and its northerly prolongation, and Metropolitan Avenue;


b.                      67th Drive, a line 100 feet easterly of 75th Street, 68th Avenue, and 75th Street; and


c.                      a line 100 feet northerly of Myrtle Avenue, 70th Street, a line 100 feet southeasterly

of Cooper Avenue, a line midway between 70th Street and 69th Place, a line perpendicular to the northeasterly street line of 69th Place distant 225 feet southeasterly (as measured along the street line) from the point of intersection of the

northeasterly street line of 69th Place and the southeasterly street line of Cooper Avenue, and 69th place;


15.                      establishing within an existing R5 District a C2-3 District bounded by:


a.                      a line 150 feet northerly of Metropolitan Avenue, 70th Street, Metropolitan Avenue, and 69th Street;


b.                      Juniper Valley Road, 80th Street, Metropolitan Avenue, 79th Place, a line 100 feet northerly of Metropolitan Avenue, and a line 100 feet easterly of 79th Place;


c.                      69th Avenue, 80th Street, Cooper Avenue, 69th Drive, 79th Street, a line 100 feet northerly of 69th Drive, a line 100 feet northwesterly of Cooper Avenue, 69th Road, and a line 100 feet westerly of 80th Street;


d.                      a line 150 feet northerly of Myrtle Avenue, 71st Street, Cooper Avenue, 71st Place, a line 100 feet northerly of Myrtle Avenue, 72nd Street, a line 100 feet southerly of Myrtle Avenue, a line 100 feet southeasterly of Cooper Avenue, and 70th Street; and


e.                      83rd Avenue, Woodhaven Boulevard, a line midway between 83rd Avenue and Myrtle Avenue, a line 100 feet easterly of Woodhaven Boulevard, Myrtle Avenue, Woodhaven Boulevard, a northerly boundary line of Forest Park and its northeasterly prolongation, 89th Street, Myrtle Avenue, and a line 80 feet westerly of Woodhaven Boulevard;


16.                      establishing within a proposed R4B District a C1-3 District bounded by:


a.                      64th Road, Dry Harbor Road, and 80th Street; and


b.                       a line 100 feet northerly of Myrtle Avenue, 78th Street, Myrtle Avenue, and 74th



17.                      establishing within a proposed R4-1 District a C1-3 District bounded by:


a.                      a line 100 feet northerly of Metropolitan Avenue, 74th Street, the southwesterly centerline prolongation of 66th Drive, Metropolitan Avenue, and 73rd Place;


b.                      67th Drive, 75th Street, 68th Avenue, and a line 100 feet westerly of 75th Street; and


c.                      81st Avenue, a line 100 feet northerly of Myrtle Avenue, 81st Road, and Myrtle Avenue;


18.                      establishing within a proposed R5B District a C1-3 District bounded by a line 100 feet northerly of Myrtle Avenue, 81st Street, a line 125 feet northerly of Myrtle Avenue, 82nd

Street, Myrtle Avenue, and 78th Street;


19.                      establishing within a proposed R4B District a C2-3 District bounded by Juniper Boulevard

South, 69th Place, and 69th Street; and



20.                      establishing within a proposed R4-1 District a C2-3 District bounded by:


a.                      a line midway between Metropolitan Avenue and 67th Road, 80th Street, 67th Road,

and a line 100 feet westerly of 80th Street;


b.                      Cooper Avenue, a line midway between 71st Place and 72nd Street, a line 100 feet

northerly of Myrtle Avenue, and 71st Place; and


c.                      Myrtle Avenue, 89th Street, a line 100 feet southerly of Myrtle Avenue, and 88th



as shown on a diagram (for illustrative purposes only) dated September 26, 2005, and modified on February 8, 2006, Community District 5, Borough of Queens.




                       Office of the City Clerk, }

The City of New York,  } ss.:


I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of a Resolution passed by The Council of The City of New York on March 22, 2006, on file in this office.







                                                                                                                                                                                                       City Clerk, Clerk of The Council