Resolution calling upon the Council of the City of New York to declare the months of July and August to be Water Safety/Drowning Prevention Awareness Months.
Res. No. 2001
Resolution calling upon the Council of the City of New York to declare the months of July and August to be Water Safety/Drowning Prevention Awareness Months.
By Council Members Carrion, Malave-Dilan, Henry, Perkins, Pinkett, Watkins and Golden; also Council Members Freed, Leffler, Lopez, Marshall, Robinson, Wooten, Michels and Abel
Whereas, According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), drowning is the second leading cause of accidental death among Americans aged 1 to 24; and
Whereas, According to the CDC, for each child who drowns, four other children are hospitalized and 16 more receive emergency care for near-drownings; and
Whereas, Thousands of New Yorkers visit New York City beaches and swimming pools each summer to enjoy water and beach activities; and
Whereas, Accidental drownings in pools and in the ocean increase during the summer season, and as recently as July 23, 2001, three young girls drowned as a result of strong rip currents at a beach in Far Rockaway; and
Whereas, Notwithstanding the presence of lifeguards at City beaches, dangerous conditions continue to exist before and after lifeguards report for duty each day; and
Whereas, In order to ensure the public health and safety of New Yorkers, an annual reminder of the hazards associated with swimming is necessary at the commencement of and throughout each summer season; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That the Council of the City of New York declares the months of July and August to be Water Safety/Drowning Prevention Awareness Months.