Resolution approving the decision of the City Planning Commission on ULURP No. C 050149 ZMQ, a Zoning Map change (L.U. No. 438).
By Council Members Katz and Avella
WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission filed with the Council on March 16, 2005 its decision dated March 14, 2005 (the "Decision"), on the application submitted by the Department of City Planning, pursuant to Sections 197-c and 201 of the New York City Charter, for an amendment to the Zoning Map (ULURP No. C 050149 ZMQ) (the "Application");
WHEREAS, the Application is related to Application Number N 050148 (A) ZRY (L.U. No. 372), amendments to the text of the Zoning Resolution establishing a new R2A zoning designation;
WHEREAS, the Decision is subject to review and action by the Council pursuant to Section 197-d(b)(1) of the City Charter;
WHEREAS, upon due notice, the Council held a public hearing on the Decision and Application on April 4, 2005;
WHEREAS, the Council has considered the land use implications and other policy issues relating to the Decision and Application; and
WHEREAS, the Council has considered the relevant environmental issues and the Negative Declaration, issued on November 1, 2004 (CEQR No. 05DCP030Q);
A technical memorandum, dated February 14, 2005, was prepared in connection with the submission of the related action N 050148 (A) ZRY. The technical memorandum concluded that the revisions incorporated in the action were minor in nature and that the Negative Declaration issued on November 1, 2004 remained valid. An additional technical memorandum, dated March 14, 2005, was prepared in connection with the modifications to the related action discussed later in this report. The technical memorandum concluded that the modifications were minor in nature and the Negative Declaration issued on November 1, 2004 remained valid.
The Council finds that the action described herein will have no significant effect on the environment.
Pursuant to Sections 197-d and 200 of the City Charter and on the basis of the Decision and Application, the Council approves the Decision.
The Zoning Resolution of the City of New York, effective as of December 15, 1961, and as subsequently amended, is further amended by changing the Zoning Map, Section Nos. 10c, 10d, 11a and 11b:
1. eliminating from an existing R2 District a C1-2 District bounded by:
a) a line 150 feet northerly of Horace Harding Expressway, 211th Street, a line 100 feet northerly of Horace Harding Expressway, and 210th Street; and
a) a line 150 feet northerly of Horace Harding Expressway, 217th Street, a line 100 feet northerly of Horace Harding Expressway, and 215th Street;
2. eliminating from an existing R3-2 District a C1-2 District bounded by:
a) a line 150 feet northerly of 35th Avenue, the westerly service road of Clearview Expressway, a line 100 feet northerly of 35th Avenue, and 205th Street; and
b) a line 150 feet northerly of 48th Avenue, a line 150 feet westerly of Bell Boulevard, 47th Avenue, a line 100 feet westerly of Bell Boulevard, a line 100 feet northerly of 48th Avenue, 212th Street, 48th Avenue, 212th Street, a line 100 feet southerly of 48th Avenue, Bell boulevard, a line 150 feet southerly of 48th Avenue, 211th Street, 48th Avenue, and 211th Street;
3. changing from an R2 District to an R1-2 District property bounded by:
a) 24th Avenue and its northeasterly centerline prolongation, Cross Island Parkway, 28th Avenue, and Bell Boulevard;
b) a line 100 feet northerly of 29th Avenue, 216th Street, a line 130 feet northerly of 31st Road, a line 150 feet easterly of 216th Street, 31st Road, a line 250 feet easterly of 216th Street, 32nd Avenue, 215th place, 33rd Road, 214th Place, 33rd Avenue, 214th Street, a line 100 feet northerly of 33rd Avenue, Bell Boulevard, the easterly prolongation of the center line of 32nd Avenue, 214th Street, 29th Avenue, and Bell Boulevard; and
c) 35th Avenue and its easterly centerline prolongation, Cross Island Parkway, a line 100 feet northerly of 41st Avenue (straight portion) and its easterly prolongation, 223rd Street, 38th Avenue, 222nd Street, 37th Avenue, and 221st Street and its northerly centerline prolongation;
