Resolution calling upon the New York State Legislature to amend the Real Property Tax Law in relation to the eligibility requirement of the Senior Citizen Rent Increase Exemption (SCRIE) program that rent paid exceeds one-third of the head of household's aggregate disposable income and decrease this requirement to one-fourth.
Res. No. 1785
Resolution calling upon the New York State Legislature to amend the Real Property Tax Law in relation to the eligibility requirement of the Senior Citizen Rent Increase Exemption (SCRIE) program that rent paid exceeds one-third of the head of household's aggregate disposable income and decrease this requirement to one-fourth.
By Council Members Nelson, Berman, Carrion, Clarke, Malave-Dilan, Eisland, Freed, Koslowitz, Linares, Miller, Moskowitz and Reed; also Council Members DiBrienza, Fisher, Foster, Harrison, Michels, O'Donovan, Rodriguez and Fiala
Whereas, Section 467-b and 467-c of the State Real Property Tax Law and Section 26-509 of the New York City Administrative Code provides for the Senior Citizen Rent Increase Exemption (SCRIE) program, whereby to qualify for SCRIE a head of household is 62 years of age or over, lives in rent controlled/rent stabilized housing, has an aggregate disposable income that does not exceed $20,000 per year and whose rent exceeds one-third of
that income; and
Whereas, The purpose of this program is to provide exemptions from rent increases to keep rent from becoming a greater percentage of the household income and creating a financial crisis for senior citizens living on a limited income; and
Whereas, Elderly renters out number elderly homeowners three to one and appropriate housing which is affordable has become increasingly difficult for seniors who are on fixed incomes; and
Whereas, Federal programs, such as sections 8 and 202 housing initiatives, have been cutback dramatically in recent years; and
Whereas, Financially compromised senior citizens should not be required to spend at least one-third of their already low income on housing; and
Whereas, Decreasing the percentage of income that must go towards rent to one-fourth would assist a greater number of low-income senior citizens to continue to pay their rent and still afford the other necessities of life; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That the Council of the City of New York calls upon the New York State Legislature to amend the Real Property Tax Law in relation to the eligibility requirement of the Senior Citizen Rent Increase Exemption (SCRIE) program that rent paid exceeds one-third of the head of household's aggregate disposable income and decrease this requirement to one-fourth.
03/09/01, 12:00 AM