Res. No. 1249
Resolution calling on the New York State Legislature to pass and the Governor to sign A.8575, which seeks to create a uniform baseline standards for drug testing, including synthetic cannabinoids, for individuals who are on probation or parole.
By Council Member Wills
Whereas, Currently, New York State does not have an established baseline standard for drug testing individuals who are on probation or parole; and
Whereas, While State correctional institutions test probationers and parolees for illegal substance use, such as marijuana and cocaine, these institution do not test for synthetic cannabinoids; and
Whereas, Synthetic cannabinoids are generally marketed as legal and typically consist of plant material coated by chemicals, which are supposed to mimic THC, the active chemical compound in marijuana; and
Whereas, According to the New York State Department of Health, hospitals located in the State have recently experienced a dramatic increase in emergency department visits for adverse health effects due to synthetic cannabinoids; and
Whereas, In response to this alarming public health risk, New York City enacted local laws criminalizing the sale and production of synthetic cannabinoids; and
Whereas, A.8575, introduced by New York State Assembly Member Edward P. Ra and pending in the Assembly, seeks to create a set of uniform minimum standards for drug testing parolees and probationers, which would include synthetic cannabinoids; and
Whereas, A.8575 would permit local probation departments, municipalities, and regional departments of parole, to employ stricter drug testing policies; and
Whereas, A.8575 would identify individuals on probation and parole who see synthetic cannabinoids as a way to cheat current drug tests; and
Whereas, Many of these probationers and parolees subsequently become one of the many victims of synthetic cannabinoids that result in drug-related hospital admissions; and
Whereas, Identifying these individuals would help lower the number of people going to New York State hospital emergency rooms due to the use of synthetic drugs; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That the Council of the City of New York calls on the New York State Legislature to pass and the Governor to sign A.8575, which seeks to create a uniform baseline standards for drug testing, including synthetic cannabinoids, for individuals who are on probation or parole.
LS 6114