4. changing from an R2 District to an R2A District property bounded by:
a) 26th Avenue, Bell Boulevard, 28th Avenue, Cross Island Parkway, 35th Avenue and its easterly centerline prolongation, 221st Street and its northerly centerline prolongation, 37th Avenue, 222nd Street, 38th Avenue, 223rd Street, a line 100 feet northerly of 41st Avenue (straight portion) and its easterly prolongation, Cross Island Parkway, the northerly boundary line of Long Island Rail Road (LIRR) right-of-way, 221st Street, 41st Avenue and its easterly centerline prolongation, 217th Street, Corbett Road, 35th Avenue, 214th Place, 34th Road and its westerly centerline prolongation, a line 100 feet westerly of Bell Boulevard and its southerly prolongation, a line midway between Bell Boulevard and 213th Street and its northerly prolongation, 36th Avenue, 213th Street, 38th Avenue, a line midway between 212th and 213th Streets, 39th Avenue, 208th Street, the center line of LIRR right-of-way, Francis Lewis Boulevard, 38th Avenue, 203rd Street, 36th Avenue, and the westerly service road of Clearview Expressway; except within the area as described in 3 b);
b) a line 100 feet southerly of Northern Boulevard, a line 100 feet easterly of 220th Place, 46th Avenue, the westerly, northerly and easterly boundary of Alley Park, 46th Avenue, Springfield Boulevard, 47th Avenue, a line midway between 217th and 218th Streets, 46th Avenue, and 218th Street; and
c) 47th Road, Springfield Boulevard, the southerly, westerly and northerly boundary of Alley Park, Springfield Boulevard, the southerly service road of Horace Harding Expressway, Oceania Street, the northerly service road of Horace Harding Expressway, a line midway between 207th and 208th Streets, 58th Avenue, 208th Street, 56th Avenue, 207th Street, 53rd Avenue, a line midway between 207th and 208th Streets, 48th Avenue, Oceania Street, a line 100 feet southerly of 48th Avenue, 211th Street, a line 150 feet southerly of 48th Avenue, Bell Boulevard, 48th Avenue, and 217th Street;
5. changing from an R3-1 District to an R3X District property bounded by:
a) 35th Avenue, 214th Place, 39th Avenue, Corp. Stone Street, 36th Avenue, and a line 150 feet easterly of Bell Boulevard (straight portion);
b) the northerly boundary line of LIRR right-of-way, 217th Street and its northerly centerline prolongation, a line 100 feet southerly of 43rd Avenue, 215th Place, 43rd Avenue, a line midway between 215th Street and 215th Place, 42nd Avenue, and 216th Street and its northerly centerline prolongation; and
6. changing from an R3-1 District to an R3A District property bounded by 45th Road, a line 150 feet westerly of Bell Boulevard, 46th Road, and 211th Street;
7. changing from an R3-2 District to an R2A District property bounded by:
a) 34th Avenue, 205th Street, a line 100 feet southerly of 34th Avenue, the westerly service road of Clearview Expressway, a line 100 feet northwesterly of 35th Avenue, 201st Street, 35th Avenue, a line midway between 200th and 201st Streets, a line 100 feet southerly of 34th Avenue, and 202nd Street;
b) a line 100 feet southerly of 36th Avenue, 203rd Street, 38th Avenue, Francis Lewis Boulevard, a line 100 feet northerly of 38th Avenue and its westerly prolongation, and a line midway between 202nd and 203rd Streets;
c) 39th Avenue, Corp. Kennedy Street, a line 100 feet northerly of 41st Avenue, and 209th Street;
d) the center line of LIRR right-of way, a line midway between 208th and 209th Streets and its northerly prolongation, a line 100 feet northerly of 42nd Avenue, and a line midway between 201st and 202nd Streets and its northerly prolongation;
e) a line 100 feet southerly of 42nd Avenue, Corp. Kennedy Street, a line 100 feet northerly of Northern Boulevard, Clearview Expressway, a line 100 feet southerly of 43rd Avenue, 205th Street, 43rd Avenue, 203rd Street, a line 100 feet northerly of 43rd Avenue, and a line midway between 202nd and 203rd Streets;
