Resolution No. 1779
Resolution pursuant to Section 19-511.1 of the Administrative Code of the City of New York to review fifty-eight determinations by the Taxi and Limousine Commission to approve applications for
the renewal of a license to operate a base station.
By Council Member Dear
Whereas, Subdivision (g) of section 19-511 of the Administrative Code of the City of New York provides that upon receiving an application for the issuance of a license for a new base station or for the renewal of a license for a base station, the Taxi and Limousine Commission (TLC) shall, within five business days, submit a copy of such application to the Council and to the district office of the Council Member and the Community Board for the area in which the base station is or would be located; and,
Whereas, Section 19-511.1 of the Administrative Code provides that any determination by TLC to approve an application for a license to operate a new base station or to renew a license to operate a base station shall be subject to review by the Council; and,
Whereas, Within ninety days of the first Stated Meeting following receipt of such determination and its accompanying materials, the Council may approve or disapprove such determination by local law, after having adopted a resolution to review that determination; and,
Whereas, Should the Council not timely adopt a resolution to review the TLC's determination or, having done so, not timely pass a local law with respect to such determination, the approval by TLC of an application to operate a new base station or for renewal of a license to operate a base station shall remain in effect; and,
Whereas, The Taxi and Limousine Commission made fifty-eight determinations to approve applications for renewal of a base station license that were submitted to the Council as Communications by the Mayor numbers M-992 through M-1049; and,
Whereas, These determinations were made with respect to the applications of PalPal Corp. also known as Palpal Corp.; Llama Limo Car Service Corp. also known as Llama Limo Car Svc Corp also known as Llama Limo Car Svc Corp.; Ridge Car Service, Inc. doing business as Shore Road Car Service; Wakefield Leasing & Maintenance Corp.; Red Carpet Car Services Corp also known as Red Carpet Car Services Corp.; Montague Car and Limousine Service, Inc. also known as Montague Car and Limousine Service; Quick Ride Corp.; R N D Transportation Inc. doing business as Malones Car Service, also known as R N D Transportation, Inc. doing business as Malone's Car Service; Transport One, Inc. doing business as Imperial Car Service; R Transport, Inc. also known as R Transport Inc.; Strictly Car Service, Inc. also known as Strictly Car Service Inc.; Rechev of Brooklyn Inc. also known as Rechev of Brooklyn, Inc.; Starrett-1 Inc.; Yours Car Service Inc. also known as Yours Car Service, Inc.; Dat Radio Dispatcher, Inc.; Natashas Group Car Corp.; Nightline, Inc. doing business as We-Go Car & Limo Service also known as We-go Car & Limousine Service; Progress Car & Limo. Service Inc. also known as Progress Car & Limo. Service, Inc. also known as Progress Car & Limo Service Inc.; A. M. N. Management Inc. doing business as Always Ready Car Service also known as A. M. N. Managements Inc.; J.J.S. Transportation Company, Inc. doing business as Grant City Car Service also known as J.J.S. Transportation Company Inc.; Allied Central Car Service, Inc. doing business as Black Pearl Car Service, also known as Allied Central Car Service Inc.; Target Transportation Corp.; Habirah, Inc. also known as Habirah Inc.; Kew Gardens Enterprises, Inc. also known as Kew Gardens Enterprise Inc. also known as Kew Gardens Entp Inc.; Davydoff's Transportation, Inc. doing business as Special Car and Limousine; D & J Service, Inc., also known as D & J Service Inc. also known as D & J Services Inc.; Econo Express Car Service; Mount Sinay Transportation, Inc. formerly known as Mount Sinai Car Service, Inc. also known as Mount Sinai, Inc.; Freedom Limo & Car Service also known as Freedom Limo and Car Service; Fordham Uno Corp.; Washington Radio Dispatcher, Inc. also known as Washington Radio Dispatcher Inc.; Super Class Radio Dispatch, Inc. also known as Super Class Radio Dispatch Inc.; Jamaica Express Car Service Inc. doing business as Sunshine Car Service also known as Sunshine Car Service, Inc.; Accord Car & Limo Service, Inc.; Kexpress Car Service; P. J. Car Service; New Ampa Car & Limousine SVC also known as New Ampa Car & Limousine Svc. also known as New Ampa Car & Limousine Service also known as New Ampa Car & Limo Service; Kiss Car Service Inc. also known as Kiss Car Service, Inc.; 18th Ave Too, Inc. also known as 18th Avenue Too Inc; New Commando Car Service Corp. doing business as N.Y. Saeta; New Clifton Car Service Inc. also known as New Clifton Car Service, Inc.; Express Private Car & Limousine Service, Inc. also known as Express Private Car & Limousine Service Inc.; Liberty Limo of N.Y. Inc. also known as Liberty Limo of NY Inc.; Mexicana Limousine Service, Inc. formerly known as Mexicana Car Service, Inc., also known as Mexicana Car Service Inc.; New American Car & Limousine Service Inc. also known as New American Car & Limousine Service, Inc.; Fiat Express Corp.; New Relampago Car Service Corp. also known as New Relampago Car Service, Corp. also known as New Relampago C/S Corp.; Century Car Service, Inc. also known as Century Car Service also known as Century Car Service Corp; New Special, Inc. also known as New Special Inc.; Bee Bee Car & Limo Corp.; New York 7 Car Limo Inc. also known as New York 7 Car Service Inc.; AMI Broadway Express, Inc also known as AMI Broadway Exp Inc. also known as Ami Broadway Express, Inc.; Discount Car Service; Riverside Radio Dispatcher, Inc. also known as Riverside Radio Dispatcher Inc. also known as Radio Dispatch also known as Riverside Radio Dispatch; New Pronto Transportation Inc. also known as New Pronto Transportation, Inc.; Israelite Messenger, Car Service, Inc. also known as Israelite Messenger Car Service Inc.; W.K. Car & Limo Service Inc. also known as W. K. Car & Limousine Svc Inc, also known as W. K. Car & Limo Service, also known as W. K. Car & Limo Service, Inc.; NY Mexicana Car & Limousine Service Corp. doing business as NY Mexicana Car Service also known as NY Mexicana Car & Limousine Car Service Corp; and,
Whereas, The first Stated Meeting subsequent to receipt of these submissions was held on January 24, 2001; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That the Council hereby invokes its authority pursuant to Section 19-511.1 of the Administrative Code of the City of New York to review fifty-eight determinations by the Taxi and Limousine Commission to approve applications for the renewal of a license to operate a base station.