Resolution calling upon the New York City Office of Labor Relations to ensure that any insurance company that provides health coverage for New York City employees covers the cost of infertility treatments.
Res. No. 1276
Resolution calling upon the New York City Office of Labor Relations to ensure that any insurance company that provides health coverage for New York City employees covers the cost of infertility treatments.
By Council Members Miller, Eldridge, Boyland, Espada, Fisher, Freed, Koslowitz, Moskowitz, Nelson, Quinn, Reed, Rodriguez and Warden; also Council Members DiBrienza, Eisland, Lasher, Linares, Marshall, Michels, Pinkett and Robinson
Whereas, The problem of infertility has been estimated to affect approximately ten percent of the reproductive age population, according to the American Society for Reproductive Medicine; and
Whereas, It has been estimated by the American Society for Reproductive Medicine that almost half of those couples would be able to achieve pregnancy as a result of recent improvements in medication, microsurgery and in-vitro fertilization; and
Whereas, The Supreme Court has ruled that procreation is a major life activity and that, therefore, couples in need of fertility treatments are entitled to insurance coverage under the American with Disabilities Act; and
Whereas, Pending State legislation would mandate the extension of health insurance coverage for certain fertility treatments; and
Whereas, The increased yearly cost to each member of a standard health care benefit package for the extended coverage of in-vitro fertilization and similar treatments has been estimated to be approximately three dollars; now therefore, be it
Resolved, That the City Council of New York calls upon the New York City Office of Labor Relations to ensure that any insurance company that provides health coverage for New York City employees covers the cost of infertility treatments.