Resolution recognizing the week of August 1st to August 7th as World Breastfeeding Week.
Res. No. 2013
Resolution recognizing the week of August 1st to August 7th as World Breastfeeding Week.
By Council Members Perkins, Eldridge, Linares, Lopez and Quinn; also Council Members Marshall, Robinson, Michels and Abel
Whereas, Breastfeeding provides ideal nutrition for infants, and imparts benefits to the infant such as increased disease immunity and greater general health; and
Whereas, Breastfeeding also benefits mothers by reducing risks of breast and ovarian cancer, and by helping to increase spacing between pregnancies, reducing strain on the body; and
Whereas, These benefits increase with increased exclusivity of breastfeeding from birth to an age of 4-6 months, and can be integrated into a larger nutritional program as the child ages; and
Whereas, Recognizing its manifold benefits, the U.S. Congress, in an effort spearheaded by New York Representative Carolyn Maloney, has taken action to encourage breastfeeding, working to create breastfeeding-friendly workplaces, to ensure the safety of breast pumps sold in the U.S., and to increase funding to the WIC breastfeeding education and support initiative; and
Whereas, The benefits of breastfeeding have also been recognized and its practice encouraged by international organizations such as the World Health Organization and UNICEF; and
Whereas, Encouragement of breastfeeding is critical to creating a culture accepting of it, and to increasing its practice among new mothers; and
Whereas, To that end, the week of August 1 to August 7 has been declared World Breastfeeding Week; and
Whereas, On August 1st, the Breastfeeding Coordinator of New York City WIC Programs will launch the week-long education and awareness campaign with Breastfeeding Awareness Day at Harlem's Marcus Garvey Park; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That the Council of the City of New York recognizes the week of August 1st to August 7th as World Breastfeeding Week.
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