f) Corbett Road, 217th Street, 39th Avenue, and 216th Street;
g) 41st Avenue and its center line prolongation, 221st Street, the northerly boundary line of LIRR right-of-way, Cross Island Parkway, the southerly boundary line of LIRR right-of-way, 223rd Street, 43rd Avenue, and 217th Street and its northerly centerline prolongation; and
h) a line 100 feet southerly of 48th Avenue, Bell Boulevard, a line 150 feet southerly of 48th Avenue, and 211th Street;
8. changing from an R3-2 District to an R3A District property bounded by:
a) a line 100 feet southerly of 34th Avenue, a line midway between 200th and 201st Streets, 35th Avenue, and Jordan Street;
b) a line 75 feet southeasterly of 35th Avenue, 203rd Street, a line 75 feet southerly of 35th Avenue, a line midway between 204th and 205th Streets, 36th Avenue, 203rd Street, a line 100 feet southerly of 36th Avenue, a line midway between 202nd and 203rd Streets, a line 100 feet northerly of 38th Avenue, a line midway between 200th and 201st Streets, a line 100 feet northerly of 36th Avenue, and 201st Street; and
c) 45th Drive, 211th Street, 47th Avenue, and Oceania Street;
9. changing from an R3-2 District to an R3X District property bounded by:
a) 35th Avenue, Corbett Drive, 216th Street, 39th Avenue, 217th Street and its southerly centerline prolongation, the northerly boundary line of the LIRR right-of-way, the southerly prolongation of the center line of 215th Street, 41st Avenue, a line 100 feet easterly of the southerly prolongation of the easterly street line of 214th Place, the easterly prolongation of the center line of 41st Avenue, and 214th Place;
b) 43rd Avenue, a line midway between 222nd and 223rd Streets, a line 100 feet northerly of Northern Boulevard, and 217th Street; and
c) 45th Avenue, a line 100 feet easterly of 202nd Street, a line 100 feet southerly of 45th Avenue, a line 100 feet southerly of Northern Boulevard, 204th Street, 47th Avenue, 202nd Street, Rocky Hill Road, 47th Avenue, and Francis Lewis Boulevard;
10. changing from an R3-2 District to an R3-1 District property bounded by:
a) a line 100 feet southerly of Northern Boulevard, Clearview Expressway, 45th Road, 211th Street, 45th Drive, Oceania Street, 48th Avenue, Rocky Hill Road, 202nd Street, 47th Avenue, and 204th Street; and
b) 47th Avenue, a line 100 feet westerly of 213th Street, a line 100 feet northerly of 48th Avenue, and a line 100 feet easterly of 210th Street;
11. changing from an R3-2 District to an R4B District property bounded by 47th Avenue, a line 100 feet easterly of 210th Street, a line 100 feet northerly of 48th Avenue, a line 100 feet westerly of 213th Street, 47th Avenue, Bell Boulevard, a line 100 feet southerly of 48th Avenue, Oceania Street, 48th Avenue, and Oceania Street;
12. changing from an R3-2 District to an R4-1 District property bounded by 34th Avenue, the westerly service road of Clearview Expressway, a line 100 feet southerly of 34th Avenue, and 205th Street;
13. changing from an R4 District to an R3X District property bounded by 34th Road, 214th Place, 35th Avenue, and a line 100 feet westerly of 214th Place;
14. changing from an R4 District to an R4B District property bounded by a line 100 feet southerly of Northern Boulevard, a line midway between 215th Place and 216th Street, 46th Avenue, 215th Place, a line 100 feet southerly of 46th Avenue, a line midway between 215th Street and 215th Place, 48th Avenue, Bell Boulevard, 47th Avenue, a line 150 feet westerly of Bell Boulevard, 45th Road, and a line 100 feet easterly of Bell Boulevard; and
15. changing from an R4A District to an R2A District property bounded by 39th Avenue, 210th Street, a line 100 feet northerly of 41st Avenue, and Corp. Kennedy Street;
as shown in a diagram (for illustrative purposes only) dated November 1, 2004, Community District 11, Borough of Queens.
Office of the City Clerk, }
The City of New York, } ss.:
I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of a Resolution passed by The Council of The City of New York on April 12, 2005, on file in this office.
City Clerk, Clerk of The Council