Res. No. 1289
Resolution calling on the state of New York to ban the sale of lipsticks that contain lead in quantities greater than 1.11 parts per million.
By Council Members Eugene, Crowley and Mendez
Whereas, Exposure to lead can affect the central nervous system, the kidneys, and the immune system, and lead to reduced fertility in both men and women; and
Whereas, In young children, chronic exposure to even low levels of lead is associated with impaired cognitive function, including reduced IQ, behavioral difficulties and other problems; and
Whereas, Recognizing the dangers of lead decades ago, the U.S. government required paint companies to remove lead from their products in 1978 and began reducing the content of lead in gasoline in 1972, completely banning it in 1996; and
Whereas, A 2010 Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”) study of the total lead content in 400 lipstick brands available on the market found lead in every sample tested, in amounts ranging from 0.026 parts per million to 7.19 parts per million, with an average value of 1.11 parts per million; and
Whereas, In a University of California study, researchers found that many women applied lipstick from 2 to 14 times every day, ingesting or absorbing as much as 87 milligrams of lipstick a day; and
Whereas, According to the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics, exposure to a little bit of lead over a long period of time can add up to significant exposure; and
Whereas, The FDA does not currently regulate the presence of lead in lipstick products, but is considering setting a maximum limit on such lead levels; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That the Council of the city of New York calls on the state of New York to ban the sale of lipsticks that contain lead in quantities greater than 1.11 parts per million.
LS #8079