Resolution calling upon the New York State Legislature to amend the General Municipal Law to allow New York City to create a Voluntary Service Award Program for the City's Auxiliary Police Officers.
Res. 1776
Resolution calling upon the New York State Legislature to amend the General Municipal Law to allow New York City to create a Voluntary Service Award Program for the City's Auxiliary Police Officers.
By The Speaker (Council Member Vallone) and Council Members Berman, Malave-Dilan, Eisland, Freed, Linares, Michels, Nelson and Reed; also Council Members Carrion, Dear, Fisher, Foster, Harrison, Koslowitz, Marshall, O'Donovan, Robles, Sabini, Wooten and Abel
Whereas, The New York City Police Department's Auxiliary Police Officers play a vital role in maintaining peace and order throughout the City; and
Whereas, The Department's Auxiliary Police Program consists of qualified volunteers who serve the City's communities by participating in community-based activities and assisting in crime deterrence initiatives; and
Whereas, Many of the City's Auxiliary Police Officers volunteer their services for years and deserve a small monetary award in recognition of their contribution to our City; and
Whereas, Such an award program would assist the City in retaining seasoned Auxiliary Police volunteers and save in the cost of training new recruits; and
Whereas, Pursuant to the New York State General Municipal Law, many municipalities in New York State have established service award programs for volunteer firefighters, however, New York State law does not currently allow for municipalities to create such a program with regard to volunteer Auxiliary Police Officers; and
Whereas, To create a service award program for New York City's volunteer Auxiliary Police Officers would first require the State Legislature to amend the General Municipal Law to authorize the City to create such a program; and
Whereas, Creating a service award program for the City's Auxiliary Police Officers would not only aid in the retention of experienced officers but would also increase the morale of those serving as Auxiliary Police Officers by letting them know that their important work has not gone unnoticed; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That the Council of the City of New York calls upon the New York State Legislature to amend the General Municipal Law to allow New York City to create a Voluntary Service Award Program for the City's Auxiliary Police Officers.
LS # 3976