Resolution declaring the week of June 25 to July 1, 2000 Dominoes Week in the City of New York in recognition of the unique game and its significance to New York City.
Res. No. 1397
Resolution declaring the week of June 25 to July 1, 2000 Dominoes Week in the City of New York in recognition of the unique game and its significance to New York City.
By Council Members Rodriguez, Malave-Dilan, Espada, Marshall, Golden and Stabile; also Council Members Eisland, Fisher, Koslowitz and Abel
Whereas, Like many classic games played outdoors in New York City such as chess and backgammon, the game of dominoes has survived in residential backyards and on the neighborhood pavement, kept alive by the game's enthusiasts throughout the five boroughs; and
Whereas, A truly working class game with a long history in New York City, the game of dominoes requires only a table and a set of tiles that bear the well-known number configurations marked by small white dots; and
Whereas, Dominoes is a game that is both accessible and inviting to all people, though it requires great skill and sophisticated, strategic thinking in order to master the game, as many have done in the neighborhoods of New York City; and
Whereas, New Yorkers of Puerto Rican and Dominican descents are two of many ethnic groups that have embraced the game of dominoes and have sewn its intricate and rich history and culture into the multi-cultural fabric of New York City; and
Whereas, New Yorkers of South American and Central American descent as well as Caribbean-Americans from English, French and Dutch-speaking nations have also made their mark on the game and its place in New York City, as have New Yorkers from many other ethnic backgrounds; and
Whereas, Dominoes is most often played at social and family gatherings and is best played with the sun at one's back with a New York summer breeze cooling off the players and onlookers; and
Whereas, The game of dominoes brings people together in a positive social setting that promotes family unity and mathematical and strategic thinking, and it has been a valuable contribution to the multi-cultural dynamic of New York City; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That the Council of the City of New York declares the week of June 25 to July 1, 2000 Dominoes Week in the City of New York in recognition of the unique game and its significance to New York City.
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