Preconsidered Res. No. 1523
Resolution to establish that the discount percentage for early payment of real estate taxes be set at one-half of one percent (0.5%) per annum for Fiscal Year 2018.
By Council Member Ferreras-Copeland
Whereas, Pursuant to Section 1519-a(7)(b) of the New York City Charter (Charter), the Banking Commission is required to recommend to the Council of the City of New York (Council), not later than the 13th day of May, the proposed discount percentage allowed for early payment of real estate taxes; and
Whereas, Section 1519-a(7)(c) of the Charter provides that the Council may adopt a discount percentage for early payment of real estate taxes no earlier than the 14th day of May; and
Whereas, The Banking Commission forwarded its recommendation to the Council, by letter dated May 12, 2017, that the discount percentage for early payment of real estate taxes for Fiscal Year 2018 be set at one-half of one percent (0.5%) per annum; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That the Council of the City of New York establishes that the discount percentage for early payment of real estate taxes be set at one-half of one percent (0.5%) per annum for Fiscal Year 2018.